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Aral Balkan

I started on the Fediverse with Mastodon about seven years ago when I had ~42K followers on Twitter and zero here.

Personally, I don’t care how many followers I lose. My tiny, ineffectual, instance of one will defederate with any instance, no matter how large, if this rumour is true.

If this comes to pass, I’d urge those of you on the instances that become Meta’s lackeys to move to instances that are not if you’d like us to stay in touch.

Remember, it’s about quality not quantity. Always.

1 comment
Aral Balkan

I’ve been shouting with my whole chest about the danger of large instances for as long as I can remember.

Even if this rumour is not true today or even if the large instance admins decide to act intelligently and with backbone and refuse such an offer if it is true, the danger remains.

You don’t have to wait for the ship to sink before taking action. If you’re on a huge instance, move to a smaller one. Spread yourselves thin. Make each instance a smaller target. Make the fediverse stronger.

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