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Steve DeGroof

Does this owl habitually order supplies from ACME?

JC Little

@MeanwhileinCanada ๐Ÿ˜ณ thatโ€™s the telltale trail right there ๐Ÿ˜…


@MeanwhileinCanada can you rephrase it for us Americans who read this as โ€œsomeone shot an owl,โ€ at first glance? #america sucks rnโ€ฆ thanks, love you, sorry.


I had no idea they hunted snow. Nature is full of surprises


This is SO! AWESOME!!!!!
What a photo! (I hope the Superb Owl was successful and did not just get a faceful of snow.)

Peters J Vecrumba

If only that had been an eagle and Kevin McCarthy.


@MeanwhileinCanada That wing imprint looks too perfect to be real.

Sylvain Drapeau

@AdditionalQuench @MeanwhileinCanada

If that doesn't tip you off, the absence of "take-off" marks probably will! ๐Ÿ˜‰

Bruno Girin

@AdditionalQuench @MeanwhileinCanada I face planted in snow like this once while skiing: the imprint was recognisably me. Based on that experience, I'd say this imprint looks legit with the difference that the owl did it on purpose.


@AdditionalQuench @MeanwhileinCanada It's actually the imprint of takeoff. The owl's wings were up went it hit the snow, then downward for takeoff.

This vid shows a nice view of the position of the wings (there are some good videos to watch these days of owls hunting);


@julescelt01 @MeanwhileinCanada I watched this on tv once, cool show, in fact the memory of those slowmo videos of their kill move was part of my initial skepticism. And slapping the ground on takeoff to make a perfect wing imprint sounds inefficient & unlikely. But it's the internet, so believe whatever possibility you brings you the most joy I suppose.

Account has moved


It's impressive: snowy owls can hear something under the snow, pinpoint its location, and dive to grab it from under the snow.

Roadskater, Ph.D.

@MeanwhileinCanada Is there a photo credit to go with? Because, I swear, I have seen this photo posted on Mastodon before and nobody mentioned anywhere specific in Canada. Could just as well have been somewhere in Minnesota a few years ago.


@MeanwhileinCanada well that is impressive! The owl landed to catch something and didnโ€™t even move its wings! And then it grabbed the prey and just floated up without using wings so someone could make this lovely picture! WOW!!


@Debuski @MeanwhileinCanada They don't land, they just swoop down and snatch the prey and climb again. In this case it looks like the tips of the wings just brushed the snow as it made the grab. They have great hearing and can pinpoint the location of a sound accurately.


@MeanwhileinCanada @beecycling yes I know. But this doesnโ€™t look like the wings brushed at all, that would show movement. This shows passiveness. Itโ€™s a drawing


@MeanwhileinCanada One thing I find fascinating is Owls and Hawks have been fighting a war for millions of years.

padda!!!!! ๐Ÿ‰

@MeanwhileinCanada Snรถ hittades [faller pรฅ snรถn] jag lyckades


@MeanwhileinCanada was on the ground and had an explosive fart.

Unlikely, but funnier. ๐Ÿคฃ

Kevin RR :verified:

The Bat Signal in the snow from an owl. My head is ๐Ÿคฏ

Humanist Engineer

@MeanwhileinCanada or maybe a mouse was taken up to heaven by an angel!


Me: Awe, the owley-wowley made a snow angel!
Mouse: F*ckin' snow angel of death.
Me: ๐Ÿ˜ฌ

Anarchy How

@MeanwhileinCanada In my line of work we call that a hermeneutic of suspicion

Eva Chanda

@MeanwhileinCanada Ha! I was just saying the other day that I'd love to see one of these silent dramas in the snow! I guess this is the next best thing.

โ›ฉ๏ธ Maรฎtre Crayon

@MeanwhileinCanada @daph Yeah, sure. "Hunting". Totally not the evidence of a drunken owl

Tofu Golem

A bird of prey got something that was sticking out of the snow

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