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Mike Christensen

@aral @fosstodon Maybe no one told the Fosstodon admins that because you're a human rights activist/privacy advocate who wakes up and works at a not-for-profit on free and open software every day that their rules just don't apply to you and you can say and do whatever you like and they can't ever do anything or risk your ire?

Aral Balkan

@IncredulousMike @fosstodon Oh, it’s their server; they can do whatever they like.

But others are also free to interpret those actions as they see fit and decide whether or not they want to be governed by those rules and how they are applied.

Actions having consequences applies both ways.

Mike Christensen

@aral Well, for the record, this is what it looks like to me. Ever seen one of those videos with a tired looking highway patrol officer giving a speeding ticket to someone screaming, "Don't you know who I am??!?" That's this in a nutshell.

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