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Bastian Allgeier

Some people think Mastodon is too weird to become popular:

I joined Twitter in 2008. We had to put a "d" in front of a tweet to convert it to a direct message and every other day you had some embarrassing private moments exposed because someone forgot about the “d”. Hashtags were just a community hack, introduced by Chris Messina to somehow tag content. Search? Hah, you wish! Tweets via SMS were supposed to be a thing. Oh, and the daily meet and greet with the failwhale. Totally not weird.


@bastianallgeier all this! and the #failwhale will resurface shortly, according to the departed site reliability engineers...

Juan Luis

@bastianallgeier Re: search, "still not available" and "deliberately not available" are radically different positions.

Christopher Snowhill

@bastianallgeier Can't wait for the return of failwhale when the impending implosion occurs.

L'égrégore André ꕭꕬ

@bastianallgeier A friend of mine had a _very_ spicy DM convo and accidentally was so focused on getting the D that she lost the d.
Shocked hilarity ensued.

the last heron

@bastianallgeier Public embarrassment for want of the d. How appropriate


But the other social media platforms were not far ahead from twitter those days. You can't say the same for Mastodon.

Daniel Münch

@bastianallgeier oh yes, now I remember, we basically all signed up for Twitter because it allowed us to send free group SMS 😄

Joseph P.

@bastianallgeier brings back memories of using SMS to twitter & later SMS to mapping...

Struggling Programmer

@bastianallgeier Mastodon can be a Twitter killer if we, the users want it to be.

Jojanneke van den Bosch

@bastianallgeier Indeed! And we, the users, invented retweets and hashtags, and Twitter decided to formalise them into working tech features. This is how early stage tech works.

JoYo :clippy:

@bastianallgeier the fediverse has been around for about as long as Twitter, longer if you count RSS.


@bastianallgeier I have very fond memories of the fail whale


@bastianallgeier even better when your Twitter was linked to Facebook so those public DMs went *everywhere*…😖

David Chartier

@bastianallgeier This! I've had similar discussions, and it's like... do you REMEMBER Twitter in the early days at all?

NO ONE knew what a "tweet" or a "retweet" or a "hashtag" or an "@ mention" or a "DM" or a "favorite" or a "thread" were. I get so frustrated when the argument boils down to "but learning new things is haaaarrrddd'uh!"

We all spent a tiny bit of time learning something new for Twitter! Learning stuff ain't gonna kill ya! So frustrating.


@bastianallgeier oh, the “d” for direct messages, right! I totally forgot about that. Thanks for bringing back good memories. ☺️

Daniel Duke

@bastianallgeier This! When I joined Twitter it was basically just a service that let you mass text your friends that you were somewhere and they should come hang out. It's come a long way!

Lars Karlslund :verified:

@bastianallgeier development speed of an open platform will increase it's pace along with number of talented users actually using it. It's all good!


Journey of a thousand miles yadda yadda


@bastianallgeier I tweeted via SMS all the time! I miss those days.


@bastianallgeier actual pic from a test i made in april 2008 😁 #twitter /ps: thought i'd find some old screenshots of twttr, which was the original name, but unfortunately I didn't


@assbach @bastianallgeier you can find some snapshots on
Did we really still use twitter via SMS in 2008? I joined 2007 but I cannot remember how I used it back then 🤯


@mauricerenck @bastianallgeier yes sure, but i wanted to find some I made myself ;)


@mauricerenck oh, I'm not quite sure about the year... I joined in March 2007, probably the exif data of that picture is wrong.


@assbach might be right, I really can't remember 😅

Nicola Fankhauser

@bastianallgeier I joined in December 2008. Didn’t know much… What a ride it’s been!

Sebastian Herold

@bastianallgeier I've been on Twitter since 2008, and I totally forgot about the fail whale. Compared to what we have here, it was beyond weird. Thanks for the friendly reminder. 💜


@bastianallgeier yes. I was there at beginning and started with sms. IPhone new and Nokia still had foothold in smartphone arena.

Steven Cahn

@bastianallgeier I remember telling people in 2007 (I joined in May of that year) that Twitter would be a good way to organize campaign workers in real time. Basically what would become flashmobs. But I didn't think some guy would one day have 110 million followers.

Garry on screaming

@bastianallgeier I can remember early twitter days. It's strange to be back on a fledgling social media again.

Rachel F. Elson

@bastianallgeier Been thinking a lot about the fail whale lately. How we just expected it and planned around it...

Karen E. Lund 💙💛

@bastianallgeier It was still very like that when I joined in 2010. DMs and hashtags were becoming standard, but I met the #FailWhale often. And when conversations got very active some of my friends would hit a limit on the number of tweets they could send.

Also, quote tweets weren't a thing yet. We had a work-around, though--which works here, although I rarely use it because the lack of quote-toots is a conscious decision.


@bastianallgeier The failwhale! I forgot all about it. :mastolol2:

Troy 🐀

@bastianallgeier I joined in 2007 and remember all of this too. All of the drama every time something changed. Wild times they were.


@bastianallgeier I’m pretty sure I text -> tweeted a few times 🙂

Skyler Reed

@bastianallgeier no one remembers what twitters original version purpose was or who they were competing with at the time (I'll give you a hint, it rhymes with Soar Fairs)

If someone reading this can tell me, precisely, what v1 Twitter was supposed to accomplish I'll send you an ice tea or soft drink of choice 🥤


@bastianallgeier I tried, unsuccessfully, to explain to netik about how perhaps twitter could use bitlbee to bring back the twitter to AIM/OSCAR gateway (remember that functionality? No? It died very early and never returned).

I think it went totally over his head. ;-/

André van Schoubroeck

@bastianallgeier The early days of twitter, had a twitter bot that would tweet when the server was down, so it would send an SMS to my phone.

Megan Lynch (she/her)

@bastianallgeier Yup. This is why it took me a couple yrs to join Twitter despite being invited to earlyish - I didn't own a smartphone.

ℭ𝔥𝔯𝔦𝔰 ℭ𝔥𝔢𝔴

@bastianallgeier ha some berk so called journalist tried to pull me up something that I had in my feed in 2010. I had to explain what ‘RT’ meant before the post. 🤣🤣🤣

Michael Fisher

@bastianallgeier I’m an IT cloud solutions architect and systems designer by profession. My $.02 after being active here for less than a week: this platform has good bones and GREAT potential. Needs some spit-shinin’, but that will come in time. Good to be here.

jubnub :starfleet:

@bastianallgeier I remember the SMS Twitter. It was my high school English teacher that actually had us sign up for accounts back in 2007. What a crazy platform it was.


@bastianallgeier Wasn't there an IRC interface back then? I think I remember using irssi as my Twitter client.


@bastianallgeier I actually got twitter just for the SMS thing, because I had finally gotten a phone and I wanted to look like I was texting LMAO

Derek P. Collins

@bastianallgeier Yes, buuuuut the template exists now, it didn’t exist back then.

Jack McKracken

@bastianallgeier tweeting via SMS was great. Could post stuff while being away with my not-smartphone 😅

toni ✨🧠

@bastianallgeier We had to use URL shorteners and upload images to external sites...

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