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Mike Masnick ✅

Mickey Mouse (the Steamboat Willie version) is now public domain on the east coast of the US.

Mike Masnick ✅

If you're on the east coast and want to create public domain mickey's, there's an AI for that.

If you're out west, well, live dangerously...

Dr. Sbaitso

@mmasnick Those of us on the East Coast will make sure to flood Walt Disney's frozen head with so many mickies he won't see them for another five hours.


@mmasnick @andyb

Ironic that they're using copyrighted text and images without a license for their training data.

Steffen Christensen

@mmasnick I clicked on the link, but it was VERY slow to render. Tomorrow (later today)...

Happy New Year, Mike! ✌️


@mmasnick layman legal hypothetical; if this model were trained on data that was SET to be public domain, but wasn't at the time of the model being created, but the model wasn't released until the sources were public domain.... Is it copyright infringement?

Mike Masnick ✅

@eikenberry well, i've been arguing that training a model does not implicate any copyright rights, so I will stand by that and say no. But, others might disagree. Courts will let us know...


@mmasnick @eikenberry

Pretty clear that the weighting produced by the training process is a derived work of the training data.

John Panzer

@mmasnick drawing of Mickey, riding a hippocampus, with "Happy 2024" in the background:


@mmasnick Aaand I’ve already seen someone on Bluesky photoshop him into holding a dildo (ahh the visual pun..).

Mikey McFilms


Oh I can’t wait to see what I will do


@mmasnick Does copyright expiration really depend on local time? That sounds weird. But if not, when exactly did it expire?

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