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Mike Masnick ✅

Alternate headline: Elon Musk admits he's set $24 billion on fire... so far.

Alan Gamrican

@mmasnick will be satisfied when the value is negative and has liabilities that will reduce his net worth even further.

ʇᴉɯᴉl ɐɯǝɥɔs®

@mmasnick yeah, this is hilarious. and he's still valuing it at 4x any comps, which is rich even in tech world

ʇᴉɯᴉl ɐɯǝɥɔs®

@mmasnick also the valuation was for stock grant calcs lmao

Dr. Jorge Caballero

@mmasnick random factoid: Erin Woo, who shares the byline, is a recent Stanford grad and former Editor-in-Chief at The Stanford Daily:

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