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Nando's Brain

@bastianallgeier everything is weird and unpopular until it gets accessible enough for normies.

Than it becomes the new mainstream and everyone gets surprised as if we haven't seen this happen since the dawn of time.

Mastodon is free, easy to use. Considered cooler then it's counterpart. Normies can feel like part of the "new big thing" by joining. It's not a big brain idea to understand why Mastodon is growing.

Also, check this to see the Masto's growth in real time. @mastodonusercount


@BroCrow @bastianallgeier @mastodonusercount the only thing I don’t get is the servers thing and how to find someone. Til then I’ll just keep throwing shit out there.

Nando's Brain

@TheJamieDub1 @bastianallgeier @mastodonusercount It's relevant to remember that mastodon itself and all of it's servers are "open source". Meaning that anyone with the know how can open the code and see what is going on inside.

If smn try to do something shady with it, the community will find out almost immediately. So there's little to no benefit for most social media shady practices that hurt the community.

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