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Mike Masnick ✅

Remember the concept of "management by walking around" that was all the rage back when I went to business school?

Now we get "management by tweeting around."

John Minnihan

@mmasnick when the labor law litigation hits it's gonna be amazing


@jbminn @mmasnick

How has there not been activity so far, or is it not that transparent?


@jbminn @nlarson830 @mmasnick

I believe @AkivaMCohen firm was working on some cases. But I haven’t seen him active on Mastodon in awhile.l


@jbminn @mmasnick the guy Musk is mocking is Iceland's person of the year, he has muscular dystrophy and he is known for his work making places accessible

Lorrie W


O.M.G. What in the actual...This is such a bad look.


@chancerydaily @mmasnick yup.
It shows how little respect I have for Musk when I was not surprised at all that he so quickly went from Q&A to mocking Halli’s disability.

I hope that not only does he win in court vs Musk, but he also gets a nice bonus check to make more wheelchair ramps.


@mmasnick the hilarious dichotomy of the wile e. coyote super genius attitude and the obvious gross lack of clarity or insight.

like, how can you be in-charge, on-top-of-everything bossmanguy and at the same time have no idea what your staff does?

Marc Jacobs

@Viss @mmasnick Wile E Coyote is apt. Musk thinks he is a Sooooper Genius, but he’s just driving into the wall. Over and over again.

Maybe someone should send an invoice from Acme Industries to Twitter AP.


@trollball @mmasnick he wont pay. hes already being sued by multiple orgs for not paying bills

Marc Jacobs

@Viss @mmasnick Yes, but wouldn’t it be fun to send the invoice?

Hmm, maybe better as a press release on 1 April. “Elon Musk announces strategic partnership with Acme Industries…”


@trollball @Viss @mmasnick Wiley E. Coyote was an actual genius though, and his schemes failed unrealistically. Musk is actually rolling out stupid ideas and they are failing as expectable.

Jeremy Kahn

@scotclose @mmasnick would have been too implausible for Office Space

Mike Masnick ✅

@trochee @scotclose incredibly, elon agrees that it's out of office space. he posted a clip from office space in response to the guy later in the conversation...


By now Twitter is down to about 400 employees who are all on H1 Visas and are terrified at the thought of losing their job.

That Guy Angelo

@Kryten @mmasnick The sink would have quit already but doesn’t want to have to leave the country.

Mike Masnick ✅

@Kryten it's more than that. there are around 400 engineers, but still many other types of employees.

And I know there's lots of speculation about why, but I don't think it's necessarily right to insist any of us know why people stuck around.


@mmasnick But seriously, what’s the correct answer here?



I have really reached the point with #Musk that I no longer think he's a very elaborate and droll troll who thinks he's Too Funny by Half and just loves to show everyone

I've really come to think that Musk is completely and utterly without #Clue


Full stop

There's a point where you'd think Too Cute by Half would occasionally be moderated by a little self-awareness

That's clearly never the case with Musk

He has the attention span of a goldfish, with apologies to goldfish


@FinchHaven @mmasnick I mean, he does seem to believe that DMCA requests are sent by Twitter accounts and so by suspending accounts that send them abusively (aka, send them to be his "friends") will somehow make them stop.


@wanderingincode @mmasnick

Yeah and this suggests a core thing with Musk:

He "knows" about a wide range of things but there doesn't seem to be any linkage or correlation between any of it

It's like

Twitter account

DMCA request

Twitter abuse

Suspend Twitter account

are all things Musk "knows" about, but there's no coherent relationship between any of it

It's all just freeze-frames of information with nothing holding any of it together

James Scott

@mmasnick his style strikes me as more like “management by fucking around.”

Dave Simon

@jlscx @mmasnick can't wait for the management by finding out part in that case. It's going to be glorious.

PHolder :clubtwit:

@jlscx @mmasnick Are you referring to his reported penchant for fathering children with anything that stands still long enough?

Stu Duerson


Now THERE is a broken corporate structure!
Carnegie, in '...Win Friends and Influence People' describes steelmaker Schwab chalking the number of pours one shift did, on a foundry floor, to stimulate team competition.

Maybe Musk sees himself as a Charles Schwab.

He's not. He's a brutalist, and is merely cloying his mistakes.

Stu Duerson


Twitter employees! Want to express yourself, on your last day?

Here's your new fashion directive...

Manuel Recount

@mmasnick "Certainly not sinking the company by tweeting like an idiot" would have been my response.

Rattler Six

@mmasnick Please tell me the reply is "What have *I* been doing? What the fuck have *you* been doing?"

Don Cooley

guy should have replied "I was shielding your personal data from hackers. It was a full time job because so many wanted access to your finances, health history, & private relationships. I guess its all out there now.

Dr James J Teeth


That is one cold way to confirm to someone they’ve been fired.

ASP ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Lol. I think @EricFrohnhoefer would be able to give a first hand account of how that feels if you are on the receiving end 🫠

Matt Ferrel

@mmasnick given how fragile Musk is this person is definitely fired now

Peat Bog

Check out the dehumanizing HR gaslighting Tesla employees get on the day they're canned for the high crime of joining a union:

Kris Sargent, MD

@mmasnick Handy thing that Elon is a sociopath. Otherwise that whole exchange would have been just horribly humiliating for him.

deepfake horizon

@mmasnick so I may not be a management genius but I’m pretty sure the correct answer to “hey do I still work for you?” is not “i dunno what do you do”

Mstdn Kirt


i suspect he's also walking around, grabbing random pages of budgets and yelling, "charge money for users to do that!"

- verification


- two factor authentication


@mmasnick “what work have you been doing?” - trying to resolve IT issues so I can do my job.


@mmasnick Short attention-span theatre totally tracks with his psychological profile. If you want to understand of the dark side of the #narcissist #psychology of #ElonMusk, I spent months studying him so you don't have to.

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