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Meanwhile in Canada

An owl stole a child's stick horse and flew around with it.

Photos by Eric Lind


@MeanwhileinCanada and this then gives rise to rumours of witches flying around on brooms πŸ˜‚



When in doubt, 'fly' "a cock horse to Banbury cross." πŸ˜πŸ‘Œ


@MeanwhileinCanada In so many ways, I want to be that owl.


Anyone else hearing the music? you know, which one I mean.

T Chu 朱


Poor owl probably thought dinner was slow moving that day.


@MeanwhileinCanada this makes me wonder if the old Mothman sightings were nothing more than owls being a little weird. πŸ¦‰


@sasyecat @MeanwhileinCanada

i heard Mothman was Barred Owl being weird but obv. have no way to verify

Fanfalla :fennec_fox:

@MeanwhileinCanada Can you blame the owl? I mean, that stick horse is pretty cute. Lol


@MeanwhileinCanada The pic on the right reminds me a bit of Mothman.



this owl is an absolute legend in their own mind...

Johanna's Garden

@peachfront @MeanwhileinCanada I'd say this owl is an absolute legend in all of our minds. I wonder if I could put together a "Canadian owl riding a stick horse" costume in time for our Halloween parade. I'm not sure if anyone would get it, though.

I see Dud people!

@MeanwhileinCanada That's a EAGLE owl! Bloody lucky the kid wasn't taken, too!

Johanna's Garden

@BackFromTheDud @MeanwhileinCanada Thanks for the ID. Knowing it's one of the largest and most powerful owl species helps us understand that flying with a stickhorse would not be hard!

Sternwarte Vach (Andy)

@MeanwhileinCanada this must be an enchanted witch! an owl wouldn't do this πŸ˜‚

Ruami Grey


Had no idea owls, or any other bird for that matter, could joyride stick horses. Amazing!

Cait the Encourageable


As an official representative of the Canadian Department of Defence, I must ask that you take down this photo of sensitive military manoeuvres immediately. The 423rd Horde of Owls Over Tanks unit is not, I say again not, practicing to take part in the Ukraine-Russia war, dropping grenades into tanks. This is a wild rumour started by Russian propaganda. Photographing our troops while they practice strictly routine military manoeuvres (such as here, in their Air Cavalry role) is completely forbidden.

Thanking you in advance,

Major Dickhead, I.M.
Department of Defence Spokesperson


As an official representative of the Canadian Department of Defence, I must ask that you take down this photo of sensitive military manoeuvres immediately. The 423rd Horde of Owls Over Tanks unit is not, I say again not, practicing to take part in the Ukraine-Russia war, dropping grenades into tanks. This is a wild rumour started by Russian propaganda. Photographing our troops while they practice strictly routine military manoeuvres (such as here, in their Air Cavalry role) is...


@MeanwhileinCanada Witch: "A horse! My kingdom for a horse!"
Owl: "Yes, mistress!"
[hours pass]
Owl: "Mistress -- behold!"
Witch: "Um. Yes, well... Thank you, Todd. You may go..."


Down in Texas, they have owls big enough to fly around with REAL ponies.
At least that's what I've heard.


@MeanwhileinCanada 🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣

Pablo Rrrrrrr

@MeanwhileinCanada No no no, clearly that’s a post owl delivering a toy broom to Harry Potter’s child.

Aaron Grewell
@MeanwhileinCanada That owl is about to make some crows an offer they can't refuse
Aurora Rose

@MeanwhileinCanada hahaha adorable!! Looking like a witch when it was flying through the sky!! πŸ˜‚πŸ§™β€β™€οΈ

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