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Meanwhile in Canada

It's national pollinator week in Canada. Time to get to know your bees

Socar Myles

@MeanwhileinCanada This reminds me of a bad joke:

Q: What is USB for?
A: In case something happens to USA.

Joacim Jacobsson

@packbawky @MeanwhileinCanada and in true naming things is hard fashion they broke the scheme when they made USB-C.


@jjacobsson @packbawky @MeanwhileinCanada They needed to add a syllable to make it singable to the tune of YMCA

Noe 🐝✨


Massive and industrial bee exploitation in the US has gone too far 😱


This joke caused me pain. You should be very proud.

Michael Gemar

@MeanwhileinCanada @donmelton It’s tough for the ones in America, as they need to try several times before they can fit into their hive.


If you don't plug it in right first try, you get stung


@MeanwhileinCanada you win the internet for today! 👏👏👏

Pile of Salt

@MeanwhileinCanada without periods, I contend that this reads as "uss-bee".

I am Jack's Lost 404


It's like a Rubber Ducky, but you can only use it once

Seeker (tm) (AI8W) ✡︎ :ally:

What's the difference between USA and USB?

One connects to all your devices and copies your data.
The other one is a hardware standard.


This image 👏 is very clear about the differences between Canada and the US.
Boost this in Japan🤗


Jan Adriaenssens

@MeanwhileinCanada Greetings to all of your bees from all of our bees here across the Atlantic.

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