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Aral Balkan

You steal one person’s labour and they call you a criminal. You steal everyone’s labour and they call you AI.


🔥 ava ⚧️

@aral in both cases they may just call you an employer


@aral When those in power favour the theft they will call it as it suits them. As long as they don't step on the wrong toes no one will be responsible for the mess AI makes.

ophiocephalic 🐍

"Numbers sanctify." - Charlie Chaplin. Charlie was talking about the difference in perception of a "murderer" who kills a few, and a "politician" who kills thousands; but you've hit on an equivalent for capitalists

Tio mark

@aral That's the real definition....
AI is not capable to create proper ideas, it's only mixing the one's human told him before!

Simon Schwab 📈🫀🫁


Could AI replace you?

I'm afraid there probably is not enough signal in the noise.

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