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Mike Luna πŸŒ™

@thomasknoll @bastianallgeier That second one looks vaguely familiar.

I didn't have mobile data on my slide phone when I first got on twitter in 2008, so I would tweet via SMS. Good times.

Fran Barton

@myke_tuna @thomasknoll @bastianallgeier same. It was 40400 i think
Edit - sorry 40404 as others on the thread have said

Thomas Knoll 🌊

@ludictech @myke_tuna @bastianallgeier I remembered why 50500 was stuck in my head… looks busted now, but at one point, you could text `Thomas` to 50500 and get my contact info back, like a digital business card.

Extremely Jordan

@thomasknoll @bastianallgeier 40404 I think. I had the number saved in my phone for years even after getting the app.

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