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Robert Reich

Trump's administration weakened or wiped out more than 125 environmental rules over four years.

Now, he's promised to do whatever Big Oil wants if they give him $1 billion for his campaign.

That's the thing with Trump: He'll sell us all out for his own gain.

Be warned.

Randy Dyck

@rbreich Apparently this is illegal - bribes.


@rbreich Mr Biggly strikes again. If Dems listened to Bernie Sanders Trump would be history and USA would be a much better place for everyone except the corporations.



Trump is also soliciting oil industry bribes when he proposes to cancel all federal offshore wind projects "on day one." (That will be a busy day.)

He doesn't know about or understand wind energy. He doesn't "hate it" as he proclaims. He just knows it's a cultural hot button for the right and for an oil industry that has enough money to pay for his campaign - and almost enough to pay his lawyers. He's such an obvious sham.


How could anyone think it's a far fetched idea that Trump sold classified info?
Trump would sell his children to save his own orange skin.


@rbreich it's amazing how easy it is to pump up the economy when you're doing it at the cost of our civilization. It's so cheap and lazy.

Mad Dog Ace Run

He is basically nothing but a mob boss. Extortion, kickbacks, whatever can make him and his cronies a quick buck.

Caring about our future...

Not so much.

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