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It’s fine: they only drive slowly, so it’s perfectly safe.


@vfrmedia @MeanwhileinCanada

In their defense, the red squirrels only speed when drunk. Unfortunately, they drink a lot.

Caoimhin MacEochaidh

@MeanwhileinCanada A squirrel was drinking in a bar. At the end of the night he stumbled out the door only to return moments later looking for his keys. The barman says: "You're not going to drive, are you?"
"No", says the squirrel. "I'm just locked out of my tree..."



Whoever made this sign has never met a red squirrel.

David M Schell πŸ’™

@MeanwhileinCanada they drive slowly because they have very small cars.

Franky 🐘


We don't have that many Squirrels here in Belgium, not even red ones...on the other hand, we do have a lot of chickens.

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