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Bastian Allgeier

Some people think Mastodon is too weird to become popular:

I joined Twitter in 2008. We had to put a "d" in front of a tweet to convert it to a direct message and every other day you had some embarrassing private moments exposed because someone forgot about the โ€œdโ€. Hashtags were just a community hack, introduced by Chris Messina to somehow tag content. Search? Hah, you wish! Tweets via SMS were supposed to be a thing. Oh, and the daily meet and greet with the failwhale. Totally not weird.

British Tech Guru

@bastianallgeier I remember trying Twitter via SMS and rapidly burned through my megre allocation of texts.

Tom Fosdick ๐Ÿด๓ ง๓ ข๓ ฅ๓ ฎ๓ ง๓ ฟ๐Ÿ‡ช๐Ÿ‡บ

@BritishTechGuru @bastianallgeier I actually opened a Tw*tter account to keep family & friends informed because I was travelling where there wasn't much Internet, but there was SMS.

British Tech Guru

@misterprickles @bastianallgeier
Yes. I remember that's why they did it. 160 characters didn''t make much sense to me for SMSs. I always thought 128 characters made more sense. Shorter but that's 1/8 of a kilobyte.

Mister Prickles ๐Ÿฆ”


128 chars was the original design spec for SMS, but they reduced the permissible character set to allow for 32 more. See GSM 03.38.

(This may be the geekiest post I have ever written, anywhere)


British Tech Guru

@misterprickles @bastianallgeier
That makes sense. If acceptible characters had been reduced yet further by eliminating capitals then they'd have been able to add a further 26. Now that would have been interesting.

What we're all made of

@BritishTechGuru @bastianallgeier Yes! so many texts to 40404 on my phone bill ๐Ÿ˜…


@bastianallgeier I was just thinking the other day that I hadn't seen the Failwhale in ages, and that Mastodon needs something similarly whimsical instead of these 500-errors

Kiran Castellino :he_him:

@unfnknblvbl @bastianallgeier There is a whimsically grumpy elephant, but you can only see it if the web app isn't loaded (so if you start getting a bunch of 500s, you might catch it if you refresh the page)

๐Ÿ‘€'s Belle

@kiranc @unfnknblvbl @bastianallgeier I have seen the frustrated Mastodon gif angrily attacking a keyboard. It immediately reminded me of the fail whale. I felt strangely comforted since it made me laugh as I backed out of whereever didn't exist.

Bianca Kastl

@bastianallgeier Not to forget the weird times a little bit later when someone invented Retweets RT @ which was weird because you further reduced the remaining chars.

Bastian Allgeier

@bkastl oh right!! It's super interesting how I had to dig out all those memories of the early days. It all seems so obvious now, but it really was quite brain-bending back then. I remember when my professor introduced me to Twitter and I thought: wtf this is never going to go anywhere.

Tom Anypuppies

@bkastl @bastianallgeier I know that I first thought "RT" was shor for "reply to" and I used it in that sense for a bit, confusing my 5 readers back thenโ€ฆ until a friendly soul (rip b00gie) nudged me in the right direction ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

Steve Mac

@webrocker @bkastl @bastianallgeier
I remember back in the 90s in my first foray into internet chat rooms I though LOL meant lots of love ๐Ÿ˜ฎ


@bastianallgeier I joined in 2009. Yes, it was very weird.


@bastianallgeier totally and the retweets with RT !


@bastianallgeier I tend to think of twitter as this one weird mastodon instance, that for no good reason has blocked all the other instances and has one of the shittiest moderation teams. Also there's ads and this one emoji that you can add to your name for $8/month for some reason.

Weird is a matter of perspective.

Mike Luna ๐ŸŒ™

@thomasknoll @bastianallgeier That second one looks vaguely familiar.

I didn't have mobile data on my slide phone when I first got on twitter in 2008, so I would tweet via SMS. Good times.

Fran Barton

@myke_tuna @thomasknoll @bastianallgeier same. It was 40400 i think
Edit - sorry 40404 as others on the thread have said

Alfred R. Baudisch

@bastianallgeier also we would retweet by writing "RT [append tweet here']"


@bastianallgeier And #FollowFriday and #ThrowbackThursday :-) Here at mastodon it smells a lot like those days (joined in 2008 as well). We were shaping the service. And then, the algorithm took place. Maybe we can help shape Mastodon, and expect no algorithm, this time :-) The return of the utopia? :-)


@bastianallgeier People forget this! And that "retweets" were just people putting "RT" in front of someone else's tweet!

A lot of the things about Twitter even today are objectively weird and only seem normal because Twitter gained mass social acceptance over the course of like 15 years. No shit Masto seems odd and inscrutable if you've only known about it for five minutes.

(I actually used the SMS function, incidentally)

Mi Lia

@bastianallgeier I don't find popularity necessarily a good thing ...

Joรฃo Santos

@bastianallgeier Toots via SMS would be a killer feature for instances targeting places with bad mobile internet.

Bastian Allgeier

@jmcs never thought about it that way. You are totally right.

Dan Lovejoy

@bastianallgeier @jmcs Unfortunately, SMSes still cost a little bit, even at huge scale, so youโ€™d have to have some sort of revenue model to pay for them.

Joรฃo Santos

@danlovejoy @bastianallgeier receiving SMS is included on plenty of VOIP/SIP services, so it would "just" be a matter of having a service to bridge SIP to Mastodon. Of course this would one way, but helpful in general if you just want to send live updates from a zone without mobile internet.


@bastianallgeier I remember starting my tweet with a dot ".@user". I just can't really remember exactly why this weird thing was important.

Bastian Allgeier

@apas_csc If you wanted to mention someone but at the same time the rest of the timeline should see it as well.


@bastianallgeier @apas_csc yes, if you didnโ€™t use the . then only they and people who followed you both, would see a tweet

Wayne Harrison

@bastianallgeier I joined Twitter in 2008, also. I forgot about he "Failwhale" showing up all the time.


@bastianallgeier I wouldnโ€™t think weirdness would be the issue, but complexity and confusion will be. Iโ€™m not saying Mastodon isnโ€™t successful. You could certainly argue it is, and the architecture is a huge part of that right now. (Iโ€™m a big proponent of the open internet.) But it is complex, and that complexity is off-putting to a majority of mainstream would-be users.


@bastianallgeier Iโ€™ve seen the confusion. Iโ€™ve also seen the pushbackโ€ฆ โ€œWhatโ€™s confusing? You sign up and post.โ€ But the longer Iโ€™m here the more I release how whatโ€™s different about Mastodon creates subtlety complex questions for users that arenโ€™t easily answered.


@bastianallgeier You could say the same thing about Reddit or Quora or Wikipediaโ€ฆ You just sign up and post. Those platforms are popular certainly but they seem cryptic to a large number of people who would find it overwhelming to actively contribute in a meaningful way. That in turn shapes the platform.

Pedro Soares :mastodon:

@bastianallgeier Tweets via SMS WERE the thing!
My God. I forgot about that :D


@bastianallgeier and for years new people would sign on and have no idea what to do, what the point was, or how to find people. IMO it was way more confusing to people than the server thing is now. At least now people get what microblogging is and how it basically works.


@bastianallgeier you had to use URL shorteners, and external sites to post images.

Christian Michel

@bastianallgeier I joined Twitter in 2006. There was even a global timeline!

Bastian Allgeier

@chm oh yes, I remember that. It almost feels like an ancient memory that is no longer plausible ๐Ÿคฃ

Ursula Thoese

@chm @bastianallgeier My son made me join in 2009 and I didnโ€™t understand it at all. The first time I realized how useful it could be when in 2011 I could read news about the earthquake and the tsunami in Fukushima.

Bastian Allgeier

@ursulathoese @chm such a good point. Twitter only got really useful for a huge audience when the network effect was strong enough.


@bastianallgeier tweets via text were a thing. We used to use it on camping holidays. Meant you could save money, send one text and all your friends for it. Because you got charged by the text back then.


@bastianallgeier It really was so simple at the start that it felt like a glorified email exchange.


@bastianallgeier FAILWHALE! I could see it now. Wow. And then I remember going to a horizontal scrolling network called Plurk (which still exists somehow!) Lots of progress has been made since then, and i'm super excited to be back in the beginning stages of something with good people.

Benjamin Dumke-von der Ehe

@bastianallgeier Manual "RT"s! Images needed to be hosted externally! Fun times ๐Ÿ˜


@bastianallgeier although I've never been a heavy Twitter user I remember those days, but the main difference is that back in the day we weren't spoiled by 10+ years of social media algorithms and carefully designed UIs. A lot of people learned to use the internet inside those ecosystems and breaking free won't be easy (or even desirable) for many of them..


@bastianallgeier Tweets via SMS were absolutely a thing, and that's how I used it on the go! I won't forget the SMS number, 40404. This was before I had any "smart" mobile devices.

๐Ÿ‘€'s Belle

@bastianallgeier good ol' days of Twitter. When cell data plans severely limited who could participate. When Twitter SMS rolled out and the ability to quote SMS tweets. I thought that was the best access of it's time. 2k + per day for me. LoL texting plan was better. Then it changed to app notifications, bloated app ware. smh Good thing internet hit some parts of this Rez. Or I wouldn't be here.


@bastianallgeier thanks for that bit of history! I waa remembering the advent of hashtags last night but didnโ€™t know who to credit.

Reverend Brynstero0

@bastianallgeier those were the days. I kinda miss them. I did tweet via SMS on Vodafone in the UK too.


@bastianallgeier yep it was a complete mess and I didnโ€™t bother with it much until years later

PJ Perez

@bastianallgeier I remember people impersonating others by tweeting over SMS. I can't recall the details, but I think some journalists or public figures did it on purpose to show the dangers of it.


@bastianallgeier lol yep I joined in 2007 - tweets by SMS were the ONLY way. and people were walking around with failwhale tattoos ๐Ÿคฆโ€โ™€๏ธ

didn't we add a period to the front of tweets so it wouldn't cross-post to fb? or something?

Steve Klassen (they/them)

@bastianallgeier Hah right? And the space before an @ so it was still on your timeline?

Daniel Morgan

@bastianallgeier I made a contact called Birdman who had the 40404 sms number, so I could ask Siri to tweet for me

Saddlerโ€™s Husband

@bastianallgeier I remember the Fail Whale! Twitter was super weird at first. Much weirder than this site, lol.

Doug Tabacco

@bastianallgeier though that also plots a grim trajectory for Mastodon.

Bastian Allgeier

@tabacco I don't think so at all. That's the power of the federated architecture. It's not possible to be exploited in the same way.

Phil the Eagle

@bastianallgeier I'm not even sure what's weird about it aside from the federated servers and the fact that toxic crap doesn't go viral.

Both are major selling points IMO.

David Njoku

@bastianallgeier I remember it blowing my mind that, back then, there were so few people on Twitter that you could even see the public feed. Was cross when they took that away.

Don MacDonald

@bastianallgeier lol with the 140 character count youโ€™d have people doing all sorts of abbreviations and it looked like code...there was even a fad of users posting like the Hulk because cutting out articles and participles etc. you could reduce your character count! HULK SMASH PUNY TWITTER


@bastianallgeier I remember SMS to Twitter being the only way to send updates reliably while holidaying in China ๐Ÿ˜…

Jessica ๐Ÿ‡ช๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ฉ๐Ÿ‡ช

@bastianallgeier Agreed, I remember texting tweets as I had a small data plan. Also RT for retweets.

Russell Davies

@bastianallgeier Ha ha I'd forgotten about trying to tweet via was like trying to roll a six on a five sided dice.

Colin M. Ford

@bastianallgeier the fail whale! Omg I almost had forgotten


@bastianallgeier Even @ mentions started as a community hack that got turned into a feature. And yeah, tweets via SMS were great as mobile internet plans were still not great back then. It was still available for a while for the whole world before they turned it off due to cost.

Sean Heber

@bastianallgeier oh geez.. I forgot all about the "d" prefix for DMs - and I was writing a client back then! Good times.

Bastian Allgeier

@bigzaphod I was such a big Twitterrific fan. You guys seriously changed the way we consumed and perceived Twitter. That site would have never gotten so big without the many amazing third-party applications and services.

Sean Heber

@bastianallgeier thanks - things were a lot more fun back then, for sure! I love the vibe here - it feels like we've come full circle again and I didn't expect that could ever happen.

Bastian Allgeier

@bigzaphod it's exactly the same for me. It feels warm and friendly and very much like in the old days. I was wondering if I'm just nostalgic. But Twitter seriously influenced my career and I made so many friends there. The downward spiral of negativity and hatred made many leave or stop posting in the last years. But I truly believe that the community spirit is still there and it seems to return here.

Stephen Gower

@bastianallgeier I definitely agree that a lot of popular conventions now were weird back then. But there are a few things with Mastodon that need to be streamlined - most especially following/liking across servers. But this seems like a pretty cool place that I'm going to have fun playing with!


@bastianallgeier Iโ€™m still on the bird app. I have been since sms on my little neon green LG with the slide keyboard. Unless it gets paywalls Iโ€™ll always be there. But Iโ€™m thoroughly enjoying it here as an additional platform.


@bastianallgeier Not even every carrier supported SMS to tweet. I was ridiculously happy when Cricket Wireless started supporting it because this was before smart phones were commonplace.

Jon Molnar (he/him)

@bastianallgeier Yeah but it's not 2008 anymore, is the main thing.


@bastianallgeier When I joined you could search but it could only find tweets of the last two weeks or so. In order to see older tweets you needed to have it's link. That's why "Favstar" became popular, they had links to good tweets. ๐Ÿ˜…

Stephen Chanasyk๐Ÿง๐ŸŽฎ ๐Ÿ“Š

@bastianallgeier I do miss those days when all we seemed to talk about was donuts, coffee and the sandwich we had/were going to have for lunch :blobcoffee:

:awesome: Leo :mastodon:๐Ÿ‡ฒ๐Ÿ‡ฝ

@bastianallgeier I remember that times. And now, Mastodon and other social networks in the Fediverse, have functions that Musk would charge $50/month for

โœจ Abby โœจ

@bastianallgeier Yep. I remember all of that. Those were fun times.

@abbyladybug joined Twitter on Thursday October 05, 2006

User id: 7,551

There's a nostalgic part of me that hates to leave, so I'll probably keep my account open, but I'm moving here as my primary online spot. It's just time.

Iria Puyosa

@bastianallgeier I remember all of those little moments. I joined Twitter in 2007, driven by my blogger friends. I was into blogs.
And I bet Jaiku and Pownce were better than Twitter.

Witold Pryjda

@preya Das mag sein, ich hab mich auch 2008 erstmals angemeldet. Aber das ist trotzdem kein Argument, denn in rund 15 Jahren hat man auch Erfahrungen gesammelt, wie man so ein Netzwerk aufziehen sollte. Der Vergleich hinkt also schon etwas


@bastianallgeier oh the fail whale and Twitter jail if you were too active..... Those days!!!

R. L. Dane :debian: :openbsd:


Man, I totally forgot how DMs worked back then.

Also, I used the SMS gateway like crazy with my flip phone.

That was super amazing.

Don't forget that retweets were literally copying the tweet, hitting reply, putting "RT " before the @, and pasting the original tweet after the mentioned username.
THEN you had to creatively shorten it, because you just added about a dozen characters to the original.

Also, no threads. Mentions were just mentions.


Man, I totally forgot how DMs worked back then.

Also, I used the SMS gateway like crazy with my flip phone.

That was super amazing.

Don't forget that retweets were literally copying the tweet, hitting reply, putting "RT " before the @, and pasting the original tweet after the mentioned username.
THEN you had to creatively shorten it, because you just added about a dozen characters to the original.

R. L. Dane :debian: :openbsd:


I'm pretty sure hashtags were invented because there WAS no twitter search.

Oh, also no twitter images or videos! haha!! Twitpic came about and eventually #BirdSite bought them, IIRC.

Also, man, really wide open APIs. I miss those days. I never used them directly, but I benefited from them in many ways.

Peter G4MJS

@RL_Dane @bastianallgeier You could get an API feed of the whole platform. Everything everyone posted.

R. L. Dane :debian: :openbsd:

@g4mjs @bastianallgeier

YES! And for a totally open platform, that was ok!

Now everything is so locked down, even bibliogram (instagram front-end alternative) had to shut down and quit development. Ugh :(

I loathe the modern web.

Peter G4MJS

@RL_Dane @bastianallgeier Mentions weren't a thing for a long time either.

Jonathan Lamothe
@bastianallgeier I was a late comer to Twitter, so I don't remember any of this. Kinda interesting to see how much it's changed.
Jon :commodore:

@bastianallgeier I used to tweet via SMS! Did it from an old Nokia phone when I refused to upgrade to one of these new fangled smart phones ๐Ÿ˜‚

Christopher Masto

@bastianallgeier To say nothing of the scintillating conversations and insightful political analysis. I'm thinking of donating my precious archives of those days to the Library of Congress.

Bastian Allgeier

@masto hahahaha, this seriously made me laugh. I don't dare dig deep into my archives. I guess it looks pretty similar.

Christopher Masto

@bastianallgeier I just remember being at a big conference and everyone was signing up for this thing because you could see what your friends were up to. I'm not great at socializing and it really helped me to make some connections.

I'd still be into a super spammy feed of everyone's daily minutiae, but I suspect most people would not, and we have a lot more privacy concerns these days.


@bastianallgeier yeah, when I first signed up for Twitter, I used it from my flip phone.

McHollander โ˜‘๏ธ | Alarmist

@bastianallgeier and RTs were just copies of a tweet with RT and the @ of the original



I remember typing "RT" and a handle to retweet before Twitter added the button.

Jesse F Ballenger

Yep. Plus people keep going on about how cringy "tooting" is. I'm old enough to remember when "tweeting" was just as cringe.


@bastianallgeier I joined Twitter in 2006 in order to set up a group SMS. That is about all it really did. No real community, no reply feature, no hashtags. Here's an email I got in October 2006 introducing...permalinks!!

Email from Twitter introducing permalinks "...update gets saved in your timeline and gets to live on its own very page..."
Kevin Harding

@bastianallgeier Goodness, the memories. The failwhale.

I also remember twitter jail for tweeting too much at once (always good at election times).

Bruno Miguel

@bastianallgeier I created an account ~2y earlier. I don't think the SMS option was available outside of the US, at least at a sane cost, so I used services that allowed me to upload photos via email. No smartphone at the time, I had to do with what I had, and email was awesome for that!

Ann K.


It's easy to forget, or be unaware of, #twitter's humble beginnings. Thanks for the reminder.


@bastianallgeier Yeah I joined Twitter in 2009 and totally did that quite a few times. Mastodon also doesn't feel like you are just shouting into the void either which is a nice change.


@bastianallgeier This is my major point. Everyone forgets how bad TW was (and is still) just because it 'works'. Mastodon takes a little 'work' to figure out, just like TW did when they were 'new' to it. It will get better just because of all the new / returning users.

The Nerdy Mel

@bastianallgeier I forgot about tweets via SMS! I even used it a few times. ๐Ÿ˜‚

David Tucker

@TheNerdyMel @bastianallgeier I started using twitter when I was using a Nokia N82. No Twitter app so SMS is how I used twitter on the go for a long time.

Julie R

@bastianallgeier haha, I'd forgotten about the d for DMs! lol

BongoBaggins โœ”๏ธ

@bastianallgeier I said this to someone yesterday but Mastodon's size isn't really as important as people assume. We're not competing with Twitter, we're not aiming for world domination, we're not a business, our advertisers arent demanding engagement, controversy doesn't create wealth. We're just somewhere social where like-minded, welcoming people can chat. The more the merrier.

V is for...

@bastianallgeier That's absolutely true and I remember people asking me how twitter worked exactly the same as now. I do think some user search across instances to find people would really help usability and immediate ability to get to grips with it. That's the bit I find most frustrating. The rest (excluding the lack of a proper DM thing, just like the d in twitter of old issue) is fine.


@bastianallgeier Can you please stop being rational? Thanks.

Tom Sadler

Fail whale. those were the days!! Thanks for the memory.๐Ÿ˜Ž

Aaron Crocco โœ…

@bastianallgeier How many people even remember Twitter's shortcode? I do! 40404

Emelia ๐Ÿ‘ธ๐Ÿป

@bastianallgeier I used to tweet via SMS exclusively because I had an old phone & it was the only reliable connection I had. (I used Twitter for about 15 years)

Tixie Salander ๐Ÿ’•

@bastianallgeier well it was 15y ago, people expectations of tech products arenโ€™t the same (and thatโ€™s not the same people). This comparaison doesnโ€™t make sense to me

Cleveleys News

@bastianallgeier this is so true. Despite being early adopters of the internet, Twitter seemed overly complex at first, compared to other platforms at least. The one thing making Mastodon seem complicated is the choice of server at signup. Your average disgruntled Twitter user doesn't understand what 'decentralised' means.


@bastianallgeier I remember the failwhale so well! Twitter was slightly better when I joined in 2009 but still a pretty odd bird. For me it lost social traction when G+ came along and scooped the artists only to fold and have people migrate to Facebook and Instagram. My tweet space was never quite the same and definitely not social anymore. Mastodon feels right, open and engaging. I like that!

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