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Robert Reich

Since 2020, for every dollar the bottom 90% have gained, billionaires have gained $1.7 million. This level of inequality is not only unsustainable, it’s downright cruel.

Sassinake! - ⊃∪∩⪽

@mtnickerson @rbreich

they're counting on masses of people dying so that it does.

through war or disease or famine or murder/suicide.

They think they can 'manage' the apocalypse and profit.

and I suspect they just might succeed (for themselves)


@rbreich mostly unsustainable .. if I was one o them I would be worried .. they need enough people with enough money to make their abusive system work ;-(

Robert Reich

@silenceladus i agree with you!
Do you follow my daily discussion forum?


@rbreich Excellent observation. It would be interesting to calculate the national debt in the same manner. I see stats on how much is owed per each person - but really, how much is owed by the bottom 90% using the same metric? Something something private profits, public debt.


@rbreich the Powell Memo spawned war on the republic and on us is also based on the megalomaniacal paranoid lie of “conservative minds”. The morbidly wealthy are a cult worshiping the idea that plutocracy is both natural and the foundation of societal order.

Never mind the US was founded as a repudiation of that kind of rule, of centuries of war, poverty and egocentric ruin brought on by plutocracy in Europe. The modern state and republics grew out of their terrible destructiveness.



@rbreich Some people need to learn about the origins of the French Revolution. Here’s a tickler: It’s where the guillotine was invented.

Ned Hairston

@rbreich This is why France no longer has a monarchy.

Manzanita Starwood

@rbreich It's as if we are living in a feudal society. And I hate feudal societies. This sucks!

M. Grégoire

@rbreich This is net worth, right, not income? Is this a claim about the richest Americans and all other Americans, or about global wealth distribution?


Hi Robert, i was following you on YouTube but after i lost Roku capability, just here. Your comment on inequality of wealth is just one way of looking at it. Using '"our world in data" figures for $40/day or less, I calculated 'the poor' at 7,000,000,000 and the 'non-poor' the remaining 1,000,000,000 - two different ways!
This is just plain WRONG, omho.


@rbreich my husband makes a good amount of money. 10 years ago, we would have been upper middle class. Now we live literally paycheck to paycheck.

Doc Insomniac 🇺🇦🖖✌️🤘

@rbreich Good luck getting billionaires to care. And since they pretty much own the Congress and Supreme Court, what legal remedies are left? An expert needs to come up with a game plan for the 90%. Information is not terribly useful if we don't know what to do with it.


yes, a crime against humanity but how do we stop it? How do we mete out the appropriate justice and level the imbalance?

Paul Westbrook

@rbreich They used to call it "human sacrifice" when it was part of a ritual. Now we just call it "modern capitalism."


@rbreich and despite this they fight for every cent as if they are minimum wage workers.

For example: Musk could have rid homself of Twitter for $1B. Instead he made the calculation that it is better to lose $44B and drive Tesla stock into the ground, rather than pay the penalty


@rbreich Is there a source for this please with further details?

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