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155 posts total
Aral Balkan

Hmm, here’s an idea: what if tools like Glaze and Nightshade were integrated into fediverse servers and/or clients and automatically applied whenever any images are posted… 🤔

Thoughts @dansup?

#ai #selfDefense #glaze #nightshade #fediverse #pixelfed #mastodon

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Brent Pruitt :: Artist

i've tried glaze on a few images & it's not for the patient & is cpu intensive.

it took ~12 hrs for 1 images to process on the medium scale & close 7hrs for the default settings.

it is awesome & i want to see more use…


@aral I wouldn't count on it being intergrated into official releases of Fedi servers, as it doesn't seem to be an open source project. Maybe clients could if they choose to but then you won't find them for download in F-Droid. Individual instances could maybe integrate as well. I think it makes more sense for the user to process images themselves before upload if they wish.


@aral That is very interesting, I am working on a webhook feature in @pixelfed that would make this really easy to implement for users or admins!

I'll take a deeper look into nightshade this weekend, thanks for sharing!

Aral Balkan

There is a special circle of hell for lackeys who legitimise surveillance capitalists like Facebook and aid their efforts to take over (or at least sabotage) emergent non-corporate spaces like the fediverse when they should be protected from them at all costs. Those who give them every benefit of the doubt and temper all historic evidence of wrongdoing with anecdotes of the very good people they know who work there in good faith. You know who you are and exactly what you’re doing. Shame on you.

Chris Gioran 💔

@aral Watching Facebook vs Fediverse is like watching a teen slasher film, where the protagonists _know_ who the killer is and they still invite him in the house because he hasn't killed any of them yet.

And you're just standing there, yelling at the screen, because you saw them watching him murder everyone else in the neighborhood.

Matúš Chochlík

@aral If the Dante's Inferno game was published these days this (circle 10. Surveillance) would be a nice DLC :P

Space Hobo Actual

@aral See, now I'm mad that gitea/forgejo don't use it for the short forms of the commit hashes...

United Space Cats 😻

@aral This sounds very interesting to us. Tell us more. 😻

Aral Balkan

“We live in capitalism, its power seems inescapable – but then, so did the divine right of kings. Any human power can be resisted and changed by human beings.”

– Ursula K. Le Guin

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@aral kes amınakoyduğum çocuğu senin o peşmerge ananı apoyla Selo grup yapıp siksin sende o sikik hayali devletin kadar olan namusunla kenarda ağlaya ağlaya izle amın feryadı


@aral anneni kapitallere siktireyim proletaryaya filmini izleteyim amcıkkk hoşafı

Paul Sutton


People still trust Meta /Facebook how do we convince those people ?

FediThing 🏳️‍🌈


It's so insane.

If platform and instance owners start working with Meta it will go badly wrong for the Fediverse, and what will they say?

I'm guessing they'll either deny anything is wrong, or say "We had no way of predicting this", or say "We had no other options".

Anything but admit they were going into this willingly, and knowing how terrible Meta is.



I've had a couple of exchanges the last few days which were very much like conversations I've had about cryptofascist politicians with well-meaning people.

Aral Balkan

What Elon says:

“I just don’t like anything which creates a lords and peasants kind of thing.”

What Elon means:

“I want all the workers to be peasants. By the way, I am king.”

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@aral I mean, what can you expect from the Technoking. 🙄

𒀭𒎏Taliaお姉さん 💜 🏳️‍⚧️

@aral I heard that quote in a TL;DR video and was like...

Excuse me, WHAT?

The Animal and the Machine

@aral @Daojoan
Elon actually wants existing governments to descend to anarchy (no rules or governance), so he can leverage what he has (wealth) to make him a dictator over his rules and governance.

He is a child who doesn’t ever want his mummy to tell him what to do, even if it’s good for him.

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Mathieu Comandon

@aral github is just a git remote and free bandwidth to host binaries. We're not migrating to some other service that would probably not offer massive amounts of storage while disrupting years of issue tracking just because MS is running out of ideas to implement. That would be shooting ourselves in the foot.

:blahaj: Why Not Zoidberg? 🦑

@aral Observation from a non-developer: just reading that blog it seems whoever writes it insists on mixing up "GitHub" the platform and "Developers" the profession with headlines like "Developers adapt AI" etc.

Jonas Vautherin

@aral As another alternative, I started using #sourcehut and the git email workflow, and I really like it.

Aral Balkan

🚨 Another EU mass surveillance attempt. Will kill privacy on web. Must not pass. 🚨

“[A]ll web browsers distributed in Europe will be required to trust the certificate authorities and cryptographic keys selected by EU governments.

These changes radically expand the capability of EU governments to surveil their citizens by ensuring cryptographic keys under government control can be used to intercept encrypted web traffic across the EU.”

#eu #privacy #surveillance #eidas

🚨 Another EU mass surveillance attempt. Will kill privacy on web. Must not pass. 🚨

“[A]ll web browsers distributed in Europe will be required to trust the certificate authorities and cryptographic keys selected by EU governments.

These changes radically expand the capability of EU governments to surveil their citizens by ensuring cryptographic keys under government control can be used to intercept encrypted web traffic across the EU.”

CauseOfBSOD :fediverse: mandating putting a specific key in trust stores?


grob 🇺🇦

@aral interesting how all of a sudden cryptography is not the enemy anymore. Looking at you, #chatcontrol

Aral Balkan

How is it I’m only just learning about Feedle – @feedle – by @preslavrachev?

Search for a topic – e.g., JavaScript or ethics or whatnot – and the returned result is available as an RSS feed.

This might just get me back into using an RSS reader again because the thing I struggle with the most is curating feeds.

#RSS #feedle #OpenWeb #news

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★ Σταργαζερ ★

@aral @feedle @preslavrachev This is great, thanks for this! I love #RSS and still use it very much 🙌

Preslav Rachev

@aral @feedle Thank you so much 🙏 Feedle is a side project I help a small team from Germany develop, maintain, and spread the word about. #RSS has been our passion since its very inception in the early 2000s, and we have taken it as our mission to help promote it and the #OpenWeb with every means possible.

As you'll see, Feedle is not perfect - there are a few rought edges we are still working around. Not every blog post is as easy to find there as we want it to be, but are working on it! 💪

Aral Balkan

Imagine having just one life to live and spending it being an apologist for asshat corporations.

Aral Balkan

Never do something so terrible you get Elon Musk to defend you.

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Annie musk defending me is one of my self reflection triggers.


@aral :blobcatgiggle: one of my points to live by :blobcatgiggle:

Aral Balkan

The only legitimate use of privilege is to help bring about the kind of world where you would not have had it to begin with.


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Holger Fiallo

@aral Keep dreaming. You are dealing with selfish humans who only interested in telling others what to do or having power. Even those who push their agenda. They always right and the rest not. Bella the cat told me so and she is right.

Frank Podmore 🌹✊

@aral I found out yesterday about the Jewish concept of 'tzedakah', which is exactly what you describe here: it's usually translated as 'charity' but, in its highest form, should result in the recipient becoming self-sufficient

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@aral It’s lies, just all lies. I guess this is all we can expect from both Facebook and Google from now on.


@aral Thx for this instructive article. I’ve shared w/ two close friends.

Bart Nijbakker

Well, the message stays the same.

Ditch Chrome, like, yesterday.
Firefox. must. survive.

Aral Balkan

Just published a minor update to @small-web/kitten¹ (the type safe library for accessing the Kitten² namespace).

The default export now contains all individually-exported objects.

(Previously, I’d left out some of the more esoteric ones to not clutter the auto-complete list during authoring but got bit by it myself in Domain³ when my unmet expectation that a property should exist lead to a crash).


#SmallWeb #Kitten

Just published a minor update to @small-web/kitten¹ (the type safe library for accessing the Kitten² namespace).

The default export now contains all individually-exported objects.

(Previously, I’d left out some of the more esoteric ones to not clutter the auto-complete list during authoring but got bit by it myself in Domain³ when my unmet expectation that a property should exist lead to a crash).


@aral This is really neat, great job!

I've been thinking of making a @pixelfed profile QR code generator website, and also want to document/blog about how I did it

htmx is something I've wanted to try out, and I think kitten would be the perfect fit for this!

Kudos for making web dev more easy and accessible, long live the #smallWeb ❤️

Aral Balkan

So FairPhone are launching the 5th version of their phone and right there on the page (which I won’t link to):

“All of your favorite Google Apps will be right there with you.”

Nothing like a good bit of fair trade, environmentally-friendly surveillance capitalism, eh?

(I spoke with them when they were just starting out. They fully know and understand what #Google’s business model is. They fully understand what #SurveillanceCapitalism is. This is not an oversight; it’s strategy.)


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@aral no ethical consumption under capitalism

Eva Infeld

@aral No headphone jack either, apparently. 👀

Thibault Molleman🇧🇪 🌈🐝


Sorry Aral, .... But the general public expects an Android phone to act like an "Android phone".

There is a version with e/os being sold somewhere else. Because Fairphone did work with e/os for the fp4 at some point iirc. So there are options.

But the average consumer just wants regular Android

Aral Balkan

Neoliberals are basically just fascists with manners.

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Kyle Montanio


Apart from them both being evil, I'm struggling to see the connection between fascists and neoliberals.

Facism is authoritarian, forcing people (except possibly a select group or two) into government controlled misery while neoliberalism lets the market freely allocate misery.

Facisists want to close borders to prevent others from taking their shiny toys while neoliberalists want to open borders so companies can exploit everyone at lower costs.

They result in different dystopias.

Aral Balkan

Do I want it?

Is it by a startup?


(A ‘startup’ is not just any new small business. It’s a temporary venture capital funded company that must either fail fast or exit. An exit is where you’re either bought by Big Tech or become Big Tech through an IPO. To understand this better, if you have a sustainable small company, a startup is what will put you out of business.)

#startups #SiliconValley #ventureCapital #vc #SurveillanceCapitalism #PeopleFarming

Do I want it?

Is it by a startup?


(A ‘startup’ is not just any new small business. It’s a temporary venture capital funded company that must either fail fast or exit. An exit is where you’re either bought by Big Tech or become Big Tech through an IPO. To understand this better, if you have a sustainable small company, a startup is what will put you out of business.)

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@aral exit-oriented startup

vc-funded startup

anything but letting Them keep the word

Eric Schultz

@aral 100% agree. If it's VC funded, it's better to assume it's going to be shit sooner rather than later.

Aral Balkan

“We rebuilt the Mastodon backend from scratch and made it able to handle Twitter-scale (500M users, 20M writes/second, unbalanced social graph, etc.)”

Congratulations, you reinvented Big Tech.

Did you stop to consider that fediverse (emphasis “diverse”) servers should not be trying to reach “Twitter scale?” That they should be kept small on purpose? That the goal isn’t to recreate Twitter but with some other asshole in charge?

(Of course, it’s a VC-backed startup.)

“We rebuilt the Mastodon backend from scratch and made it able to handle Twitter-scale (500M users, 20M writes/second, unbalanced social graph, etc.)”

Congratulations, you reinvented Big Tech.

Did you stop to consider that fediverse (emphasis “diverse”) servers should not be trying to reach “Twitter scale?” That they should be kept small on purpose? That the goal isn’t to recreate Twitter but with some other asshole in charge?


@aral Yeah I was a bit suspicious of it from the beginning with their using soapbox.

Obviously that shows they're people that have paid absolutely zero attention to the meta or the population they wish to work with etc

Aral Balkan

Whenever you see the words “ads”, “cryptocurrency”, “blockchain”, “web 3”, or “AI”, just replace them with “farts” and you’ll know whether you want them or not.

“Can the fediverse survive without farts?”

Yes, perfectly well.

“Will farts replace people?”

I hope not.

“The European Commission embraces farts.”

That’s unfortunate.

“This new startup wants to improve your life with farts.”

I’m good, thanks.

#SiliconValley #BigTech #farts #buzzword #bullshit #ads #adtech #blockchain #ai #web3

Aral Balkan

If you’re developing web sites that only run in Google Chrome, you are not a web developer, you’re a web destroyer.

#google #chrome #WebIntegrityAPI #WebDRM #web #dev #SiliconValley #adtech #PeopleFarming #SurveillanceCapitalism

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James House-Lantto (He/Him)


I'm having Old-guy flashbacks to IE specific code and Netscape Navigator.... *shudders*


@aral Yeah! Websites should also run on lynx/elinks/w3m/dillo/etc.!


@aral If you really mean it, develop in Firefox, and test periodically in Chrome and Safari. I had to do that, and had to do two different implementations of saving files coming in via WebRTC.

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