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Robert Reich

Three multibillionaires now own more wealth than the bottom half of America – 160 million Americans.

Don’t tell us we can’t afford a wealth tax on the super-rich.


@rbreich how would we tax the super rich without the super passing the tax onto the bottom 160 millian americans


@Structure7780 @rbreich are we supposed to just remain a hostage of the billionaire class? Purchasing other business to consolidate the entire private sector to a few duopolies that grant them the leverage to arbitrarily hike prices?

The only way we can successful enforce taxes on the rich without retaliation is through legislation. Set federal caps on prices and minimum production quotas. When corporations own everything we need to survive, we need to hold them to the fire.


@nicky_james @rbreich like you said we are hostages to billianaries. So how do we get out of that. Legistation is great expect for the fact that americal politicians are the most bribiable job in america.


@Structure7780 @rbreich lol. You're not wrong about being the most bribable job. I think overturning Citizens United is a step in the right direction.

One of the things I do for my dayjob is enact cultural change within organizations to help them adopt new technology and ideas. I think enacting a similar kind of cultural change, specifically targeting Republican voters, is a way to get us to passing more effective legislation.

Robert Reich

@Structure7780 such a major issue. Happy holidays 🎁. Do you follow my daily review?


@Structure7780 @rbreich Because they don't directly control the pricing of goods. They are individually unable to "pass it on.", as it would require steps that would violate existing anti-trust laws.

genewitch i am going to bookmark this, it should have some good arguments from both sides. although it is possible that the ultra-rich don't yet have sycophants all over the fediverse. either way...

italics are sardonism.


@rbreich who are the three? I’m guessing Elon Musk and Bill Gates and who else?


@rbreich how do we resolve the “musk” issue - where he claims he not rich as it all in shares...


@tmyerscough @rbreich we could start by fully funding the IRS, and put an army of people to work investigating his income sources and tax events.

Paul Yager :verified_gay:

@rbreich We should go back to the 1946 tax rate for millionaires where it is 91% after $200k. Maybe update it to 91% after $1 billion. Tax rates were like that until Reagan and "trickle-down" economics.


@pyager @rbreich agree, but we also need to tax their accumulated wealth as well. Second and third and fourth homes, any nonresidential real property they own, any luxury vehicles (yachts, etc) that they own...

Stefan Scholl

@pyager @rbreich billionaires don't get paid in the traditional way. You can't tax them the same.

You need to find some transaction that is specific to this class and tax it.

Stefan Scholl

@rticks @pyager @rbreich I'm not an American but I think restricting someone's speech isn't right.

Maybe you mean restricting their influence. Which is hard to do. But at the very least their influence on politicians (bribes and quasi-bribes) could get restricted by law.

Rhombus Ticks

@Stefan_S_from_H @pyager @rbreich Unlimited Free Speech isnt.

Democracy is a marketplace of ideas

Markets arent evil capitalism is

Unrestricted lying as speech without consequences renders democracy impossible.

Paul Yager :verified_gay:

@Stefan_S_from_H @rticks @rbreich In the U.S. it is unconstitutional to restrict someone's speech even if they are rich. Even without that, I think free speech is important for a functioning democracy.

Paul Yager :verified_gay:

@rticks @Stefan_S_from_H @rbreich I think the problem isn't the U.S. Constitution or any constitution. That isn't the cause of unbridled capitalism or the fact the right is relying on lies and misinformation more and more. Democracy is the way to bridal capitalism and to set things right in a peaceful way. Walking away from democracy is not the way to a better society. Reference any tin-pot dictatorship for proof.

Rhombus Ticks

@pyager @Stefan_S_from_H @rbreich The rules are rigged towards rural power, towards aristocracy and towards capitalism

The 1789 constitution has outlived its usefulness.

It cannot be patched anymore.

It MUST be replaced and safeguards against Capitalism, Billionares, Fascism, Republicanism and every other ism the right stands for

Kevin Russell

@pyager @rticks @Stefan_S_from_H @rbreich

Yes. More democracy, organize democracy, teach democracy, organize people to have more power, democratically.

And dump the fillibuster which is not invited to any party the constitution is going to.

Paul Yager :verified_gay:

@Stefan_S_from_H @rbreich That's a good point. A billionaire/millionaire business owner can decide to take a $1 salary. We do need a true wealth tax, even if that wealth is coming from investments or stocks.


@pyager @rbreich I think setting the cutoff for 91% tax rates at $1B is far too high, too. You could probably not hurt many people if you set that rate at anything over $250k.

You could safely set an income tax rate of 100% for any income over, say, $500k. At that point, the person will have earned $500k in one year, and only any marginal income above the first $500k they earn would be taxed at that rate.

Kevin Russell

@pyager @rbreich

Eisenhower, Republican President after Truman kept most of Roosevelt's, Truman's tax levels, when asked why, said words to the effect, "Lazy money, We only tax lazy money. Upgrade your factory, invest in your business and we dont."

But really, that was before a handfull of men started owning almost all of it.

We need strong, robust, fair, taxation of wealth.


@rbreich In the most literal of senses: we can't afford a wealth tax. Why? Because I don't have enough money to take our politicians off they payroll of wealthy elites.

kylo :verified:

@rbreich It's not about affording one, having one would be unconstitutional, and like every other tax largely be avoided by the super wealthy and placed on the middle class.

You might remember other attempts to target the super wealthy... "The Income Tax", "The Alternative Minimum Tax", and the change that created the current wealth gap "The 1993 Cap on Executive Pay".

Stop demonizing "others". It's no different than what the far right does.

@rbreich It's not about affording one, having one would be unconstitutional, and like every other tax largely be avoided by the super wealthy and placed on the middle class.

You might remember other attempts to target the super wealthy... "The Income Tax", "The Alternative Minimum Tax", and the change that created the current wealth gap "The 1993 Cap on Executive Pay".

kylo :verified:

@rbreich someone thought my post is about defending billionaires.

It's not, obviously billionaires can defend themselves.

I'm defending all of us against those who would divide us into tribes in their quest for power.


@rbreich we can't afford *not* to have an aggressive tax on the rich, both on their income and their wealth.

Robert Reich

@mndatanerd exactly!!
Happy holidays 🎁. Do you follow my daily review?

Kevin Russell

Taxing wealth is supporyed by a majority of conservative voters, indy voters and lib voters. Only elected reps are slow, and all but a handful of Dem Reps support it.

Insist, demand, push, wealth taxes. Save the world.

Robert Reich

@kevinrns i agree with you on that.
Happy holidays 🎁. Do you follow my daily review?

Kevin Russell


Thanks for the note.
Im loving the masto-fedi-verse at the mo, building it up. Hope you keep most of your work here too.

I got a feeling masto-fedi is going to be big, and free.
And important.


@rbreich So Nationalize Tesla and SpaceX instead?


@Rocosan @rbreich SpaceX could be safely absorbed by NASA.

Robert Reich

@Rocosan definitely not the plan.
Happy holidays 🎁. Do you follow my daily review?

Stefan Scholl

@rbreich how do you plan to tax the super-rich?

I really want to know. It's not a rhetorical question. I imagine it's not so straightforward as taxing normal people.

Can this been explained in a short toot?

Robert Reich

@Stefan_S_from_H I’m open to discussion, direct your questions to my forum.

Cat Power

@rbreich this is really shameful. What will it take to call people to account? Is there any goal in life besides $$$?


@rbreich Who needs that much money unless they’re planning on eating it.


@rbreich - 100% with you on this. - for years the value of “user data” was harvested and monetized - those fortunes are the collections of all that value.

Robert Reich

@jtaylor you’re absolutely right.
Happy holidays 🎁. Do you follow my daily review?


From my perspective, we can’t afford to not tax billionaires, and the longer we take to come to this realization as a society, the more damage we allow their greed to inflict


@rbreich at some point, wealth accumulation moves from something that is maybe neutral for society into something that is pathological for the person and malignant for society. I'm not smart enough to know where that point is, but we desperately need to find it and reset our national tax policy with it in mind.

We need rich people to fully and really understand that the sun doesn't, in fact, shine out their backside.

Robert Reich

@mndatanerd it will better once again, It might only take time.
Happy holidays 🎁. Do you follow my daily review?

Alius Ratio

@rbreich As long as we keep electing the rich to make the laws we will keep getting laws that favor the rich.


@aliusratio @rbreich fun fact: I was once told by my state representative -- while I was fighting through job instability and poverty, no less -- that her husband made $750k/year as a health care executive, so "not all Democrats are poor."

Agree that we can't keep electing rich people and expect anything to change, especially if they are winning under the supposedly progressive party's banner.


@rbreich Of course, a tax on personal fortune exists in Europe and it makes sense. Now why are some congresspeople opposed when even these billionaires agree to do it!


Tax the rich... or eventually we will have our own "French Revolution "

Coyote Surfing 🎸🎡


Americans need to take more personal responsibility for their lives

° start an oil corporation
° open a mafia casino
° get $2 Billion from Saudi Arabia


Mark F. Buckley

@rbreich .... Which, of course, will never happen, because you can't afford to run for office without corporate dollars. The point of corporate money isn't to sell a message, but to silence its critics by burying them beneath an avalanche of negative advertising.


@newtonsommelier @rbreich Its totally possible to run for office if you don’t spend a billion dollars on the campaign. That is a uniquely American thing. Most other countries spend very little on their election campaigns and they are over and done with in a month or two (not 2 years). The whole American election process is crazy.


@rbreich I would love if rich people paid like 80% tax, but realistically, we don’t even have go that far. We can start with forcing them to pay ANY tax at all. The main issue is really all of the loopholes that rich people use to move their money around to foreign bank accounts and tax havens. If we just closed all those holes, it would improve things greatly (let alone going farther)


@rbreich is 5hiw after or before Tesla market value went down by 800 billions?


@rbreich The IMBALANCE OF WEALTH is going to bring America to its knees, not to mention that GREED has been EXTREMELY UNFAIR to most working Americans. And the ReTrumplicans JUST WANT MORE !!!

It's Just Jenn 🏳️‍⚧️

@rbreich If by a wealth tax you mean seizing all wealth above a billion dollars I'm on board.


@rbreich If they don’t want to pay taxes like we all do to maintain the economy, based on our income, if they don’t want to pay livable wages to maintain the economy, if they don’t want to take responsibility for economic and environmental fallout, then they should take their business and go live on an island.

They’re exploiting the economy, people, the environment, while refusing the responsibility that we all have to maintain it. That’s not a sustainable civilization. Classic garbage capitalism; zero liability and responsibility, infinite profit.

Why are we enabling and supporting this deranged, repulsive, and sociopath producing monetary and economic system???

@rbreich If they don’t want to pay taxes like we all do to maintain the economy, based on our income, if they don’t want to pay livable wages to maintain the economy, if they don’t want to take responsibility for economic and environmental fallout, then they should take their business and go live on an island.

V the Saint 💙🧡❤️🖤

@rbreich the US never had such tax, only income tax and that's why all rich like Musk gather their wealth and move to the US

Psychiatric Help 5¢

HOW can America possibly pay off THE DEBT CRISIS!! if rich Americans are dumb enough to pay taxes? We need Very Stable Genius JOB CREATORS. Like the 'YOU'RE FIRED' Guy and the other 'Live at work or YOU'RE FIRED' dude.
Taxes are for coal miners great grandchildren to pay. Don't be a Commie.


@rbreich the responses to this on #birdchan are really depressing. We need to invest heavily in basic economic literacy in this country. Maybe with no ey generated from a wealth tax?

Kin Yutaka :✅

@rbreich The problem that I am seeing with a wealth tax is that megabillionaires might decide to muck around with the stock markets in order to tank their own net worths when it comes time to audit them for the tax value.

They would be incentivized to do it because it saves them money in taxes. And the only reason not to is for the bragging rights of who has the biggest wallet.

Let's start by closing loopholes and raising the income taxes for the top bracket. Then worry about the hoard.


@rbreich So, the people that took this land from the natives weren't actually fleeing for religious reasons, that was an excuse. They left and conquered this land years ago because they didn't wanna pay taxes anymore. The cycle repeats. And those rich folks that actually made the constitution, otherwise people of color and their own wives would have been in the constitution to begin with.

As you see though, women and people of color weren't and still aren't because now we are going backwards.


@rbreich We absolutely need a wealth tax, but it's difficult to implement one since wealth is difficult to measure.

I think we should at least start with taxes on real estate and stocks, though.


@rbreich tax more at the million.
More millions more taxes. Billionaires are taxed twice the millionaires.

Kate Nova

@rbreich Wealth Tax? I'd be happy if they just paid normal taxes. Or any taxes at all!

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