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@bastianallgeier Even @ mentions started as a community hack that got turned into a feature. And yeah, tweets via SMS were great as mobile internet plans were still not great back then. It was still available for a while for the whole world before they turned it off due to cost.

1 comment
Orbitus Solanus

@trodrigues @bastianallgeier I used thr SMS feature back in the day, maybe 2009-10. It really bridged the network in ways that are groundbreaking. It could still be developed today in a similar manner, but data plans are usually the same cost as text now. Some hardware could use LoRA and other interfaces to build federated microblog. This Mastodon migration reminds me of Diaspora around 2010 when many said they'd leave Facebook.

@trodrigues @bastianallgeier I used thr SMS feature back in the day, maybe 2009-10. It really bridged the network in ways that are groundbreaking. It could still be developed today in a similar manner, but data plans are usually the same cost as text now. Some hardware could use LoRA and other interfaces to build federated microblog. This Mastodon migration reminds me of Diaspora around 2010 when many said they'd leave Facebook.

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