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Robert Reich

The price of Huggies diapers went up 6% between April- June 2023.

Inflation, right? Wrong.

Kimberly-Clark, the maker of Huggies, reported that the cost to make its products fell by $75 million.They took the money and ran, banking $168 million in operating profits in Q3 2023.

Now, new research shows that corporate profits drove 53% of inflation during the 2nd and 3rd quarters of 2023. During the 40 years prior to the pandemic, profits drove just 11% of price growth.

Robert Reich

News flash: Corporations used "inflation" as cover to squeeze more money out of you."

Wilson :nfld_flag:

@rbreich Now the question is: What consequence will they face?

Bill Lamb


And, sadly, corporations havne't suffered for it.


@rbreich No shit. Great example, Gas X...upped by over 1.50 per flat of what USED TO BE 12 tabs, but then unannouncedly 9. Lying liars and the lies they tell.


@rbreich Gee … not enough competitive pressure?

Anti-trust laws, regulations, taxation with investment insentives …
all this needs to be stronger…
from a responsible, competent body of legislators acting and speaking on behalf of the best interests of their constituents, and the country…

I think one key objective to get us back to this direction is overturning Citizens United…

Another is regulating lies, and news & media propagating them (harder, but important)…

@rbreich Gee … not enough competitive pressure?

Anti-trust laws, regulations, taxation with investment insentives …
all this needs to be stronger…
from a responsible, competent body of legislators acting and speaking on behalf of the best interests of their constituents, and the country…

I think one key objective to get us back to this direction is overturning Citizens United…


@rbreich You're as full of shit as a used Huggies diaper.

Pete Zicato

@GummyNerds @rbreich

We’re sorry, but your post lacks any kind of reference or documentation. You will have to re-apply with corroborative documentation before we can acknowledge your personhood.

Mother Bones AKA Bae'd Runner

@PeteZ @rbreich
That account has a header witha sign saying "Trolls Choice." I just blocked 'em.

...In fact, I reported their trolling posts and then blocked the whole instance. From what I could tell it's a troll instance.


Somehow this is not surprising.
Remember how in construction there were all kinds of excuses for ridiculous price increase of up to 300%

It was everything from Covid to Ukraine war. Suddenly Ukraine was the only country in the world who could produce what we needed. Even products that had been produced nationally for decades...

And the covid was used to increase the export price but then why was the price of nationally produced goods also increased.

Now It's confirmed. Thanks.

Somehow this is not surprising.
Remember how in construction there were all kinds of excuses for ridiculous price increase of up to 300%

It was everything from Covid to Ukraine war. Suddenly Ukraine was the only country in the world who could produce what we needed. Even products that had been produced nationally for decades...

Caleb James DeLisle
Lets suppose you're absolutely right, what are you going to do about it?

Enact price controls? Maybe that will work, maybe it won't. If the products are made overseas and they can get a better price elsewhere, they won't send them to the US at all.

Investigate the companies? They'll move their headquarters out of the US, they're already not making anything in the states, moving headquarters is basically a formality.

There's a lot of things you can do to "send a message", but nothing you can do will actually make diapers cheaper.... UNLESS you slash regulation and encourage more startups to enter the diaper business and compete.

But if you do that, then you have to walk back on your entire political career.
Lets suppose you're absolutely right, what are you going to do about it?

Enact price controls? Maybe that will work, maybe it won't. If the products are made overseas and they can get a better price elsewhere, they won't send them to the US at all.
Doug Baker

@rbreich The tobacco industry is an old hand at this- whenever tax on tobacco was increased, the industry would add a bit more on, so that they hid behind the tax.

Wayne Dixon

@rbreich @adrienne so they’re using “inflation” as in “inflation of their profits”.

NosirrahSec 🏴‍☠️

@rbreich Until we start erecting gallows, they will never stop profiteering on our necessities.

David Mitchell :CApride:

@rbreich @NosirrahSec

Corporate death penalty is sorely needed.

I have also argued for a strong form of ‘financial imprisonment’ or financial ‘house arrest’ as a response to serious ‘white collar’ crime.


@DavidM_yeg @rbreich @NosirrahSec Financial house arrest as in no income but basic income?
I’m down for that.

Marc Geffen

@rbreich This goes a long way to explaining what’s happening right now in the stock market. Profits are through the roof despite high interest rates and increased household debt.

John Breen

@rbreich So you are a pro economist - I'm just an amateur....
But it's always stuck with me that the price of a commodity is set by asking the customers the question "how much do you have (for this purpose)".
Since people were spending less money on things like travel, concerts, eating out, they had more money to spend on diapers.
So obviously, the consultants recommended raising prices, because the market would tolerate it.


@jab01701mid @rbreich Yeah. You just described the process of rationalizing greed. You can call it lots of things but basing prices on the maximum you can force people to pay is greedy, especially when the product is a basic need (in the modern sense of the word need).


@medley56 @jab01701mid @rbreich competition used to be a hedge against this, but not anymore with no antitrust enforcement (thanks Reagan et al). You can't really go across the street for a better deal when the same corporate holding company owns the mattress store or eyeglass retailer across the street too. And with dozens of brands under each, many people don't really even realize which industries have basically already become cartels.

Lamont Granquist

@medley56 @jab01701mid @rbreich You're interpreting that as a rationalization. But the previous poster is just describing what actually happened. People saved money during the pandemic. Corporations--which are always greedy as their natural state--saw the opportunity and raised prices. Due to inelastic demand and supply issues they were successful at raising prices and they're approaching the end game of confiscating all those savings.


@lamont @jab01701mid @rbreich I think we agree on all points in terms of what has occurred. It’s not OK that our economic system works this way.


@rbreich We've made an economy that's a zero-sum gain. "Excess Savings" results in increased prices without a change in demand or price to produce, because the economy is mostly composed of monopolies and coordinated actor (trusts without being called trusts).

Donald Ball

@rbreich @pzmyers I remember reading so many statements by professional economists asserting that this absolutely could not happen in theory.

Catherine is Tired

@rbreich cloth. In all seriousness people managed with cloth diapers for hundreds of years. Fuck landfill choking disposables.

Social Diaspora Bard

@CatDragon @rbreich Millions of people don't have personal laundry machines and most commercial laundries don't allow diapers for sanitary reasons. And cloth diaper services are way too expensive for most people, too.

This is another one of those situations where we have to solve the economic problem before we can solve the environmental one.

Catherine is Tired

@textualdeviance @rbreich do you really think your great grandma had a washing machine or a laundromat?

Social Diaspora Bard

@CatDragon @rbreich My great grandma died after ruining her body with 9 kids because she didn't have access to birth control.

Fetishizing low-tech eras without thinking about the enormous body counts those involve is ridiculous.

Catherine is Tired

@textualdeviance @rbreich fetishizing?
I live in the country. I hang my clothes out, compost, garden, and can food. I frequently wash clothes by hand. I used cloth diapers on my kids. There’s nothing wrong with being self sufficient and environment friendly.

Social Diaspora Bard

@CatDragon @rbreich And people who live in urban areas and are working two jobs would have the time, energy and skills to do all this when, exactly?

Your little cottagecore life works for you, and that's fine. But it's not how modern life works for millions of other people.

Catherine is Tired

@textualdeviance @rbreich not cottage core, been doing this my entire life, urban, suburban, and rural. Worked a good 50-60 hours a week and raised two kids. Is everyone able to do it? No. But if you can you should. Disposable everything is killing us.

Social Diaspora Bard

@CatDragon Do you vote for Democrats in every election? Because I guarantee you that a person who uses disposable diapers but votes every time is doing way more for the planet than a non-voter who thinks their homesteading skills make them morally superior. Individual actions don't have anywhere near the same impact on climate change that changes in public policy do.

Catherine is Tired

@textualdeviance I vote and attend every town meeting, even the reaaaally boring ones.

Catherine is Tired

@textualdeviance also WHY homesteading skills as a description ?
These are things my grandparents practiced and I grew up learning.


@rbreich Price is how the market apportions scarcity. The alternative is government rationing.

Gina Intheburg 🇺🇦 🌻

@DanaBlankenhorn @rbreich

That's one explanation. Another is companies charge whatever the market will bear - in other words, the highest price they can squeeze out of consumers. Yet another is when companies let greed get the better of them and just continue to charge far more than they need after circumstances have changed and scarcity &/or production costs no longer justify prices.

Radio Resistance

@rbreich It's great that we have research to back this up, but we can see it happening right in front of us. They're reporting HUGE profits while we're paying for high INFLATION. You don't have to have a phd in economics to figure out this math.

Honest Jim - webcomic

@rbreich Call me stupid, but the only way to stop corporations is to simply stop buying from them.

There's 99% more shops, and if there isn't a fair replacement, then for sure some of the millions of people can start a few.

Stop. buying. from. corporations.


@rbreich Adam Smith:

"Smith thought that high profits were a symptom of serious market disequilibrium: they were ‘always highest in the countries which are going fastest to ruin.’ "

If markets are central to capitalism and high profits are a symptom of dysfunction in its core pillar, high profits are, in essence, anti-capitalist.

Conservatives don't defend capitalism, they destroy it. The Left is actually doing more for healthy markets.


@rbreich Adam Smith:

"Smith thought that high profits were a symptom of serious market disequilibrium: they were ‘always highest in the countries which are going fastest to ruin.’ "

If markets are central to capitalism and high profits are a symptom of dysfunction in its core pillar, high profits are, in essence, anti-capitalist.

@GhostOnTheHalfShell @rbreich it's just price discovery. You just raise your prices and see what the market will bear. Clearly people are willing to pay the prices for the convenience vs going back to cloth diapers (which as a poor 80s kid, we used)

@rbreich And you will vote for Joe Biden, who will make all of these things worse and allow fascism in by the back door - you're not a fucking serious person


@textualdeviance @rbreich You get killed slowly with Biden and killed quickly with Trump. If the left in the US got off their a$$, out of their high paying charity board jobs and off their twitter (or fedi these days) feeds, they might be able to turn out NON-voters and push biden to the left on israel, , so that they then endorse him. But no. Lol


@rbreich in Dutch we have a new word for that, "graaiflatie", it translates as grabflation in English. It was voted word of the year in Both the Netherlands and the Dutch speaking part of Belgium.

Luci for dyeing

@luciedigitalni @Libby_ @rbreich it used to be called “price fixing” but i guess that has too many negative connotations that people are afraid to say it out loud?

lucie digitální

@zens @Libby_ @rbreich i think price-fixing is when there's collusion to set prices. this is just straight price-gouging, made possible by a lack of effective competition

Luci for dyeing

@luciedigitalni @Libby_ @rbreich collusion was recently proven. it’s just laundered with “algorithms”

Luci for dyeing

@luciedigitalni @Libby_ @rbreich like… if you have a computer program to change your store prices the microsecond your competition does, is an actual conversation to agree to do that needed?

Marco Cordero

@rbreich the story of our lives... what exactly can we do to expose this global situation?

Hot Dog Water


Jus' wunnerin' if they made any statements or had mouth-talkers come out to coo and patronize the go-to single mother or struggling family, lamenting their self-inflated cost of diapers during that time.

Or were they at least smart enough to STFU while stealing candy from babies?



Well, at least the rich get even richer by milking all the dumb peasants, right?

I wonder when people will ever realize that at least half of our problems, if not much, much more, would be solved, if you disown all the billionaires and millionaires + make it impossible for people to earn such money + put a cap of wealth + set all land to belong to the state.



Canadian grocery shoppers are familiar with the model, monopolies make sure, there are three , all with record profits.

Kevin Russell


This is true. Inflation based in profit-stealing, disgustingly, are driving inflation, and you can calculate what cost increases ALSO drive inflation, and calculate which is just "gimme."

AND some of the "cost" portion of a products price rise is THEIR suppliers profit-stealing, suppliers who have NO cost increases.


@rbreich I wonder what the percentage of our lives is that we are unshackled debt/profit slaves. Not small.


I don’t doubt you, but what’s the research?

Alasondro Alegré :skp242:

@why0hy @rbreich

Here is the 10Q for Q3 2023:

The operating profit of $168 million is reported for the business segment 'K-C Professional' that does not include Huggies.


@3s25q2ec @rbreich
That’s not the research


@rbreich Guillotines are really easy to make. The French national library has the plans online. Just sayin.


@rbreich I feel like the corporate is going one after another, not driven by inflation 😁

BeAware :veriweed:

@rbreich unfortunately we are all slaves of the system. What is a parent gonna do? NOT buy diapers for their infant? Someone would call Child Protective Services so fast they wouldn't have time to say "Child Protective Services"😬

Monkey Boy


I'll need to check your references. Of course you gave none.


@rbreich Can you provide your sources please?

Ned Yeung

@rbreich This is why basic necessities can't be left to profiteering. The more basic the need (ie, utilities and housing), the worse the gouging.

I totally get the need for free-market, but there are places where we need to say, "Hands off!", even if we start regulating just one industry at a time.



"Inflation, right? Wrong"

No ... I'm pretty sure that's still called 'inflation'. But I'm no economist, so ... sure. Whatever.

Edit: I should note that I agree that that the profiteering, using inflation (or the media talk giving rise to a public expectation of inflation) as an excuse, is as lamentable as it is common. But at the end of the day, the price went up, eroding purchasing power, which pretty much = inflation, as I understand it.

Aaron O

@rbreich can you share the source research?


@rbreich we need standards agencies and *public data tracking*


@rbreich I think this is still a free market at work. I bought a lot of diapers and Pampers/Huggies were always expensive. They're the luxe diapers.

Jacob Corvidae

@rbreich This would be a very useful stat, depending on the source - can you point to the research?



Screw over the poor, blame Dem president.

Gop president, reduce prices and then say how great of a job he is doing. (Always a he).

It's a conspiracy writ so large as to be unbelievable.

I said this decades ago, and it remains true.

Lord Kusuriya ​:tower:​

@SpaceLifeForm There was some great research that someone did out there comparing economic cycles and their conclusions were for one term presidents they will never feel the effects of their policies and term limits make sure they never feel the full effect. In practice what this looks like is everyone thinks the democrats are reckless spenders out to spend well beyond their means and don't understand how the real economy works and republicans are the generators of true economic prosperity, when in fact that is backwards and basically every dem after Regan has basically sent the economy into the stratosphere by betting in Americans and every republican tanks it by betting on their rich buddies.

@SpaceLifeForm There was some great research that someone did out there comparing economic cycles and their conclusions were for one term presidents they will never feel the effects of their policies and term limits make sure they never feel the full effect. In practice what this looks like is everyone thinks the democrats are reckless spenders out to spend well beyond their means and don't understand how the real economy works and republicans are the generators of true economic prosperity, when...

Lord Kusuriya ​:tower:​

What really blows peoples minds too is jumping off that if you take the statement that mainly Republicans make of taxes kill the economy and actually look into it, turns out the higher you ratchet corporate and capital gains taxes the more the economy grows. When you look at why the greed of the upper class shows up in spite and since it will cost them tons to hold on to money like a dragon they turn around and put it into research, benefits, pay, and bonuses because that offsets their tax liability and they feel some sense of pride in avoiding taxes.


What really blows peoples minds too is jumping off that if you take the statement that mainly Republicans make of taxes kill the economy and actually look into it, turns out the higher you ratchet corporate and capital gains taxes the more the economy grows. When you look at why the greed of the upper class shows up in spite and since it will cost them tons to hold on to money like a dragon they turn around and put it into research, benefits, pay, and bonuses because that offsets their...

4TH3I57 EV L0V3R/ / /

@rbreich best way is organic cotton wraps.. hot water wash machine that.. less infections on kids.. esp female infants.. what ? people are lazy. IMHO



@rbreich But you can't blame those poor innocent greed goblins.

Hugs4friends ♾🇺🇦 🇵🇸😷

@rbreich Ordinary people have 'known' the drivers of inflation, but Reserve Banks keep telling us that we - the ones who have to spend our incomes - are the drivers!

Just Bob 🇺🇲♒🐧


The highest price is when they were first designed. The environment price.

Kimberly-Clark, the maker of Huggies diapers reported that the cost to make its products fell by $75 million between April-June 2023. The price of diapers went up by 6%.


@rbreich Overt profiteering by companies that support the gop. A conspiracy if criminality by the gop.

Kyle Taylor

@rbreich The worst part is they've already gotten away with it. Earning per-share for all S&P 500 companies vs US inflation rate. The biggest companies in the US raised their prices to drive record earnings when interest rates were low. Now they will downsize their workforces as inflation eases and the fed cools the economy. Notice how earnings haven't slowed as much as inflation, though. Still taking profits while they can.




Maybe Dena d is up because people are getting more full of shit?

perfect brains


here's our little socialist troll, reich

making sure nothing is blamed on the illegitimate government and all the blame goes to those evil capitalists

Not A Bird

@rbreich Mark of capitalism's dominance over the government. Pretty much an oligarchy now.


@rbreich sir, could you please provide the source for this information?


@rbreich greed! Guess they needed that extra to build their own apocalypse proof, underground bunker?

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