@bastianallgeier I was just thinking the other day that I hadn't seen the Failwhale in ages, and that Mastodon needs something similarly whimsical instead of these 500-errors
@bastianallgeier I was just thinking the other day that I hadn't seen the Failwhale in ages, and that Mastodon needs something similarly whimsical instead of these 500-errors 4 comments
@kiranc @unfnknblvbl @bastianallgeier I have seen the frustrated Mastodon gif angrily attacking a keyboard. It immediately reminded me of the fail whale. I felt strangely comforted since it made me laugh as I backed out of whereever didn't exist. @bellesapepper_37 @kiranc @unfnknblvbl @bastianallgeier The frustrated mastodon is always here for you at https://mastodon.social/500 |
@unfnknblvbl @bastianallgeier There is a whimsically grumpy elephant, but you can only see it if the web app isn't loaded (so if you start getting a bunch of 500s, you might catch it if you refresh the page)