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@bastianallgeier I tend to think of twitter as this one weird mastodon instance, that for no good reason has blocked all the other instances and has one of the shittiest moderation teams. Also there's ads and this one emoji that you can add to your name for $8/month for some reason.

Weird is a matter of perspective.

👀's Belle

@tauli @bastianallgeier I swear your post, but it is also full of marginalized community voices and well, digital gentrification leaves them and the marginalized disables community behind. I have paid tverse blue for a year. I will stay and see what the $8 does. Besides they content creators in all instances aee asking for donations, $10, so, eh.

requiem 🏴

@tauli @bastianallgeier This is beautiful, and how I'll refer to Twitter from now on.

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