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Aral Balkan

Some fediverse instance admins: “How cool, Meta invited us to the adult table.”

Yes, they did.

Because you’re what’s for dinner.

#fediverse #mastodon #meta #Project92 #BigTech #SiliconValley #SurveillanceCapitalism

tyil Usually when a mobster boss invites you over you should be very scared.

Mary The Knife 🗡

@aral yep. playin with the big boys isn't all that. real people with full hearts and moral is.

Kit Rhett Aultman

@MaryTheKnife @aral And for that, they've strutted around acting like they know what best for small, independent instance admins like me. One of them blocked me because I said they hadn't earned my trust. Talk about ensuring I *definitely* don't trust them now.

Mary The Knife 🗡

@roadriverrail @aral when you say no is the time when you know who is friend and who is foe.

Kit Rhett Aultman

@MaryTheKnife @aral I'm not familiar with What's the story there?

Mary The Knife 🗡

@roadriverrail @aral don't know but I love all the art. people attacking art is well..on my bad list?
Art -> Freedom -> Democracy

noodlejetski :verified_gay:

@roadriverrail .art's admin can be very trigger-happy when it comes to defederation. at times they'll block an instance X because the instance X doesn't block an instance Y that .art is having some problems with. judging from stux's timeline, he's just had enough of their shenanigans and didn't want to deal with them anymore.
full thread:


Kit Rhett Aultman

@noodlejetski @aral Appreciate the details. Also worth noting that the post you link blames them for this flap regarding Meta.


Some people will do anything for attention from the aristocracy.

smallcircles (Humanity Now 🕊)


Hänsel and Gretel, don't go there. Fedi lies beyond!

Helgi Crookehorne

@aral as for now that's unclear what they want, just another instance to be added? Not FB with all users? Then they'd have to attract users, but those adds and cookies and pro-Russian moderators! They'd fail

Nuno & Lua :DsaprvingLua:

@aral wouldn't be surprised if they suddenly started blocking every instance that is against their new corporate overlords.


Happy to see people are slowly realizing that the ones harping about the Fediverse or being Evangelists were the ones who wanted to monetize the Fediverse and “…wanted to be patted on the back by Big Tech.”

Better late than never.


@aral Do you know which instances got invited?

Aral Balkan

@sanjay191_18 No idea. Have my suspicions from threads I’ve seen but I’ll keep them to myself until there’s proof.

Simon Zerafa :donor: :verified:


Remember Cambridge Analytica!

Meta is NOT anyone's friend.

If it doesn't enhance shareholder value they won't be interested in what you have to say.


Simon Lucy


Did they actually say 'How Cool'? If not please don't make it a quote, if it's your opinion then just say that. If it is a quote, a link would help as well.

Alex@rtnVFRmedia Suffolk UK

@aral more like they are at the Katzentisch

(literally a "cats table", but means a small table for children to sit at (where they can be fed and watched over, but can't bother what the adults are doing) at a larger gathering..


@vfrmedia @aral Look up the eptimology of 'below the salt' ;)


@vfrmedia @aral this is immediately joining my vocabulary

Six Grandfathers Mountain

@vfrmedia @aral

FUNNY, #meta invites Mastodon to dinner and we are the dinner/food😭

"cats table" in #germany for kids, I understand because the topic of conversation is different

Restaurants have cats tables too? Like in the busy area and in the windy area?

All #restaurants all over the world have their "not the best tables"

In ⭕ #japan they put the kids at the #kotatsu (table) like the picture of the German kids

But the kids are near the big adult table


@aral I honestly don't see the problem of them joining the fediverse and anyway that's something they can do without permission.. Most people here won't leave for them just because they join, but many more people will be able to see what's going on here, and wasn't that the point?

Aral Balkan

@Bossito There is a world of difference between them implementing a protocol and the community that already uses that protocol welcoming them with a red carpet.

If you don‘t see a problem, you haven’t been paying attention. Look at what happened to the web. XMPP. Email. Look up embrace, extend, extinguish.

None of what we‘re worried about is conjecture. It is based on past experience with the enclosure of the commons by Silicon Valley venture capitalists, startups, and public corporations.


@aral @Bossito I mean, the attack vector is protocol/client development - even if they are open source contributions by a big org, the speed of changes can be too much for individual contributors to follow on the side, so the source and development process is effectively controlled only by the big org at some point

_jayrope :hubzilla:
@bossito 🇪🇺 @sanjay191_18 I see commercial data mining aspect as the main important point here.
And btw Universeodon,, (who/what lse) were obviously part of those talks.

Worse: has defederated for voicing criticism and defederating with Universeodon before.
A war is already on among us, and that may very well be, what Meta actually had intended as well. Don't underestimate the scrutiny of professional data horders. If Meta really adopts AP they'll modify and proprietate and drop support as quickly as they did with xmpp before.

They'll stop before nothing.

@smallcircles (Humane Tech Now) @Aral Balkan
@bossito 🇪🇺 @sanjay191_18 I see commercial data mining aspect as the main important point here.
And btw Universeodon,, (who/what lse) were obviously part of those talks.
Ian Bog'Ste

@aral I'd be wary too -- to me, that translates somewhat to: allow us to siphon your Users data from your Instance.
Data is King.

redbanjer 🪕

Exactly like the terrific 1962 tv Twilight Zone episode called "To Serve Man". 👽

casey is remote

@aral I find it odd that they did that tbh. I would think they'd just blunder in and force everyone to conform to their implementation, kind of how #Mastodon has done


Meta and Tweets get blocked, no questions asked

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