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I see Dud people!

@MeanwhileinCanada "Stay, because you can't get out of the road for snowdrifts!"

Rob Chapman :ohai: ✍🏼🐧

@MeanwhileinCanada so, a bit like the Hotel California then, you can come anytime you like, but you can never leave. 😁

James Baker

@MeanwhileinCanada Shoulda remembered to plug in the block heater, eh?


@MeanwhileinCanada i bring the battery inside, saves any trouble.
And the winter car i don't even try to start it during cold weather.
And we sure had it cold here, all of November was minus 10C at night, and in the new year we had a week of minus 30C nights...
#climateweirding #Climatechange #canada



It was +1C (33.8F) earlier today in Winnipeg, the overnight 'low' was -1C. I've already seen people in shorts.

Average temps for this date are high -13C (8.7F) and low -23.6C (-10.4F).

They haven't been able to open up the river skating trails yet this year.

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