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I have really reached the point with that I no longer think he's a very elaborate and droll troll who thinks he's Too Funny by Half and just loves to show everyone

I've really come to think that Musk is completely and utterly without


Full stop

There's a point where you'd think Too Cute by Half would occasionally be moderated by a little self-awareness

That's clearly never the case with Musk

He has the attention span of a goldfish, with apologies to goldfish


@FinchHaven @mmasnick I mean, he does seem to believe that DMCA requests are sent by Twitter accounts and so by suspending accounts that send them abusively (aka, send them to be his "friends") will somehow make them stop.


@wanderingincode @mmasnick

Yeah and this suggests a core thing with Musk:

He "knows" about a wide range of things but there doesn't seem to be any linkage or correlation between any of it

It's like

Twitter account

DMCA request

Twitter abuse

Suspend Twitter account

are all things Musk "knows" about, but there's no coherent relationship between any of it

It's all just freeze-frames of information with nothing holding any of it together

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