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Mike Masnick ✅

"But no one uses Mastodon" people keep telling me. Meanwhile:


@mmasnick you’re never going to own the libs over here, bro

Bryce Wray

@mmasnick Nowhere near your number (nor should I be) but I am nearing 800 followers — acquired in just a few months — which amounts to more than twice what I had on the hellsite after years there.

Jennifer Johnson

@BryceWray @mmasnick AND I often get 4x the amount of engagement, despite erratic and infrequent posting.


@BryceWray @SimplyJennifer I had around 1200 followers on the hellsite, and I'm under 400 here. So 1/3 the followers but 3X the engagement. I'll take it.


@SimplyJennifer @BryceWray @mmasnick
I absolutely love that about Mastodon. More proper engagement, including chatting and that nicely. So welcome.

Jerry Gulla

@mmasnick "Nobody goes there any more. It's too crowded” - Yogi Berra


@mmasnick damn, soon you'll be more popular on the fediverse than you were on Twitter!



Follower count - valuable for journos and those who make their living on content but how I wish we didnt value it so much in general - ah human nature


You know that remote followers wouldn't be deducted even if they remove the accounts, or the server down?

Mike Masnick ✅

@brli yeah. i'm not claiming it's a perfect analog. but, still...


@mmasnick In three months or so.

Maybe the people who worry about this should worry more about having something to say instead of just parroting what they're told from above.

Mikey McFilms

@mmasnick I'd be more concerned with only 1941 followed people - a bit selfish, wouldn't you say?

Mikey McFilms

@mmasnick i come from the camp of " a follow deserves a follow" - i know a lot of folks disagree with me

Mike Masnick ✅

@MikeyMcFilms that would make my experience worse, as it would fill my feed with things I'm not interested, increasing noise over signal. I curate who I follow to keep the useful/interesting content rate high.

John Minnihan

@mmasnick "what could a few thousand followers cost, Michael? Ten dollars?"

Alex Stamos

@mmasnick The quality of the engagement here is soooo much better. The downstream impacts of firing most of the team working on fake accounts is so obvious on the bird site.

Will Oremus

@alex @mmasnick Yeah I have 1/4th the followers here but get more/better engagement on Mastodon, save for the very rare pseudo-viral tweet on birdsite

Mike Masnick ✅

@willoremus @alex I also don't get people telling me that I deserve to die here, which was a semi-regular occurrence over there.

Maria Bustillos

@mmasnick @willoremus @alex

there's so much more beautiful nature to see every day, and it's so much more gentle, there's more knitting, dogs, cats, baked goods, books

(I keep thinking it's just my follows that must have changed, but everyone is saying these things!)


@mmasnick @willoremus @alex wtf 😳 why would people tell you that? How vile.

joene :ecoan: :bij1_flag: :antifa: 🇵🇸 🕊️

@mmasnick 1286 followers right now. On :birdsite: I never went higher than 600.

Dr Jamiebear 🇺🇦

@mmasnick 22k of those Twitter followers being Russian porn and/or crypto bots, of course.


@mmasnick That's just because you have the Ivory folks juicing your number with auto-follows. /s

anggiar :dumpsterfire:

@mmasnick congratulations, but we are not quite there yet me think


@mmasnick and most of those are likely real people compared to other places >.>

Arch :arch:

@mmasnick @gray I can only assume a higher number of bot followers on the other site too

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