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David Mitchell :CApride:

@rbreich @NosirrahSec

Corporate death penalty is sorely needed.

I have also argued for a strong form of ‘financial imprisonment’ or financial ‘house arrest’ as a response to serious ‘white collar’ crime.


@DavidM_yeg @rbreich @NosirrahSec Financial house arrest as in no income but basic income?
I’m down for that.

David Mitchell :CApride:

@NosirrahSec @rbreich @WhiteCatTamer

I figure the logic like this: when people show they can’t be trusted with how they use their body, we limit their freedom of movement to protect others, likewise; when people show they can’t be trusted with capital, we should limit their financial freedom to protect others. Not penury, but a reasonable limit like income capped at somewhere around the 50th percentile.

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