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@MeanwhileinCanada Former hotel front desk worker here. I especially like the β€œSo if your dog can vouch for you, you’re welcome too” line. The dogs themselves were never an issue - they didn’t bark or attack people. It was the rude, obnoxious, inconsiderate owners abusing the Service Animal policy who were the problem.

John Caveney woke is meπŸ› οΈ

@MeanwhileinCanada I bet a few have crapped in the corner and shagged in public though! It’s all relative! 😁

Mr. Bruno :verified:

@MeanwhileinCanada Dogs have never robbed us of money. Sandwiches, yes. Money, no.


@MeanwhileinCanada With saying that pets are allowed, the hotel also is blaming indirectly people who doing inappropriate or bad things. That was smart!πŸ˜‚

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