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Robert Reich

Just to recap, Clarence Thomas:

-Accepted lavish trips from GOP billionaire megadonor Harlan Crow

-Had undisclosed real estate deals with Crow

-Didn’t recuse himself from a SCOTUS case that involved Crow's business

Are we really going to let him get away with this?



YES!. The GOP will and the indifferent America will also!

Which One's The Monkey?

@rbreich Judging by the entirety of American history it seems unlikely that there will be any consequences at all.


@rbreich what can we actually do? I mean other than complain. They don’t seem to give a crap if it’s ethical or not anymore and complaints seem to fall of deaf ears.



"For more than two decades, [US Supreme Court "justice" Clarence] Thomas has accepted luxury trips virtually every year from the Dallas businessman without disclosing them...

The extent and frequency of Crow’s apparent gifts to Thomas have no known precedent in the modern history of the U.S. Supreme Court.

These trips appeared nowhere on Thomas’ financial disclosures."
~@elliottjustin @ProPublica

#SCOTUS #ClarenceThomas #Corruption #USA #News #NoPaywall


"For more than two decades, [US Supreme Court "justice" Clarence] Thomas has accepted luxury trips virtually every year from the Dallas businessman without disclosing them...

The extent and frequency of Crow’s apparent gifts to Thomas have no known precedent in the modern history of the U.S. Supreme Court.



"Crow’s access to the justice extends to anyone the businessman chooses to invite along...

The painting of Thomas at Topridge shows him in conversation with Leonard Leo, the Federalist Society leader regarded as an architect of the Supreme Court’s recent turn to the right."

See thread:
based on article:

#SCOTUS #ClarenceThomas #LeonardLeo #FederalistSociety #Corruption


"Crow’s access to the justice extends to anyone the businessman chooses to invite along...

The painting of Thomas at Topridge shows him in conversation with Leonard Leo, the Federalist Society leader regarded as an architect of the Supreme Court’s recent turn to the right."

See thread:
based on article:


@rbreich I mean… Kinda, yeah. The so-called “party of law and order and accountability” is anything but.

David August

@rbreich so far, yes, yes we are. And it imperils the entire federal bench that nothing is being done.


The GOP and media has allowed Clarence Thomas's wife Ginnie to escape TREASON charges along with about 1/4 of sitting GOP members over election lies and coup planning!. Real journalists would still be all over it asking where are the charges?

Comfortably Dumb

@rbreich yes. There are zero consequences for corruption in this country. He will absolutely get away with it.


@rbreich Sorry asking if "we" are going to let him get away with it, is kind of like asking my kid if he is going to let my roofer get away with doing a shoddy job.
Ask the dude in the white house.
Ask the people in the senate


@rbreich Well, the Nation did sit back and allow him to be confirmed years ago despite overwhelming disqualifying information……made public and undisclosed……….
This is the meticulously documented book: Strange Justice, The Selling of Clarence Thomas. Authors: Jane Mayer & Jill Abramson, 1994

Cameron Purdy

@rbreich Yes, we are going to let him get away with it.

𝐉𝐨𝐧 𝐁𝐞𝐫𝐠𝐞𝐫

@rbreich Yup. I'd bet a substantial amount on it, in the unlikely event I found anyone who'd take me up on it.


@rbreich The #RadicalRight #GOP has shown that their only interest is gaining/maintaining power and damn the consequences... For the same reason we will likely see the #insurrectionist #DonaldTrump become the #Republican nominee ...

Andy Daitsman

@rbreich Do we have the power to stop it?

As long as Biden refuses to expand the Court he’s got full impunity.


@adaitsman @rbreich

💯 The thread fostered by this question is depressing. At the first practical opportunity, a practical thinker might expect that Biden would expand the court. Yet there is little if any indication of that happening at this time. Time will tell.


Steve Popovich

@rbreich it would appear so. The people with any power whatsoever to do anything about it are all sitting on their hands

Team Idgara


Do you have specific action items that we can do that have a non-zero chance of holding him accountable?

I ask as a #Texan with traitorous representation in Washington.

Reaching out to my senators is a waste of my limited resources. and I don't have mental bandwidth to come up with a plan.

Snerk Rabbledauber

@vor @rbreich

Same for me in Colorado. My senators would do something without me telling them, and my House rep only listens to big $$$.


@rbreich Are we really going to let him get away with his ongoing horrific corruption? @senatedems @potus @housedemocrats @chuckschumer @amyklobuchar



How are corrupt judges removed? CAN they be removed by force?

This lifetime appointment thing has also got to stop.

The Janx Devil

@rbreich Just to recap, there is no practical way to discipline or remove Thomas from the court, and the only real recourse is to pack the court with a majority that will outnumber him and his allies, but that would require a functioning Senate Judiciary Committee, which is something we could easily have if the one Democratic member who will never again have the physical capacity to cast a vote would just resign and let the Democratic governor appoint their replacement. Are we really going to keep doing this? Apparently so.

@rbreich Just to recap, there is no practical way to discipline or remove Thomas from the court, and the only real recourse is to pack the court with a majority that will outnumber him and his allies, but that would require a functioning Senate Judiciary Committee, which is something we could easily have if the one Democratic member who will never again have the physical capacity to cast a vote would just resign and let the Democratic governor appoint their replacement. Are we really going to keep...


@rbreich where’s Carlos when you really, really need him?

Eleanna Of Tundar

@rbreich sad to say we will, and we will lose our democracy before abandoning delusions of easy riches and fame.

Christopher Phillips 🇨🇦🏳️‍🌈

@rbreich We will, because people don’t understand or care about the things which don’t immediately impact them in their current moment.

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