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Robert Reich

When billionaires take control of vital communication platforms, it’s not a win for free speech. It’s a win for oligarchy.

And when those billionaires justify their business motives by citing “freedom,” what they actually seek is freedom from accountability.

Don't be fooled.


@rbreich it’s no longer a vital communication platform. It’s a Nazi/white supremacy safe space. It’s 4chan with a new logo.

Nume MacAroon Ⓥ

@rbreich That's why Mastodon is so important for our time.


@rbreich agreed, totally. Enabled by all the idiots who profess to hate all he stands for.


Can you blame them? the government is no longer held accountable!, Judges are no longer held accountable! why should they be?


@rbreich his bogus free speech claim was toast as soon as people were dropping the N word with zero consequences but I got Perma banned for calling a country singer a redneck for insulting "race or religion"

Dani 🌻

@rbreich Governments need to get off Twitter now.


@DaniEhm @rbreich the worst thing to happen to the world was that the old guard managed to recruit young people to take over for their lack of understanding of the internet before the next generation was ready to lead


@rbreich I agree. I've often see you draw attention to problems that are being ignored, which I have appreciated. Are you encouraging your many followers to move to platforms that are not controlled by oligarchs?


@rbreich we have to come together and build a way to stop them! #WeAreTheGuardrails is a great start! Building a coalition to save democracy! We’re not going to be fooled by their Russian lies.

One World One People

@rbreich TWW: The messenger is not the origin, look past and expose why they would deceive. Beware the overt deception repeated.
*Once discovered what to do about deception and corruption becomes the more important. I had a simple boatyard rule: ‘Don’t come to me with a situation and no solution’. That was long ago and I’ve mellowed but the rule still applies. I read / hear much in media that alerts me to horrific situations, seldom with well thought out and projected solutions. OWOP

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