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Robert Reich

Republicans are lying when they say slashing IRS funds will lower the deficit. For each extra $1 the IRS spends auditing rich tax cheats, it can collect $12. Defunding the IRS will INCREASE the deficit.

They want to help their rich donors cheat, while the rest of us pay for it.


And then they'll lie and blame additional deficit on the D's. Same shit, different day. Anyone who refuses to see what the repulvisicants are doing to this country are either intentionally ignorant or they hate the idea and promise of America as much as the R's do.

Steve's Place

@rbreich Can't do it. We're already paying for the Pentagon, healthcare and our own social security because the richest of the rich are terrorists who own our political parties and don't give a rat's ass about anything or anyone but themselves. They are selfish pricks in fine suits who need and deserve a French Revolution solution to our D.C. mire since Ronald Reagan rode in on his Trojan horse of money for nothing. I have grown to hate this political system and its Russian-level graft.

Rob Thornton (“No Planet B”)

@steter @rbreich Steve, you are playing right into the GOP’s hands by blaming both parties. The Dems are playing with one hand tied behind their backs thanks to people like you.

Steve's Place

@rthornton777 @rbreich Fuck off. I'm anti-Republican. Shove it up your Russian ass. You didn't read what I posted. You read what was already in your messed-up head. Blocked because you don't pay a fucking bit of attention who you slam when you go out to play "both sides" bullshit. May Biden haunt your dreams, troll.

Bill Hearn

@steter @rbreich BullShit, Balderdash, Absurd Parrotted Propaganda.

Steve's Place

@BillHearn @rbreich Our friend Bill, new to our planet, has never met a Republican or a billionaire he didn't love. The best POTUS we ever had was FDR. I voted for Jimmy Carter. I voted for Barack Obama. I voted for Joe Biden. I even held my nose and voted for Bill Clinton. Reagan was a Trojan horse. Gingrich wanted sedition. The GOP of today was born of the Southern Strategy, now fed by billionaire media moguls. Sorry, Bill. D.C. is corrupt as hell, and part of the blame is spineless Democrats.


„Republicans are lying“ ist sufficient, Ockham says.


Why are we still pretending that GQP MAGAts care an iota about the deficit. It's comical that they are trotting that out again. Our media is disgusting to parrot this lie.


@rbreich just tell them if not for IRS funding they never would’ve caught Hunter Biden. 😂

Darwin Woodka

@rbreich greed and grift is pretty much the entire point of the GOP.


@rbreich as I always say, if a Republican’s lips are moving, then they are lying. every time!



It costs the Government and IRS money to build a Tax fraud case and then prosecute said case or settle.

Republicans aim to starve the tax system and then blame Democrats for Republican neglect.

Same old overplayed tactics.



What the IRS needs is reform. They know how much we all make, they just need our returns to see if the taxes were collected properly.

Stop making people who make less than $20/hr do tax returns. Make it optional for anyone claiming only the standard deductions.

But if you're claiming a billion dollars in tax breaks, you should get a full audit.


@rbreich keep up the great work Robert! You are my HERO!!!



It is DOA per Senate.

The idiot house speaker has a lot to learn.


@rbreich Multinationals and billionaires, with the support of too many politicians, are emerging as the biggest free loaders in society. They want the benefits of of society such as an educated population, government funded research, infrastructure, government funded courts etc, but they want the poor to fund it all.


@rbreich A modest proposal: Back taxes and penalties owed to the IRS shall be rendered in cash and flesh.

For the first million owed, in US dollars. Beyond the first million, one pound of lean flesh for every million dollars owed, no more than 5 pounds per year, until the debt is repaid. No liposuction, and the flesh will be extracted at the owner's expense.


@rbreich not collecting taxes is GQP dream

Bleeding Heart Liberal


4 GUNS & WARS🆘🆘🆘🆘🆘

Log 🪵

@rbreich Also, doing audits completely randomly is dumb. They should assign 10% of auditors randomly, and 90% onto teams auditing folks with the highest predicted income (that hasn't already been audited within the last 5 years). Look for the money where the money is.


@rbreich I've written off all MAGATS (republicans). They're no different than any other criminal enterprise.

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