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Steve's Place

@rbreich Can't do it. We're already paying for the Pentagon, healthcare and our own social security because the richest of the rich are terrorists who own our political parties and don't give a rat's ass about anything or anyone but themselves. They are selfish pricks in fine suits who need and deserve a French Revolution solution to our D.C. mire since Ronald Reagan rode in on his Trojan horse of money for nothing. I have grown to hate this political system and its Russian-level graft.

Rob Thornton (“No Planet B”)

@steter @rbreich Steve, you are playing right into the GOP’s hands by blaming both parties. The Dems are playing with one hand tied behind their backs thanks to people like you.

Steve's Place

@rthornton777 @rbreich Fuck off. I'm anti-Republican. Shove it up your Russian ass. You didn't read what I posted. You read what was already in your messed-up head. Blocked because you don't pay a fucking bit of attention who you slam when you go out to play "both sides" bullshit. May Biden haunt your dreams, troll.

Bill Hearn

@steter @rbreich BullShit, Balderdash, Absurd Parrotted Propaganda.

Steve's Place

@BillHearn @rbreich Our friend Bill, new to our planet, has never met a Republican or a billionaire he didn't love. The best POTUS we ever had was FDR. I voted for Jimmy Carter. I voted for Barack Obama. I voted for Joe Biden. I even held my nose and voted for Bill Clinton. Reagan was a Trojan horse. Gingrich wanted sedition. The GOP of today was born of the Southern Strategy, now fed by billionaire media moguls. Sorry, Bill. D.C. is corrupt as hell, and part of the blame is spineless Democrats.

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