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Sean Heber

@bastianallgeier oh geez.. I forgot all about the "d" prefix for DMs - and I was writing a client back then! Good times.

Bastian Allgeier

@bigzaphod I was such a big Twitterrific fan. You guys seriously changed the way we consumed and perceived Twitter. That site would have never gotten so big without the many amazing third-party applications and services.

Sean Heber

@bastianallgeier thanks - things were a lot more fun back then, for sure! I love the vibe here - it feels like we've come full circle again and I didn't expect that could ever happen.

Bastian Allgeier

@bigzaphod it's exactly the same for me. It feels warm and friendly and very much like in the old days. I was wondering if I'm just nostalgic. But Twitter seriously influenced my career and I made so many friends there. The downward spiral of negativity and hatred made many leave or stop posting in the last years. But I truly believe that the community spirit is still there and it seems to return here.

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