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Christopher Masto

@bastianallgeier To say nothing of the scintillating conversations and insightful political analysis. I'm thinking of donating my precious archives of those days to the Library of Congress.

Bastian Allgeier

@masto hahahaha, this seriously made me laugh. I don't dare dig deep into my archives. I guess it looks pretty similar.

Christopher Masto

@bastianallgeier I just remember being at a big conference and everyone was signing up for this thing because you could see what your friends were up to. I'm not great at socializing and it really helped me to make some connections.

I'd still be into a super spammy feed of everyone's daily minutiae, but I suspect most people would not, and we have a lot more privacy concerns these days.


@masto @bastianallgeier Hahahahhahaa Made my day this is so much how Social Media works ❤️

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