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155 posts total
Aral Balkan

Closing libraries is how you burn books without lighting a match.

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Steve Leatherman

@aral Yep. Cut off access to information and then they will probably initiate a PragerU curriculum... Kids won't know anything other than ultra conservative dogma. Scary.


It’s how you burn ALL the books, without the tedious work of having to discern between them, and/or having to justify your irredeemable actions.


@aral The conservatives attack on the 'right to read' is apparently following the pattern of the attack on the right to an abortion: close the local brick &. morter facilities, then attack the online access to supplies. Laws requiring personal identification to access adult web sites can easily be used for stopping access to banned books at online libraries also. #libraries #ConservativesReallyAreThatBad

Aral Balkan

Elon Musk: “And now, I will literally piss in people’s faces…”

Mainstream media:

- Five health benefits of urine
- How to stay hydrated like Elon
- I was first in line, here’s how it felt
- Jack Dorsey also unzips his pants
- Swallow or spit, readers have their say

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@aral Surely that cannot be considered free speech. He's suggesting harm to self and others.

Aral Balkan

Basically, what we’re saying to people today is:

You’re interested in tech and you want a nice home (or just any home) and stability? Go work at Google, Facebook, or some other surveillance capitalist.

What’s that? You want to work on free and open source? Sure, go work at IBM or Oracle… Oh… you don’t mean enterprise software? Tech to protect human rights/democracy? Not for profit hippie-dippie crap for the common good?

Oh, then suffer.

I mean, is it any surprise things are as they are?

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6x6pix🚶‍♀️🎞️ 📷

@aral This resonates even from over here on the marketing/content side of things. Sure you can work for a nonprofit, but they'll expect you to do the jobs of four or five people for a "salary" that only someone with a trust fund, or a partner working at Google, can live on.


@aral Right now America is running on two things …… GREED and STUPIDITY !!!


@aral I gave up on software and computer engineering because of this. I tried to find something but couldn't, and didn't have the financials to go into open source and start a company or product, although I'd love to work in a co-op, for example 😊


@aral The meme itself is bad but I'm forced to agree with what it says.

fsnk :NeonCat:

yeah but they preloaded those 100 million users from Instagram anyway it's not even like it was organic sign ups or anything

it's just the social media version that movie Cube

100 million people who just wanted to see Kim Kardashian's latest butt foundation blending tip for bikini season woke up with a bunch of strangers trapped together in a box blasting brand ads like a Yodobashi Camera store while chainsaws come out of the ceiling

Aral Balkan

Oh, nice, looks like the Fosstodon instance (@fosstodon) silenced my profile.

I guess it tells you more about “FOSS”todon than anything else that they chose to block a human rights activist/privacy advocate who wakes up and works at a not-for-profit on free and open software every day. Maybe if I were to work at Google and hack on a hobby open source project in the evenings I’d be acceptable?


Edit: “silenced” not “blocked (i.e., suspended)”

Oh, nice, looks like the Fosstodon instance (@fosstodon) silenced my profile.

I guess it tells you more about “FOSS”todon than anything else that they chose to block a human rights activist/privacy advocate who wakes up and works at a not-for-profit on free and open software every day. Maybe if I were to work at Google and hack on a hobby open source project in the evenings I’d be acceptable?

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Nikov :comunismo: 🇵🇸

@aral @fosstodon probably because your ideas are close to communism and speak to communists like me and others? 😂 beeep, beeep, anticommunist alarm! ⚠️

Mike Christensen

@aral @fosstodon Maybe no one told the Fosstodon admins that because you're a human rights activist/privacy advocate who wakes up and works at a not-for-profit on free and open software every day that their rules just don't apply to you and you can say and do whatever you like and they can't ever do anything or risk your ire?

Twitter_expat ✅(Fedi Resident)

@aral @fosstodon

If the #fediverse is worth something I belive is for advocacy for or against something NOT for perusing censure of different points of views. Any server or instance that promote censure of reasonable point of views is in the wrong place. Needless to say that racism, nazism or misogyny is NOT a point of view.

Aral Balkan

My response to @fedora’s proposal to implement opt-out data collection in Fedora, which was marked as hidden and “flagged as inappropriate: the community feels it is offensive, abusive, to be hateful conduct or a violation of our community guidelines.”

Posting it here, on a space I own, where it cannot be marked as anything by Fedora/Red Hat/IBM:

#fedora #surveillance #privacy #ibm #redHat #telemetry


My response to @fedora’s proposal to implement opt-out data collection in Fedora, which was marked as hidden and “flagged as inappropriate: the community feels it is offensive, abusive, to be hateful conduct or a violation of our community guidelines.”

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@aral so this rules out "fedora is not red hat," right?

Nomad Soul

@aral @fedora
seems like that having a corporation based, for-profit baked distro was a very bad idea from the start. Thank you Fedora for the good times, but for my next setup i'll go for a real community based distro.
#fedoraLove #goodbye #debian

Aral Balkan

FML, something that’s changed between Node 12.16.2 and 18.16.0 has made the OCSP stapling library I’m using¹ 1,000× slower (~4ms vs ~4s per request).

At least I know where the issue is… Tomorrow, I dig into the library to try and narrow it down further.

(The network graph in Firefox was useful as it showed that the problem was with the TLS Setup. And 0x² and its flame graphs helped me narrow it down further.)


#Kitten #TLS #OCSP #NodeJS #dev

FML, something that’s changed between Node 12.16.2 and 18.16.0 has made the OCSP stapling library I’m using¹ 1,000× slower (~4ms vs ~4s per request).

At least I know where the issue is… Tomorrow, I dig into the library to try and narrow it down further.

(The network graph in Firefox was useful as it showed that the problem was with the TLS Setup. And 0x² and its flame graphs helped me narrow it down further.)

Aral Balkan

Right, well, whatever the regression is, it doesn’t exist in Node 20.3.1.

To whit, the time it takes to run my SNICallback:

Node 12.16.2: ~10ms
Node 18.16.1: ~4,000ms
Node 20.3.1: ~10ms

So there’s been a *massive* regression in performance in something in Node 18 (LTS) – buffers/strings? – that appears to be fixed in Node 20 (but not backported) that’s affecting the ocsp module.

CC @indutny – if you get a chance, could you possibly let the right folks at Node core know about this? Thanks :)

Right, well, whatever the regression is, it doesn’t exist in Node 20.3.1.

To whit, the time it takes to run my SNICallback:

Node 12.16.2: ~10ms
Node 18.16.1: ~4,000ms
Node 20.3.1: ~10ms

So there’s been a *massive* regression in performance in something in Node 18 (LTS) – buffers/strings? – that appears to be fixed in Node 20 (but not backported) that’s affecting the ocsp module.

Aral Balkan

Zuck: yea so we’re joining the fediverse and I even got some instance admins to sign ndas and federate

Friend: what!? how’d you manage that one?

Zuck: they came to us

Zuck: i don’t know why

Zuck: they “trust me”

Zuck: dumb fucks

* * *

With apologies to Mark’s original IMs ( Threads (lack of) App Privacy screenshot via

#threads #p92 #meta #facebook #instagram #BigTech #SiliconValley #SurveillanceCapitalism #PeopleFarming #eee #fediverse

Zuck: yea so we’re joining the fediverse and I even got some instance admins to sign ndas and federate

Friend: what!? how’d you manage that one?

Zuck: they came to us

Zuck: i don’t know why

Zuck: they “trust me”

Zuck: dumb fucks

* * *

With apologies to Mark’s original IMs ( Threads (lack of) App Privacy screenshot via

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@aral Very important to read this article!

Gamey :linux: :copyleft:

@aral I am almost certain the meetings and NDA part was stupid fwarmongering but it still keep spreading, somethimes the open source community sucks!!!


@aral why in the ever loving … would anybody use their app?

(I know)

Aral Balkan

If there is even a single gram of truth to this…

Any instance that goes along with such a thing will be lost to surveillance capitalism. I don’t care how large they are or who they are, any instance that becomes Meta’s bitch should be defederated immediately by all others. Let the largest few get swallowed up whole by Silicon Valley if they’re dumb enough to do it. The rest of us will rebuild.

I really hope no one is stupid enough to take Meta up on this if it’s true.

If there is even a single gram of truth to this…

Any instance that goes along with such a thing will be lost to surveillance capitalism. I don’t care how large they are or who they are, any instance that becomes Meta’s bitch should be defederated immediately by all others. Let the largest few get swallowed up whole by Silicon Valley if they’re dumb enough to do it. The rest of us will rebuild.

Aral Balkan

I started on the Fediverse with Mastodon about seven years ago when I had ~42K followers on Twitter and zero here.

Personally, I don’t care how many followers I lose. My tiny, ineffectual, instance of one will defederate with any instance, no matter how large, if this rumour is true.

If this comes to pass, I’d urge those of you on the instances that become Meta’s lackeys to move to instances that are not if you’d like us to stay in touch.

Remember, it’s about quality not quantity. Always.

Aral Balkan

“Actually, corporations aren’t really that bad.”

– Humans (famous last words)

Aral Balkan

You know what, don’t @ me if you‘re going to defend Facebook joining the fediverse or whatnot. Seriously, I’m not here to debate you. I’m sick and tired of pointing out the obvious. Do what you like. There’s a reason I’m building something that’s actually decentralised. It would just be nice to have the stopgap in place long enough to serve as a bridge.

Oh, and if the largest servers don’t end up blocking Facebook/Meta, a boycott will not work.

I’ve said my piece.

Over and out.

Juanjo Salvador

@aral I think this is a battle we cannot win at all. But we can do our best.

Aral Balkan

Myth: The #Fediverse™ Is Decentralised™

I run my own #Mastodon instance just for myself. An instance of one. What does that mean on today’s fediverse?

It means I’m on


That makes no sense!

Let me explain:

Since I have my own instance, surely I decide who I follow and anyone can follow me, right?


For ~1M accounts, Eugen decides. If he blocks my instance, a large number of people who follow me today will no longer be able to.

So I may as well be on his server.

Aral Balkan

The same goes for other large servers.

Look at how many of the people you interact with are on the handful of the largest servers and imagine that just those handful of servers blocked your server.

Come, let‘s take this further…

Apparently Facebook/Meta is “joining” the fediverse. How nice of them. Now imagine that the largest instance is run by Zuckerberg. (Or <insert your favourite Silicon Valley billionaire here>.)

Imagine they become large enough to do the same thing to…

Aral Balkan

“Hey, some fediverse instances are growing larger and larger, isn’t that great? Yay!”

Stop and think about what this means. You’re celebrating the creation of fiefdoms and feudal lords. Mini Zuckerbergs, if you will.

There’s a reason I’ve been shouting from the rooftops about limiting server sizes for as long as I can remember.

e.g., If blocks my instance of one, they block 1,196,910 accounts from interacting with me. If I block them… I do the exact same thing to myself.

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@aral my instance muted .social because of spam and lack of moderation. I don't discuss their decision it's up to them and I trust them.

But the user experience is really bad, account from .social that I don't follow are not being displayed. It breaks a lot of conversations, it's a real mess.


@aral thing is.. It's not that easy to choose or host one that would do better, and it could be hard to migrate for those that chose those now "big" elephants a while back.
But I agree, and at least you made me advance that point in my todo list.. Thanks ;-)

Nuno & Lua :DsaprvingLua:

@aral perhaps there is a need for a kind of small instance pact towards blocking when one of them is served with a unjustified block. With enough critical mass they'd have to think twice before doing it.

Aral Balkan

Some fediverse instance admins: “How cool, Meta invited us to the adult table.”

Yes, they did.

Because you’re what’s for dinner.

#fediverse #mastodon #meta #Project92 #BigTech #SiliconValley #SurveillanceCapitalism

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casey is remote

@aral I find it odd that they did that tbh. I would think they'd just blunder in and force everyone to conform to their implementation, kind of how #Mastodon has done


Meta and Tweets get blocked, no questions asked

Aral Balkan

Whenever someone tells you that the climate crisis is a personal responsibility issue, show them this:

The climate crisis is a billionaires crisis, a trillion-dollar corporations crisis, a capitalism crisis, a systemic inequality crisis.

#climateChange #climateCrisis #climateCatastrophe #climate #corporatocracy #capitalism

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@aral both those things are true - while it is a billionaires crisis, it is also a personal responsibility crisis - those companies are delivering good and services mostly to the billion or so people in the global middle class (income eg. US$20000-300000 annually). As long as we pay them, they'll continue to do it


@aral no one will miss the billionaires when they're gone.

Dr. Quadragon ❌

@aral Basically, Fortune 500 is our hit list, how convenient.

Aral Balkan

You steal one person’s labour and they call you a criminal. You steal everyone’s labour and they call you AI.


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Tio mark

@aral That's the real definition....
AI is not capable to create proper ideas, it's only mixing the one's human told him before!

Simon Schwab 📈🫀🫁


Could AI replace you?

I'm afraid there probably is not enough signal in the noise.

Aral Balkan

Github down? I hadn’t noticed.

Might be a good time to check out Codeberg.

Bonus: You can follow them on the fediverse at @Codeberg

#github #githubDown #codeberg #git #dev


@aral @Codeberg I won’t deny I looked up @gitea and #gitlab today.
I’m not sure I want to host it myself. Codeberg could be the way.

Hackersquirrel really

Every social construct is fiction. It's our participation in social fictions that allow us to get along.
This includes believing that money has value. It's not real, but it is useful.

Григорий Клюшников

*social. Some form of money would exist even in a primitive society without governments and their laws. It's the good old "the shoemaker needs bread but the baker already has enough shoes".

Aral Balkan

I love it. There’s a poll ongoing about whether folks would ban a Meta (Instagram/Facebook) instance and people are like “well, I’d give them the benefit of the doubt.”

I really have no words.

Is it learned helplessness? Stockholm Syndrome? Masochism? Something else?

I just don‘t get it.

#SiliconValley #BigTech #SurveillanceCapitalism #PlayItAgainSam

Aral Balkan

And here’s what’s saddest: the question itself is moot.

Because wouldn’t block it.

Instead, we’d hear about how Meta joining the fediverse is a Good Thing™.

This would be about a year or so before Meta or some other major instance with major Silicon Valley money displaces as the primary fediverse instance.

At which point maybe a certain someone will realise that legitimising Big Tech-style scale and centralisation is a silly strategy when you’re not Big Tech.

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