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Robert Reich

Amazon and Space X are fighting in court to have the National Labor Relations Board declared unconstitutional.

This means the two richest men on earth want to dismantle the agency that holds them accountable for union busting.

Nothing terrifies them more than worker power.

sjtwstot :blackcat:

@rbreich "The government will suppress strikes and sabotage without mercy. Let each man peacefully go about his work. Everyone who is happy to work is assured of our vigorous protection; a strike is betrayal of the nation, the fatherland, and the future."

- The Kapp Putsch proclamation (1920)


@rbreich Worker uprisings are why every town and city have stone armories. Not invasions.

Q. Edwards

@rbreich What good does this information do? I see you on my feed a lot, and you just post this type of "did you know" kind of thing, and then...? What's the end game? It's frustrating to see this because I know this information already. I vote to try and fix these issues, I limit my purchasing power to perceived better business, I stopped eating meat and limit auto use... I do a lot of things to try and make a difference, and I also know that I'm not making one.


@the_q @rbreich For those of us who are not you and don’t know, it’s new information. As for his motivation I can’t speak for him but it’s nice to share observations with interested others. Simply unfollow if you’re not interested or unhappy with it.


@the_q @rbreich individuals have very little influence. That’s why unions are so important. Get in a union. You can join them even if you’re not in the industry. Join a union. Kick the shit out of management when they overstep. It’s the American way.


@the_q @rbreich if you are not happy with this information go away. We did not know this and appreciate this. We too can make a difference. You are all knowing but impotent. Shame on you for trying to stop him from sharing information with us.

Q. Edwards

@ZillaMon @rbreich I asked why he did it. I didn't say anything about stopping it and I certainly didn't ask for the peanut gallery input.


@the_q @rbreich shut up with stupid comments. It shows your lack intelligence. He posted and you wrote a stupid comment, ergo you invited a response. This is not your private space moron

Q. Edwards

@ZillaMon @rbreich Why are you so angry? Maybe take a break from the Internet for a day or 50.


@the_q @ZillaMon @rbreich
Because there will be people that say what you did - I TRIED EVERYTHING BUT RESISTANCE IS FUTILE.
Some will be trolls or sock puppets.
Some will be influenced by trolls or puppets in their bubble.
Some will be honestly dejected.
All are threats to our collective resolve.
And then your response to the reaction Is to be an angry victim creating division and discord.


@the_q @rbreich organize. build power for real resistance beyond consumer choices

Chairman Meh

@the_q @rbreich all of those issues you speak about have enthusiast communities who want to help advance adoption and knowledge of these alternatives. In this case, the NLRA, which made the NLRB was meant to help provide some of the protections workers had been working for and winning through various types of direct actions and legislation. Perhaps this can be an impetus to learn more about past and modern labor movements in your local, regional, and national level.
Or learn about how other groups have organized to try to achieve or spread awareness of a goal or ideal. You've already pointed out a lot of changes you've made, so you know at least part of their strategy worked. Do you think others might benefit from making those changes, or at least having the option?

@the_q @rbreich all of those issues you speak about have enthusiast communities who want to help advance adoption and knowledge of these alternatives. In this case, the NLRA, which made the NLRB was meant to help provide some of the protections workers had been working for and winning through various types of direct actions and legislation. Perhaps this can be an impetus to learn more about past and modern labor movements in your local, regional, and national level.
Or learn about how other groups...

Hannu Ikonen MD

@rbreich Not especially terror as it is disdain driving them & a SCOTUS interested in returning to 1812.

Anvil of Truth

@rbreich Thanks for the heads up, I appreciate your willingness and skill to observe and report. I only wish I had a few more heads as the data load is substantial lately.

Shannon Skinner (she/her)

Why do you always leave out Trader Joe's?

Trader Joe's is doing the same thing! Call a villain a villain!

Gar Lipow

If they win, does this mean t hat Taft-Hartley is also unconstitutional.
Rhetorical question give the right-wing nature of our judiciary. @rbreich

Randahl Fink

@rbreich buying from Bezos and Musk is effectively funding the reintroduction of feudalism.

Just don't.


@rbreich Not true.
Nothing terrifies them more than not being ludicrously rich.


@rbreich it’s not like they have the tools Biden had with the rail workers. What do you expect them to do?



Full support for any lawsuit trying to protect individuals and businesses right to a jury trial.

Hopefully reform can be done to the NLRB that benefits both sides.

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