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Aral Balkan

Neoliberals are basically just fascists with manners.

Brad Rubenstein “:verified:”

Wouldn't that make libertarians fascists with mannerisms?


Marc Godin

@aral They prefer polite fascists to rude anyone else.

Marc Godin

@aral "I know your human rights are being taken away and violence against you is increasing but why do you have to be so *mean to me*??"

Holger Fiallo

@aral Interesting. All extremists are only interested in controlling the masses. To them they are sheeps to be told what to do. Both just want power and the ignorant people believe that both are interested in their welfare. Not.

Kyle Montanio


Apart from them both being evil, I'm struggling to see the connection between fascists and neoliberals.

Facism is authoritarian, forcing people (except possibly a select group or two) into government controlled misery while neoliberalism lets the market freely allocate misery.

Facisists want to close borders to prevent others from taking their shiny toys while neoliberalists want to open borders so companies can exploit everyone at lower costs.

They result in different dystopias.

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