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19 posts total
Robert Reich

Trump's administration weakened or wiped out more than 125 environmental rules over four years.

Now, he's promised to do whatever Big Oil wants if they give him $1 billion for his campaign.

That's the thing with Trump: He'll sell us all out for his own gain.

Be warned.

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How could anyone think it's a far fetched idea that Trump sold classified info?
Trump would sell his children to save his own orange skin.


@rbreich it's amazing how easy it is to pump up the economy when you're doing it at the cost of our civilization. It's so cheap and lazy.

Mad Dog Ace Run

He is basically nothing but a mob boss. Extortion, kickbacks, whatever can make him and his cronies a quick buck.

Caring about our future...

Not so much.

Robert Reich

Call me crazy, but maybe presidents who get themselves indicted shouldn't have their criminal trials presided over by judges they themselves appointed.

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Geldforschung ✅

@rbreich Call me crazy but maybe judges should BE elected by the people.

Peter Brown

@rbreich it would at least give a better impression of the administration of genuine Justice.

John R :verified:

I’ll go a step further.

Senators and Representatives in Congress don’t get to vote during an Impeachment when they are known to be complicit.

We wouldn’t have a Trump problem if this were the norm.

Robert Reich

Amazon and Space X are fighting in court to have the National Labor Relations Board declared unconstitutional.

This means the two richest men on earth want to dismantle the agency that holds them accountable for union busting.

Nothing terrifies them more than worker power.

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@rbreich Not true.
Nothing terrifies them more than not being ludicrously rich.


@rbreich it’s not like they have the tools Biden had with the rail workers. What do you expect them to do?



Full support for any lawsuit trying to protect individuals and businesses right to a jury trial.

Hopefully reform can be done to the NLRB that benefits both sides.

Robert Reich

Between 1978 and 2022:

-Worker pay grew by 15%

-Top exec pay jumped by 1,209%

Major US CEOs are now paid 344 times more than their typical employees.

When I say corporate CEOs are exploiting labor, this is what I mean.

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@rbreich Fuck CEOs, they're just slave drivers for the company owners. The real problem is the incredible growth in the wealth of the top 1%.



Note that the rich do not contribute much to FICA because of the cap, so the fund shrinks in relation to inflation.

Robert Reich

The price of Huggies diapers went up 6% between April- June 2023.

Inflation, right? Wrong.

Kimberly-Clark, the maker of Huggies, reported that the cost to make its products fell by $75 million.They took the money and ran, banking $168 million in operating profits in Q3 2023.

Now, new research shows that corporate profits drove 53% of inflation during the 2nd and 3rd quarters of 2023. During the 40 years prior to the pandemic, profits drove just 11% of price growth.

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Not A Bird

@rbreich Mark of capitalism's dominance over the government. Pretty much an oligarchy now.


@rbreich sir, could you please provide the source for this information?


@rbreich greed! Guess they needed that extra to build their own apocalypse proof, underground bunker?

Robert Reich

Republicans are lying when they say slashing IRS funds will lower the deficit. For each extra $1 the IRS spends auditing rich tax cheats, it can collect $12. Defunding the IRS will INCREASE the deficit.

They want to help their rich donors cheat, while the rest of us pay for it.

Robert Reich

Just a reminder that Clarence Thomas let a GOP megadonor take him on lavish trips, buy his mom's house and let her live there rent free, pay for his grandnephew to attend a private boarding school — all in secret until now.

How is he still on the Supreme Court?

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P J Evans

Because the chief justice has no courage (and no ethics) and Congress can't, or won't, impeach and convict.

Chuks Awa

@rbreich You can be sure what republicans would be doing if shoe were on the other foot

Robert Reich

Members of the Supreme Court:
‼️Accepted payments from billionaires and special interests
‼️who had business before the court
‼️and kept that info from the public
‼️now they are refusing to comply with a Congressional inquiry about it

The Court is de-legitimizing *themselves.*

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@rbreich This is what happens when Republicans are in charge. Honesty and decency are thrown to the wolves.
Lies and corruption step in.

John Yates

@rbreich #Unpack the #FailedRobertsCourt now! It is a white nationalist, Christian, theocratic body (in direct opposition to separation of church and state) and is legislating fringe, junk politics and prejudices from the bench. It is illegitimate and needs to be fixed asap! Mount a well funded grass roots lobbying machine to make it so. #UnpackTheCourt ! #Politics



Why are Democrats mostly silent when it is their side?

Blumenthal - Vietnam
Byrd - Ku Klux Klan member
Pelosi - insider trading
Rangel - not only not paying for his "fair share" of Taxes, but not paying them at all.
Biden - Chinese and Ukraine kickbacks. Ukraine quid pro quo.
Blinken - Hunter laptop "Russian Disinformation"

Robert Reich

RT @rbreich
Please spare us the Republican Party’s fake outrage about the deficit.

The Bush and Trump tax cuts have cost us an estimated $10 trillion since their enactment.

When billionaires and corporations are getting a handout, the GOP couldn’t care less about the national debt.

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John Yates

@rbreich Repealing the #GOP tax cuts should be the answer to articulate in negotiations and the media. And bring back the 90% top tax rate, and initiate a wealth tax. All these should be obvious. The super rich are robbing everyone else and making the poor fund the country, and baiting the ignorant into fighting over crumbs to keep them too busy to see the truth. #Politics


@rbreich Followed you for a long time. Wondering. How much of the debt is from the massive Reagan tax cuts? I have thought for years now that they would be the largest part.

Robert Reich

Just to recap, Clarence Thomas:

-Accepted lavish trips from GOP billionaire megadonor Harlan Crow

-Had undisclosed real estate deals with Crow

-Didn’t recuse himself from a SCOTUS case that involved Crow's business

Are we really going to let him get away with this?

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Eleanna Of Tundar

@rbreich sad to say we will, and we will lose our democracy before abandoning delusions of easy riches and fame.

Christopher Phillips 🇨🇦🏳️‍🌈

@rbreich We will, because people don’t understand or care about the things which don’t immediately impact them in their current moment.

Robert Reich

Elon Musk lost $13 billion in 24 hours on Thursday, and he’s still the world’s second richest person

Don't tell me billionaires can't afford a wealth tax.

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MamaBear :fuck_verify:

You have never replied to a single person here have you Mr. Reich. Doesn’t that seem a bit odd?


@rbreich he lost predicted future value that stems from the manner in which he is expected to employ capital lent to him by others. Fantasy money.
Musk is a fantasist, but then, so are you.

Robert Reich

When billionaires take control of vital communication platforms, it’s not a win for free speech. It’s a win for oligarchy.

And when those billionaires justify their business motives by citing “freedom,” what they actually seek is freedom from accountability.

Don't be fooled.

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@rbreich we have to come together and build a way to stop them! #WeAreTheGuardrails is a great start! Building a coalition to save democracy! We’re not going to be fooled by their Russian lies.

One World One People

@rbreich TWW: The messenger is not the origin, look past and expose why they would deceive. Beware the overt deception repeated.
*Once discovered what to do about deception and corruption becomes the more important. I had a simple boatyard rule: ‘Don’t come to me with a situation and no solution’. That was long ago and I’ve mellowed but the rule still applies. I read / hear much in media that alerts me to horrific situations, seldom with well thought out and projected solutions. OWOP

Robert Reich

trickle down economics
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@rbreich Looks like right now we have reached approximately the "trickle down eco" with regards to public perception

Robert Reich

Since 2020, for every dollar the bottom 90% have gained, billionaires have gained $1.7 million. This level of inequality is not only unsustainable, it’s downright cruel.

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@rbreich and despite this they fight for every cent as if they are minimum wage workers.

For example: Musk could have rid homself of Twitter for $1B. Instead he made the calculation that it is better to lose $44B and drive Tesla stock into the ground, rather than pay the penalty


@rbreich Is there a source for this please with further details?

Robert Reich

Moderna is planning to charge $130 for its COVID vaccine, but the vaccine only costs $2.85 to make.

Meanwhile, over the last two years, the company made over $19 billion in profits off the vaccine.

Folks, this is what corporate greed looks like.

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Did anyone think that pharmaceuticals are driven purely by humanitarian concerns?

The Duality of Xan

@rbreich While the pandemic is still going on, no less. Absolutely reprehensible.

Robert Reich


It’s not a coincidence that the “no one wants to work anymore” crowd is also against increasing the minimum wage to be a living wage.


Robert Reich

Three multibillionaires now own more wealth than the bottom half of America – 160 million Americans.

Don’t tell us we can’t afford a wealth tax on the super-rich.

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Kate Nova

@rbreich Wealth Tax? I'd be happy if they just paid normal taxes. Or any taxes at all!

Robert Reich

Instead of: no one wants to work anymore. Try: no one wants to be exploited anymore.

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@rbreich Happy holidays Prof. Reich I hope you have lots of joy and family around you this holiday season. 🎄🎄🎄🎄

Strongspiritmind Projects

@rbreich If you work for someone else, you're being exploited. Work for yourself.

Robert Reich

I refuse to accept an economic system in which school teachers pay a higher tax rate than billionaire investors.

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@rbreich Someone needs to pay the bills in America, the 1% have all the money after decades of trickle down economics.


Ah yes, but like the Universe noting Steven Crane's declaration of self-existence, it creates no sense of obligation in the economic system.


@rbreich what exactly can be done to change it? It’s been this way and steadily getting worse for the average person since I’ve become an adult, I was 18 forty years ago.

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