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21 posts total
Krzysztof Dziatlik

For years, I have been submitting projects to the participatory budget in Łódź (city in Poland) aimed at educating residents about the harmful effects of feeding ducks with bread and installing machines by the city's ponds that dispense special duck feed.

I also prepared graphics to promote these projects:

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@MeanwhileinCanada i bring the battery inside, saves any trouble.
And the winter car i don't even try to start it during cold weather.
And we sure had it cold here, all of November was minus 10C at night, and in the new year we had a week of minus 30C nights...
#climateweirding #Climatechange #canada



It was +1C (33.8F) earlier today in Winnipeg, the overnight 'low' was -1C. I've already seen people in shorts.

Average temps for this date are high -13C (8.7F) and low -23.6C (-10.4F).

They haven't been able to open up the river skating trails yet this year.

Meanwhile in Canada

Remember that as days get colder, animals are attracted to the warmth of cars, so check wheel arches and other hiding places.

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Peter Butler

@MeanwhileinCanada One morning, I heard tiny mews coming from somewhere in or near my car

Finally popped the hood and found the tiniest little kitten curled up on my engine block

We were both surprised!

Tom 🇨🇦


It's even worse when they get into the ventilation system!

Meanwhile in Canada

An owl stole a child's stick horse and flew around with it.

Photos by Eric Lind

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Aurora Rose

@MeanwhileinCanada hahaha adorable!! Looking like a witch when it was flying through the sky!! 😂🧙‍♀️

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Mr. Bruno :verified:

@MeanwhileinCanada Dogs have never robbed us of money. Sandwiches, yes. Money, no.


@MeanwhileinCanada With saying that pets are allowed, the hotel also is blaming indirectly people who doing inappropriate or bad things. That was smart!😂

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Melissa BearTrix 🏳️‍⚧️

@MeanwhileinCanada there isn't much I wouldn't tell a paramedic ... giggles ... I also hope to be in their hall of fame too ... Blush

Hugz & xXx

jRm 𝕏]

@MeanwhileinCanada got so many stupid ppl here smoking their cigarets in their car, opened window, throwing hot ashes thru it while driving (then also throwing cigarette butt, of course)

Don't know what to do :blobthinkingeyes:

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Whoever made this sign has never met a red squirrel.

David M Schell 💙

@MeanwhileinCanada they drive slowly because they have very small cars.

Franky 🐘


We don't have that many Squirrels here in Belgium, not even red ones...on the other hand, we do have a lot of chickens.

Meanwhile in Canada

Don't look up at the haze from record wildfires.

Don't look at the flooding in Quebec, Vermont, Spain, India, Japan etc.

Don't look at the dangerously high ocean temperatures.

Don't look at the heat domes all over the world.

Don't look at the melting glaciers.

Don't look at the disappearing coral reefs.

Don't look or you might want to do something about it.

Meanwhile in Canada

I want to live in a world where 500 migrants lost at sea evokes more concern than 3 millionaires lost in a vanity submarine.

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@MeanwhileinCanada I hope the millionaires and billionaires are paying attention to all this. This isn't a "Balloon Boy" or "Soccer Team Trapped in a Cave" thing where the world is waiting anxiously for their rescue. We may not be quite to "Put the rich in guillotines" levels yet, but we have certainly crossed the "if the rich are so hollow and dead inside that they want to put their own heads in guillotines, I will certainly watch" line.


@MeanwhileinCanada In Face of death all people are equal. There is no amount of money that can safe your life or your beloved life when your time is over.

Meanwhile in Canada

How Canadians confuse the world:

- We measure outside temp in Celsius and oven temp in Fahrenheit.

- Length in meters and our height in feet.

- Cheese is weighed in kilograms but people are weighed in pounds.

- We speak like Americans, spell like Brits and randomly throw in French words.


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@MeanwhileinCanada And to make things more confusing for me, I lived in Australia long enough that even though I have my Canadian accent back, I speak with an Australian speech pattern and even Canadians don't understand me half the time.

Except for the Quebecers.

And my neighbours from Malaysia asked me this year when I emigrated from Australia (!) and I was floored because nobody has asked that since my Aussie accent vanished in 1999.


@MeanwhileinCanada as a devoted Habs fan, I do not relate or understand your post. Lol.

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