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Robert Reich

I refuse to accept an economic system in which school teachers pay a higher tax rate than billionaire investors.


@rbreich I wish I had an option but unfortunately billionaires will always cheat the system. (They wouldn’t be a billionair if they followed the rules)

Jane Ayers

@BKH @rbreich Who is the “you people” you’re referencing?

Christine 🏳️‍⚧️🦋

@BKH @rbreich it doesn't matter who we vote for, all the politicians work for the very wealthy.


@rbreich This school teacher agrees 🤯

Ω 🌍 Gus Posey

As a teacher, let me tell you that a lot of those larger structures (pay, benefits, career trajectories, etc.) loom like plagues when one compares their efforts to their rewards.



@rbreich I've been scraping by on the minimum wage in Australia for a while thanks to the pandemic, and I've been paying more tax than billionaire investors.


@rbreich I hope you're loving that, as an important #American voice for #kindness, you're getting a wide reach here in this new (to us!) place. Carry on! And thank you!

Bc Clarity Carlton-Martin

@rbreich How long did you teach? . Has it always been so? Billionaires are not that new. #Pharoah


@rbreich 👍
it's simple good sense. Unfortunately, many still do not understand it!


@rbreich This teacher couldn’t agree more. 😳

Glenn H.

@rbreich What's the next step in economic systems? What replaces our hybrid-capitalistic-social system as an improvement?


@rbreich "The rich will invest the money, which will create jobs."

That lie has had traction since the 1980s, if not earlier. It's part of what keeps middle- and working-class people voting against their own interests.

Jan Antoš

@hwebb @rbreich Well, me grown in communist country telling you, the other side doesn’t work neither.


@janantos It shouldn't be so hard to find a healthy balance, but it seems that corruption is woven into both of our systems.

Jan Antoš

@hwebb you don’t understand it, it is not about balance, it’s about people, and those who goes to the power all the times think just about them, never mind what system is it. Power and money destroys humanity ;-) however believe me, capitalism at least does not imprison and death punish its opponents.


@janantos US capitalism is responsible for massive amounts of suffering and death. Maybe something else we have in common is that our systems are dominated by oligarchs (getting back to Robert Reich's original point).

Jan Antoš

@hwebb but no one has been sentenced to death as in my country, you know there has been lack of toilet paper and queues for meat in 80s. While communist party high members were eating caviar. Waiting time for car has been several years. However so am glad for European system of capitalism.


@janantos I agree with you, but please understand that while "it could be worse" is truthful, it is also dismissive.

SpeechPath62 🌊🌸🌈🧩

@hwebb @rbreich Also, the rich are also about power and control. It’s a caste system.

💠 Dave No One 💠

@rbreich @hwebb They surely will. In Switzerland or on the Cayman Islands…

Tyler Wasson

@rbreich B uT ThE bILlIoNAIreS CrEaTe JoBs

Marc P Beauchamp

@rbreich we may need to consider marching on the Bastille?


And yet we all continue to use their fake money, fabricated from nothing. We all continue to pay taxes to a government that is firmly under corporate control.



Sirs, I wish you would give this plan your full consideration. My 92 year old father asked me to check this article to see whether I could find any holes in it. I challenge any of you to poke holes in the argument.

Overview of the Economic Democracy Act | Center for Economic & Social Justice


@rbreich …you forgot that they pay higher taxes AND pay for all the school supplies for their students out of their own pocketbooks. #truestory

✨Jes ✨

@KFair @rbreich And teachers only get a miniscule write-off compared to the ultra wealthy. It so wrong to me.


@rbreich Asking that everyone be taxed the same is just seeking equality in oppression, we should be asking that the government take less from people not more.

But as long as they're taking stuff they should target the billionaires and leave normal people alone.

Ukraine Will Win

@SocialistStan @rbreich

Isn't the idea of "limited government" really just a perpetuation of the inequalities that exist in society?

This is a common "libertarian" tactic, espouse "limited government" except for building a wall on the border, or funding the military. No limitations there, its just things like health care where they want "limited government."

I know you're not actually a libertarian, but IMO contemporary libertarianism is a fraud perpetuated by the rich to impose inequality.


@UkraineWillWin @rbreich Libertarian capitalist ideas of limited government are functionally just feudalism, the rich playing the roll of the state.


@UkraineWillWin @rbreich Under libertarian socialism however the 'state' is the people, its functions are carried out by the people as a horizontal structure.


@UkraineWillWin @rbreich It's interesting to think of how a libertarian socialist 'state' would interact with the rest of the world. In Rojava where a lot of these ideas have been implemented they have a figurehead legislature with no real power because that's what other countries expect to be able to interact with.

Koray Karatay (MD,Scifi maker)

@rbreich You don't become billionaire with avoiding tax bud.

Robin Brenizer 🪷

@rbreich it’s morally wrong that we build the infrastructure and services that they exploit for profit.


@rbreich Price gouging and wage demands. Trickle up and at least some trickle down. Software engineer layoffs are just high pay job churning - still a seller's market.

SpeechPath62 🌊🌸🌈🧩

@rbreich Thanks! I am a Speech Therapist who works in public schools. Both of my kids make more than I do. with 30 years of experience and 2 Master’s degrees. They are in their early 30s. #NEA #PublicEducation


We need Elizabeth Warren as Senate Majority Leader. Manchin needs his chairmanship of the Senate Energy Committee stripped. He's corrupt.

Smarmy Marmy

@rbreich this teacher is sick of it. Every year we are given more duties, more expectations, but no increase in compensation. I don't want to be a billionaire; I'd just like to be able to reliably provide for my family. I feel I'd have much more focus and motivation in the classroom if the stress of affording basic needs wasn't looking over me every week. I care for my students, but I love my own kids more.


@rbreich I understand the sentiment but teachers (and everyone else) pay the same tax rate on investments


@rbreich Amen, brother.
Until billionaires are taxed into not billionaires, they will continue to be bad for democracy and existential dangers to each and every one of us.


What about other professionals? Ok, for an emergency worker to pay more taxes than a billionaire, but not teachers?
Given capitalism is the economic system of Western societies and has been in place before you or I were born, I wish you good luck in changing it.

Jan Hildegard

@HabsFan @rbreich as a teacher, I don't mind paying taxes. I know that those funds go to keep hospitals, schools, roads and, those less fortunate going. That being said, I would like the billionaires to pay their fair share too, so that everything is better.


@rbreich Tax rates are the result of public policy not economic systems. Capitalism is still capitalism whether you have flat tax, progressive tax, or no tax. They're two different subjects. But, yes, they are both messed up.

Francisco Alcala

@rbreich Hi I read your book supercapitalism and in my mind get stuck the duality citizen/investor now what would be the equivalent in a supersocialism? I hypothesize that in the other part of the spectrum, the duality will be Citizen/welfare recipient.

ydna 🍻

@rbreich Just stop taxing income from teaching?

Jeff Town

@rbreich You do accept it every day. the rich are above the law.

John Chapman

@rbreich ...and those on benefits pay an even higher rate of tax when indirect taxes are taken into account.


@rbreich I agree with you in principle, but here we all are, participating in this system. For the moment, we’ve accepted it.


@rbreich Someone needs to pay the bills in America, the 1% have all the money after decades of trickle down economics.


Ah yes, but like the Universe noting Steven Crane's declaration of self-existence, it creates no sense of obligation in the economic system.


@rbreich what exactly can be done to change it? It’s been this way and steadily getting worse for the average person since I’ve become an adult, I was 18 forty years ago.

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