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Bastian Allgeier

Some people think Mastodon is too weird to become popular:

I joined Twitter in 2008. We had to put a "d" in front of a tweet to convert it to a direct message and every other day you had some embarrassing private moments exposed because someone forgot about the “d”. Hashtags were just a community hack, introduced by Chris Messina to somehow tag content. Search? Hah, you wish! Tweets via SMS were supposed to be a thing. Oh, and the daily meet and greet with the failwhale. Totally not weird.

Nando's Brain

@bastianallgeier everything is weird and unpopular until it gets accessible enough for normies.

Than it becomes the new mainstream and everyone gets surprised as if we haven't seen this happen since the dawn of time.

Mastodon is free, easy to use. Considered cooler then it's counterpart. Normies can feel like part of the "new big thing" by joining. It's not a big brain idea to understand why Mastodon is growing.

Also, check this to see the Masto's growth in real time. @mastodonusercount


@BroCrow @bastianallgeier @mastodonusercount the only thing I don’t get is the servers thing and how to find someone. Til then I’ll just keep throwing shit out there.

Nando's Brain

@TheJamieDub1 @bastianallgeier @mastodonusercount It's relevant to remember that mastodon itself and all of it's servers are "open source". Meaning that anyone with the know how can open the code and see what is going on inside.

If smn try to do something shady with it, the community will find out almost immediately. So there's little to no benefit for most social media shady practices that hurt the community.

Andrew Azores

@bastianallgeier I mostly tweeted via SMS back in those days, actually. It was a cool feature in that between time when people had laptops and desktops but not smartphones.

Brendan Clancy

@bastianallgeier as a Mets fan I’d tweet about “D Wright” all the time and it would try to send messages to @wright who had no idea what I was talking about

Rob Warner

@brendanclancy @bastianallgeier a former “D Wade” (Dwyane Wade, ex-NBA player) tweeter checking in.

Madison :blob_cat_coffee:

@bastianallgeier I was an early adopter of twitter and it was an entirely different website in it's infancy. Social medias all change so much and I think people forget that.

Brian Enigma

@bastianallgeier When I joined Twitter, SMS was the only way to post via mobile. I still cringe at the time a friend showed up on my doorstep, texting if I’m home. I texted back “I’m poopin’. I’ll be out in a sec.” Except that wasn’t a text from the friend, but from Twitter (as a DM) and my reply got posted public.


@bastianallgeier How I remember it was that people were using dm instead of just d.

Isla Boag

@bastianallgeier Just reading this is making me blush. The drama that must have created!

ChrisAdamsEcon :betahat:

@bastianallgeier mastodon in a year or so will hardly resemble what is here today.

Amy Hendrix

@bastianallgeier @rossgrady tweets by sms weren’t just supposed to be a thing - they worked until a couple of years ago, long after they stopped publicizing it. The shortcut number was 40404

Tommy Williams

@bastianallgeier And the days when a retweet was a tweet that started with RT and a quote tweet started with QT.

John Wilker - SciFi Author

@bastianallgeier Late reply but man, this brings back memories. I had forgotten all about the ‘d’ for direct message and the “Oh, that was supposed to be private” tweets that would inevitably come from all of us at one or twelve times a day.

Ceri Davies

@bastianallgeier we used to update via jabber clients too, as I recall

The Sarb Johal

@bastianallgeier All this is true - also a user on the bird platform from 2008. Receiving tweets via SMS was so weird. Failwhales came in packs. I thought they had gone extincyt but I hear they have been sighted. Yet to see one, but I have my binoculars handy #tharsheblows

Bron Thulke

@bastianallgeier many people forget the simple beginnings of mature platforms. I joined in 2008 as well, it was a fun time, and to be honest a simpler time in many ways.


@bastianallgeier IRC was weird when it came out, MySpace was weird as well and then Facebook. But Mastodon can become a very good alternative ! I kinda like it :)


@bastianallgeier oh, and the . before the mentions to avoid it being treated as a reply…


@bastianallgeier Tweets via SMS were pretty much the reason I first joined in '08. Living with my folks who only had dial-up still and LiveJournal wasn't doing it anymore.

Baloo Uriza

@bastianallgeier I quit Twitter around the time you started to be able to post from the web.

Matt Live in HD™

@bastianallgeier the SMS thing is a reminder that twitter originally tried to interface with an open interoperable protocol, an early fediverse



I so remember tweeting via sms. And failwhale and so much more…


@bastianallgeier also remember the retweets were invented but the community by simply copying & pasting the original tweet to a new tweet and sticking RT in front then @ tagging the original poster… ah the good ol’days

Kara Shallenberg

@bastianallgeier hahahahah I forgot about tweeting via SMS! 🤣

Marsupial Robot

I think maybe I even did that a couple of times!


I remember those days, and Twitter being down often. :-)

@bastianallgeier I remember tweeting via SMS! I was studying abroad in Japan and had a simple flip phone, but I could still tweet on the go by texting!

Another fun part of Twitter weirdness history: it used to be (no longer is) that if your tweet started with an @, it wouldn't be visible to anyone else, which is why you still, to this day, see people who will start a tweet with a period before @-mentioning anyone.
Barry Schwartz

@bastianallgeier I used to write my Netnews cancel-my-post requests by hand, 30 something years ago. Because I was using hacked up stuff on a 286.

But those were just requests. My own primitive personal setup had no way actually to honor them. I didn't receive a lot of groups, though.

Khae Thano

@bastianallgeier my first sign-up was via a response to a newspaper via sms. Weird? Now seems to be, not back then.


@bastianallgeier i remember someone from mexico forgot the d and then everybody saw his d; he later clarified he was hacked, lol

Ian Fogg

@bastianallgeier Every Internet service starts small & incomplete. Given its age I've been extremely impressed with the flexibility here eg filters, content warnings, instance choice, account migration, import/export etc etc


@bastianallgeier Once the meetups start we’ll know we’re in the new golden age.


@bastianallgeier The original retweet was just to copy their tweet with "RT" and their handle as a prefix. Tweet too long? Too bad!

Smart users shortened their tweets by the number of characters in their handle plus three characters for the space and the RT to allow for Retweets.

joy larkin 🌺

@bastianallgeier Let’s pour one out for the blessed Twitter 40404.

Manoj Pawar, MD :verified:

@bastianallgeier@mastodon.sociaI remember too! We forget … although there was something nice about those days.



everything that's mainstream at one point in time it's been "weird" to most people some time before (if they even knew about its existence then!)

Twitter Immigrant

@bastianallgeier it reminds me of Twitter original for sure. I used to love Twitter. It was the pulse of the united states until capitalism sucked it into the abyss.

Kevin Hooke

@bastianallgeier At one point it was almost a daily occurrence to see the FailWhale at some point during the day!

Maria Varmazis :verified_neko:

@bastianallgeier I remember those days well. Trying to convince companies to get on Twitter, which was my job back then… it was a very hard sell.

Papa Shark 🦈 :verigold:

@bastianallgeier Disappointed by the "d". Feels like college again. 🫣

Rich Stroffolino

@bastianallgeier except Mastodon is six years old now. Onboarding and discovery shouldn’t be this difficult this deep in.

Simon Jaeger

@tristan @bastianallgeier I think the D syntax still exists, clients just fill in the name to make things easier. I can name at least two obscure desktop clients that do this. Also yes, forgetting the D in an SMS was always fun. No way to delete by SMS either at first. Just have to deal with the shame until you can get home and delete it.


@bastianallgeier I really want to meet some brazilian users here but I think it's impossible

Wes Jones

@bastianallgeier I tweeted via SMS like crazy, until they shut the service down!


@bastianallgeier That's when I joined too. It was clunky AF at first. Now that they've finally streamlined it Eloon has pulled the plug on the project.

Melissa M Burnham, PhD

@bastianallgeier I MISSED THE BEST PART! Didn’t join the bird app til 2010.

🟡🟡🟡🟡 Sleepy Captain Kyoshii

@bastianallgeier I remember when hashtags were new and started showing up on TV shows, thinking “wait, they have an IRC channel for this show? … wait, what server is it on?”


@bastianallgeier I remember all of that. Back before the app was well known and only the community knew the system, it was so very different then.

I'm new here, and so far I really like what I see. I'm curious how this place will evolve.


@bastianallgeier I am liking Mastodon. I deactivated my Twitter account today. Moving forward. #twittermigration #twitterrefugee #newhere


@bastianallgeier I remember tweeting via SMS in 2012 when doing a multi-day charity bicycle ride. Lot of remote areas where SMS was all that could get through (and even that only at the top of a hill or maybe in a town).

Think I had a few accts sending me SMS from twitter, too?

Jennifer Wojcik

@bastianallgeier Was there in 2008 as well.
Remember these?

What color is the dress????

Rebecca Bredin

@JenWojcik @bastianallgeier once I got to go to a Twitter office and they had the actual dress in one of their meeting rooms. It was pretty funny to see, especially since a lot of the people I was with didn’t get the significance.

Jennifer Wojcik

@rebeccabredin @bastianallgeier

Ha! Nice! Yeah that went around for a long time. Hilarious.


@bastianallgeier I mean I used to play multiplayer text games at 2400 baud on dial-in BBSes but I wouldn’t expect them to compete against RDR2 today


@bastianallgeier Hahaha... good walk on Memory Lane. I joined in late 2007.

Rebecca Bredin

@bastianallgeier who knows, maybe the #FailWhale will make a return as Twitter’s coding infrastructure falls apart. +1 for the nostalgia!

Sascha Pallenberg 🇹🇼 ♻️ ⚡

@bastianallgeier exactly... or RT for a retweet or the constant Blue Whale when Twitter was down!

⚗️⚗️⚗️ pnathan ⚗️⚗️⚗️

@bastianallgeier the expectations are things "just work" these days. Early adopters, chasm crossing, etc.

NGL I use Linux so my opinion may be too fringe to matter

Andrew Jon Thomson

@bastianallgeier you’re really taking me back to a different time


@bastianallgeier yes, and trying to learn the difference between RT, DT, MT before there was that feature.

Stephanie Aly

@bastianallgeier aw, I was just thinking nostalgically about the failwhale the other day

Mathias Schindler

@bastianallgeier "Retweeting" wasn't really a thing that existed in technology, it was a social convention involving cut and paste.

Mathias Schindler

@bastianallgeier And the low character count required a lot of compromises with standard written language conventions.

Images? lol, you had to use an external service for this and now all the content is gone.


Yeah I signed up to twitter around the same time specifically to text-tweet a trip I was taking for mates. I always assumed the 140 character limitation was due to the number of characters available in one text - someone might tell me it wasn't.
I am somewhat surprised it survived as technology '(smart' phones) made what I assumed to be its user model obsolete. Network effect I presume.


@mxk @bastianallgeier @Larymir on this platform we even get to have our favstar back! 😍

spooky Ske-lil-ton 🦇

@jchillerup @mxk @bastianallgeier Sadly Mastodon is still missing the very important feature, where writing a DM longer than 160 characters via SMS leads to the second half of the message being published as a public tweet! That was fun!

Kristjan Korsten 🇪🇪

@bastianallgeier It's my second day here and I think Mastodon is fine. Just needs more people and we're rocking.


@bastianallgeier I used to send tweets via text, I didn't have a smartphone then.

GJ Groothedde 🇪🇺

@bastianallgeier I joined Twitter in 2009. Shortly afterwards, RT's were introduced. This was simply achieved by placing the letters 'RT' and the original poster's handle before the text of the original post. The post could subsequently be edited at will by the RT'er, or even completely made up. It took Twitter well over a year to even start building in safeguards against this by then frequently occurring practice.

Manu Carrasco Molina

@bastianallgeier I had totally forgotten all of those “things” but yeah I joined in 2007 and I was once hosted at Chris Messina’s place in San Francisco. A great man. I guess he’s on #Mastodon, right?

Morten Kjeldgaard

@bastianallgeier Also, there was no "reply" function, you started your reply with @username and URL's counted against the 140 character limit.


@bastianallgeier @chucker I was there 74 years ago! SMS was *definitely* a thing. I joined Twitter back on a dumb flip phone and had several people I followed through SMS primarily. An early use of Twitter was for arranging meetups in places like PAX and SMS following was quite handy for that.

I probably still have one or two rarely/never Tweet accounts with SMS follow on.


@bastianallgeier @chucker Also, I used SMS primarily to send tweets for years after I had a smartphone. First out of habit, then out of some issues with some clients, then out of the convenience to dictate Tweets out hands free by early proto-voice assistants.

Just checked and Twitter’s SMS number is still in my contacts list. Good old 40404


@max @bastianallgeier it’s funny; my Twitter account is from Jan ‘07 (and only because I waffled for a few months) but I don’t think I *ever* used the SMS gateway.

I did use Twitterriffic* extremely early on long before anyone knew what a hashtag was. We would also say twoosh! when we hit exactly 140 chars.

* I also did some method-swizzling to add my own enhancements, called Twittereeze. My marketing head has since been fired.


@bastianallgeier And there was a free RSS-Feed for accounts :3

Sammy 🦊

@bastianallgeier please tell me this isn't true 🙃 :blobfox3c:

Craig Grannell

@bastianallgeier Weirdness becomes ingrained when you use any service for long enough. I’d say Mastodon’s onboarding is bumpy and there are lessons to learn around eg DMs. But otherwise, familiarity should come pretty quickly for folks already used to Twitter.

ave 🐀

@bastianallgeier don't forget retweets (copy-pasting tweet and putting "RT @handlegoeshere" in front of it) and the lack of a dedicated image uploading method (rip twitpic)!

Christian Tietze

@bastianallgeier @reichenstein The thing with that analogy of Mastodon 2022 and Twitter 2008 is: give it 5--10 years (to Twitter 2018 standards) -- and will people complain about similar problems by then? Toxic timelines, etc?

I do hope Mastodon's non-profit roots enable better tools to fight this, like smaller instances and moderation, and help users create spaces they enjoy.

But we should brace for the inevitable problems of scaling this up.


@bastianallgeier the Federated view reminds me of a 2007-8 Twitter web app, I think it was called Twitterverse, which was a world map on which Tweets showed in real-time. It was fine at first but when the platform got busy it became mental and impossible to follow.


@bastianallgeier @mmasnick you’ve brought some memories back with this post! I too joined in 2008, remember the principle to tweet by SMS and ‘enjoyed’ the d concept for direct messaging. It feels a long time ago, back when it was a fun place to be. I hope Mastodon has the same feel going forwards. I personally am learning as I go at the moment.

Pete Carr

@bastianallgeier oh wow I forgot about using d. Used to quite enjoy sending messages via SMS as I didn’t have a smart phone at the time. Different times. Vastly different times.

pinkprius [en]

@bastianallgeier I remember how lost I was when I first discovered Facebook and made an account.

John Hoggard

@bastianallgeier I completely forgot about having to start a tweet with a 'd' for it to become a DM. Wow. Thanks for the flashback.

™Sıɹ ∀upʎ ᴚǝǝlǝʎ 🇬🇧

@bastianallgeier yup me too so you would think I would be ok with Mastodon, but I am finding it non-instinctive. Perseverance is key.

Quokka 🇦🇺

@bastianallgeier I believe their SMS to tweet still works. I have a friend who SMS his coordinates to a tweet when he's out bush on his satphone as a cost effective way of knowing where to send the helicopters if we don't hear from him


@bastianallgeier Retweeting was simply putting RT and a username before a copied tweet. If you wanted to tweet an image, you'd have to use an external service. URL characters were counted in full, so you used an external link shortener. And all manually. Good times though.

Andrei Kucharavy

@bastianallgeier tbh the tweet-via-sms is what made Twitter the social media of Arab Spring back in 2011, where internet on mobile was all but inexistant except for a couple of cities in wealthy countries.


@bastianallgeier And let us remember that once upon a time, in order to attach a photo, we had to insert the html code in the text, because the forums worked like this

ambercadabra 🦦

@bastianallgeier the DM misfires were the best part for a while there. And the thing was down more than it was up. It was small enough that the avatars for everyone you followed were in your sidebar. :)


@bastianallgeier i do see potential in #mastodon .

Just exploring it like i used to with #twitter

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