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22 posts total
Mike Masnick ✅

Mickey Mouse (the Steamboat Willie version) is now public domain on the east coast of the US.

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Mikey McFilms


Oh I can’t wait to see what I will do


@mmasnick Does copyright expiration really depend on local time? That sounds weird. But if not, when exactly did it expire?

Mike Masnick ✅

Okay folks: this morning we're launching something we think is pretty useful. Lots of people have strong opinions on how content moderation should work, but they've never done it. So we built a content moderation mobile game (browser-based):

Details about it are here:

Mike Masnick ✅

Btw, when you finish the game, it gives you social sharing info that you can copy and paste here. For example:

I won #ModeratorMayhem on Round 8

Promoted to moderator manager!
Rating: 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟
Total reviews: 158

Safety: ⚖️
Speech: 📣

Achievements: 🥉3️⃣🤖⚽5️⃣🥈8️⃣🗓


Mike Masnick ✅

Years ago, I got to interview and hang out with Kevin Smith backstage before a show, and he was incredibly kind and generous with his time.

It's good that he's now talking openly about his mental health struggles, and I know he's worried that he's going to get hate for it so I'm sharing this for the positive vibes that should be sent his way.

Years ago, I got to interview and hang out with Kevin Smith backstage before a show, and he was incredibly kind and generous with his time.

It's good that he's now talking openly about his mental health struggles, and I know he's worried that he's going to get hate for it so I'm sharing this for the positive vibes that should be sent his way.

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Vickie :CApride: 😷

@mmasnick both my husband and I are huge Kevin Smith fans...we watch his movies, buy his books and we used to see him often when we lived in Vancouver, he was always receptive to waves and comments as we passed him by. He is a good guy.


Thank you. I know someone who will appreciate this #RoleModel.

Peter Butler

@mmasnick Kevin Smith is a … controversial figure in many ways, but personally, I think “kind” is an excellent descriptor

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David LaFontaine

@mmasnick first of many, I hope

again, Twitter only succeeded because journalists paid attention to it and signal boosted everything off of it relentlessly on broadcast news. Without that signal boost, there is no spreading of Twitter. The user base is actually quite small.

Hans van Zijst
Good call, @NPR, I hope every decent news outlet in the world will follow this example.
Mike Masnick ✅

I've boosted a few others pointing out this article, but I gotta say, I find it absolutely hilarious that Taibbi went from Musk bootlicker to effectively off the site and shadowbanned in 48 hours... especially since one of Taibbi's big (misleading and misunderstood) scoops was about Twitters visibility filtering...

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Gone 2 Threads


Taibbi is learning the hard way that sometimes the enemy of your enemy turns out to be your enemy.

"Wait! You're telling me that life has three dimensions? More??"

carlos quintana

@mmasnick - What!? Taibbi isn't Musk's habibi anymore?


@mmasnick The lines between reality and absurdity, fact and fiction, and good and evil, get finer every day for these people. I worry about the day when the convergence is complete. I'm calling it societal enshittification :)

Mike Masnick ✅

I wrote about why Mehdi Hasan's takedown of Matt Taibbi actually destroys the entire foundation of the story Taibbi is trying to tell about the Twitter files.

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@mmasnick MT is such a disappointment. He has list all credibility.

Gemma Hentsch

@mmasnick I mean I get that there's a pipeline between "lauded figure" -> "exposure as a sexual harasser/predator" -> "conservative for pay" but I don't get how he could be as incompetent and incapable in that interview, unless the books he wrote, had VERY VERY VERY good editors...

William Hughes

It was a pleasure to watch.

Actually when I think about #MSNBC on air talent, it's just so much better than any other "news" network. They are all there because of their brilliance and tenacity, instead of their looks or charisma.

I start every day with #JoyReid highlights, #RachelMaddow if she was on, and #AriMelber and #ChrisHayes and #StephanieRuhle they're all amazing in their own ways...

Mike Masnick ✅

Oh, this seems pretty cool. Now that Elon has cracked down on the API and made tools like debirdify not work, @scafaria has created Whosum, a browser extension to help make your social graph more portable. It currently "records" your Twitter connections and then highlights those on Mastodon all in your browser (not on some server somewhere).

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Matt Brown

@mmasnick @scafaria I wrote a small client-side script that scanned the Follows page to retrieve @darth's 4,000 follows. It took a lot of scrolling tbh. It makes me appreciate Mastodon's account portability all the more.

Desert Dweller 🌵

@mmasnick @scafaria When I try that link, I get an error message: "An unhandled error has occurred." I'm sure it's a work in progress. Will keep checking back.

Mike Masnick ✅

Interesting timing of Twitter changing its logo to the Doge dog... just as Elon is trying to get out of a (stupid, likely to fail) lawsuit arguing that he pumped & dumped dogecoin.

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Dr James J Teeth


There was a time I thought Musk was going to try to convert Twitter to a blockchain. I always assumed he was dumb enough to think it could work.

Related to that was a belief he would issue his own crypto token viaTwitter.

Nona Moss

@mmasnick I think the broken retweet and doge thing are only happening when one opens a pinned list tab instead of the home tab. i think


@mmasnick Also, in regards to my jacked up Following feed, if I hover over it, it says that people I follow, follow it. Which is what I get on my For You feed? WTF!

Mike Masnick ✅

So, uh, not pleased that Elon is now implying I might be a gullible sucker who would pay him his monthly "I'm a gullible sucker" fee. Dude should just take away our legacy blue checks like he promised.

Mike Masnick ✅

So, as @chancerydaily points out, legacy blue checks who don't want the blue checks are currently stuck with the blue checks and Musk is implying they may be paying.

And the only way to hide the blue check is if you actually do pay, where you will soon get an option to hide the fact that you pay.

This truly is the dumbest timeline.

Mike Masnick ✅

HAHAHAHAH. @caseynewton and @zoeschiffer got Elon's secret "twitter accounts to boost" list and it is so bizarre.

Meanwhile, remember how Elon complained about the former folks doing this in secret? Apparently it's fine when he does it.

Mike Masnick ✅

@caseynewton @zoeschiffer fwiw, it looks like the main criteria for many of these is basically "does Elon like interacting with them"

Mike Masnick ✅

Alternate headline: Elon Musk admits he's set $24 billion on fire... so far.

Alan Gamrican

@mmasnick will be satisfied when the value is negative and has liabilities that will reduce his net worth even further.

ʇᴉɯᴉl ɐɯǝɥɔs®

@mmasnick yeah, this is hilarious. and he's still valuing it at 4x any comps, which is rich even in tech world

Dr. Jorge Caballero

@mmasnick random factoid: Erin Woo, who shares the byline, is a recent Stanford grad and former Editor-in-Chief at The Stanford Daily:

Mike Masnick ✅

It's happening... More followers here on Mastodon than on Twitter. And y'all are much nicer here too.

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@mmasnick not me! I'm a dirty old mean man... and I eat children! ;)


You can consider me a twofer. My (differently named) bird site account follows you but I rarely access the site.
Ethical problem: How do you unfollow someone on the bird site without making them think your account was a now-deleted bot or that bird site management is manipulating their followers?

Mike Masnick ✅

"But no one uses Mastodon" people keep telling me. Meanwhile:

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@mmasnick and most of those are likely real people compared to other places >.>

Arch :arch:

@mmasnick @gray I can only assume a higher number of bot followers on the other site too

Mike Masnick ✅

Remember the concept of "management by walking around" that was all the rage back when I went to business school?

Now we get "management by tweeting around."

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@mmasnick “what work have you been doing?” - trying to resolve IT issues so I can do my job.


@mmasnick Short attention-span theatre totally tracks with his psychological profile. If you want to understand of the dark side of the #narcissist #psychology of #ElonMusk, I spent months studying him so you don't have to.

Mike Masnick ✅

I have lots of respect for the investigative journalism that @Julia has done for many many years. But her first opinion piece in the NY Times, about Section 230 gets a ton of basic facts wrong, misunderstands the law, and proposes an unworkable and dangerous "fix"

Mike Masnick ✅

Kinda curious what inspired LifeHacker to publish a "How to Become the Pope" article that includes many gems, but this one is especially great:

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Does that average include all the erisian popes?

Guess I'm asking on my own behalf.

Steve Umstead :coffeecup:

@mmasnick @dooordah Is there an “above average” Pope in the United States? What does he make?

Mike Masnick ✅

Anyway, now that a ton of journalists are flocking back to Mastodon... you should read my article about how all your articles about Mastodon "slumping" were bullshit.

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Robin Brenizer 🪷

@mmasnick my observation is they come here to dump content then get upset when it gets no traction. They don’t follow anyone so they don’t see anything interesting. They don’t get the way this works. If they followed people they’d have higher engagement and more interesting content. On Twitter follow ratio mattered to the algorithm. Here it doesn’t.

Mike Masnick ✅

I wrote about how I cannot understand why anyone is interested in joining a new centralized social media platform when we now have a great opportunity to move to protocols instead of platforms.

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Paul Davidson

@mmasnick At the end of the day, people just need something that works and can handle the traffic of a major social media platform. Ninety-nine percent don't care whether it is a centralized or open platform.

Joshua Arnao

@mmasnick I think it comes down to decentralized is just confusing. Mastodon has a huge learning curve where Twitter just made sense for a long time.

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