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Robert Reich

Just a reminder that Clarence Thomas let a GOP megadonor take him on lavish trips, buy his mom's house and let her live there rent free, pay for his grandnephew to attend a private boarding school — all in secret until now.

How is he still on the Supreme Court?

Kevin Karhan :verified:

@rbreich anyone else would've gotten yeeted out of their jobs and offices if they acted this way - regardless if public servant or corporate wageworker!


@rbreich Happy to see you posting here again. Please continue!!👍💯🤞


@rbreich Because Republicans have no integrity. We should impeach Clarence Thomas.


@rbreich The only way (literally the only way) Thomas could get impeached with a Dem in the White House is if he suddenly had a change of heart, and starting voting with the liberal block of Justices. Yeah, that'd do it.


@rbreich How is that no other justices have said a word about it?

Silence is complicity.


@rbreich Lifetime appointment with little to no oversight or ethics rules, that's how.


Let's also remember that the GOP front runner was also unanimously found guilty of sexual abuse *and* maliciously lying to demand the woman he assaulted ...and the GOP is doing nothing!



The goppers will not impeach, because they are jealous, and want to board the grift train.

Insanity. Addiction to money.



One of the tenets of fascism!. will soon be an "open" political tradition in america!


@rbreich How is any Federalist Society judge still on a bench?

The sole purpose of that society is to identify and promote judges who are willing to rule for perks and promotions.

Kavanaugh is a notorious case per Sen Whitehouse.

Dane Gussin

@rbreich Audio and video doesn't lie.
Liars running from justice do.
Game over.

Mathew Samuel

The entire institution is corrupt. It needs to go.


@rbreich Ask the feckless Democrats in charge of the Judiciary Committee.


because whoever put him there is also responsible for who allows him to stay in office. . .


@rbreich Because America LLC is corrupt from beginning to end.

PJT North


Good question. Very likely with an answer involving legality, ethics and morals and some measures of a lack thereof. Plus a lack of will to act by those in authority.

Vernacularly, loosely woven carpets can hide gross amounts of dirt until beaten well. Then it all comes out.

Stu Duerson


The easiest assumption is that a person vetted by the Senate, with a record in a profession that itself has an ethical standard, would remain true to the ethics of that profession.

We have been disabused of 2.5 of our assumptions:
One, that a member of the Supreme Court would remain true to ethics,
Two, that the Senate has a sense of propriety and discretion in whom they elevate to the Supreme Court,
And another .5 that they could find someone in the profession who already lacked ethics, and would willfully lie to the Senate under oath. And more than just one "someone." It's as if they're trying to find them, on purpose.


The easiest assumption is that a person vetted by the Senate, with a record in a profession that itself has an ethical standard, would remain true to the ethics of that profession.

We have been disabused of 2.5 of our assumptions:
One, that a member of the Supreme Court would remain true to ethics,
Two, that the Senate has a sense of propriety and discretion in whom they elevate to the Supreme Court,
And another .5 that they could find someone in the profession who already lacked ethics, and...

Stephen Rockower MD

@rbreich Because the Founders never imagined anyone so corrupt. Also goes for President and Senate.

Staid Winnow

@rbreich The Constitution says that he shall continue as long as Congress does not impeach and remove him.

Blame the slave-banging founders, Dr. Reich.

On second thoughts they did not even count his kind as humans.



Mass corruption begets more corruption and that's what the #RepublicanParty wants. That, and total political chaos at the federal level.


@rbreich because you and a gang of your peers aren't waiting outside his house or favorite restaurant with baseball bats, 9-irons, and a guillotine.


@rbreich how has this not the front page and the lead story on every national paper and on tv for the past 3 months?


@rbreich how is Clarence Thomas not in jail? The rate of greed in politics and celebrity circles has reached beyond perverse.. it is corrupt of itself, and a blemish on humanity

P J Evans

Because the chief justice has no courage (and no ethics) and Congress can't, or won't, impeach and convict.

Chuks Awa

@rbreich You can be sure what republicans would be doing if shoe were on the other foot

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