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There’s been a lot of speculation around what Threads will be and what it means for Mastodon. We’ve put together some of the most common questions and our responses based on what was launched today:

476 comments | Expand all CWs
O. Simard-Casanova in English

@Mastodon If I may, this sentence is ambiguous

It seems to imply that Threads won't be available in the US, but Threads will definitely be available in the EU — not just at launch (source:

Maybe it's due to the syntax of the sentence, but I think a clarification/rewrite would be useful

O. Simard-Casanova in English

@Mastodon (It's a very good point otherwise, than you for publishing it!)

Jerry Bell :verified_paw: :donor: :verified_dragon: :rebelverified:​

@osc @Mastodon The intention is that Threads will not initially be available in the EU, but is available now outside the EU, and it is also not participating in the fediverse at this time, but will at some time in the future

Oliver (FKK positiv 🏖️)

@osc EU-people on birdsite told that they got access with a european account by simply installing and starting the APK.

Kyle Gast

@Mastodon Good explainer and questions and answers are not fluffy PR and pretty hard hitting and honest about the situation.

Brian Vastag

@Mastodon Thanks. This post is a little confusing though because you discuss Mastodon users following Threads users but then say Threads and Mastodon are not interoperable? So I guess I don't understand if I can follow Threads users or if they can follow me.


@brianvastag @Mastodon At the moment threads is completely isolated but meta intends that in the near future threads and mastodon users will be able to interact.

Ishmael Lasting

@brianvastag @Mastodon Not on launch. They intend to federate, but right at this moment Threads is not in the fediverse. 'We expect that eventually Mastodon and Threads will be interoperable'


@brianvastag For now, Threads is not part of the fediverse - that is, Threads users are restricted to their own instance, that belongs to Meta. In the future, Threads intends to be part of the fediverse, and then Mastodon instances will be interoperable with Threads. Of course, there are still many questions about this that cannot be answered at the moment.

[ h o n o r ]

@brianvastag @Mastodon at the time of posting they’re not interoperable. but threads claims that they will add this functionality later on.


@brianvastag @Mastodon I believe Meta is planning to make Threads interoperable with Mastodon at some point, but for now there's no connection between the two :)

Chris P 🏳️‍🌈🍁

@brianvastag Threads has not turned on federation yet, so currently neither are interoperable with eachother. Once they turn it on, then both will work with eachother like any other ActivityPub server


@brianvastag @Mastodon They plan on eventually being interoperable, but they’re not integrating with Activity Pub to start. So right now, users on Threads can’t follow Mastodon users, for example.


@Mastodon Ugh, really?


XMPP did not exist on its own outside of nerd circles, while ActivityPub enjoys the support and brand recognition of Mastodon.

Antifa Warlord

@bencg @Mastodon For now yes. It'll just be a separate site for now, until they decide to turn on federation.


@Mastodon This is great. What this sounds like is that when Thread gets federated, we can follow those users on Mastodon to bypass all of Meta's ad and sponsored garbage.

Fedi.Tips 🎄


There were rumours regarding payments from Meta to various instances, which are difficult to confirm or deny due to the NDAs.

Could you set the record straight?

Is Mastodon gGmbH receiving any funds from Meta or anyone connected to Meta?

Will Mastodon gGmbH commit to never taking funds from Meta or anyone connected to Meta?


@feditips @Mastodon why should they never commit to taking money, that they could use to directly help Mastodon? Unless there’s bad demands attached, take the monies.

Fedi.Tips 🎄

@ThePlant @Mastodon

How could there NOT be strings attached? Meta isn't a charity, it's a brutal corporation.

When you become dependent on someone for money, you will want to avoid upsetting them. That could be terrible for a Fediverse project if the donor is Meta.

O. Simard-Casanova in English

@feditips @ThePlant @Mastodon I'm sorry but this is complete nonsense

Microsoft used to play dirty against open source projects, but is now financing a ton of terrific open source projects

Assuming that one day Meta changes the same way Microsoft changed, should Mastodon refuses this money like forever?

O. Simard-Casanova in English

@feditips @ThePlant @Mastodon It's one thing to exercise caution, especially with Meta

It's another to have extreme demands based on very rigid principles

Fedi.Tips 🎄

@osc @ThePlant @Mastodon

Microsoft changed? What? 😆

The same Microsoft that nowadays insists on spying on your computer?

These are corporations, not charities. They do not have any genuine interest in anything except making money for their shareholders.

O. Simard-Casanova in English

@feditips @ThePlant @Mastodon Microsoft used to be extremely hostile to anything open source, something Nadella completely changed

The fact they do shitty things on other dimensions doesn't change the fact that they changed their stance on open source

Fedi.Tips 🎄

@osc @ThePlant @Mastodon

"Forget about the mass surveillance programme guys, they donated to open source!"

O. Simard-Casanova in English

@feditips @ThePlant @Mastodon What about answering to the things I actually said, instead of answering to strawmen?

Fedi.Tips 🎄

@osc @ThePlant

Any company that carries out mass surveillance is not to be trusted.

You can't compartmentalise that kind of behaviour away.

O. Simard-Casanova in English

@feditips @ThePlant @Mastodon It's not to a literal economist that you will teach that companies aren't charities

But under the correct set of incentives, the interest of companies can somewhat align with the interest of third parties that aren't their shareholders

It's a very surprising move for Meta to support the Fediverse in the first place, which indicates that something evolved in their business calculus

David Plisken 🏳️‍⚧️ BLM!

@feditips @osc @ThePlant @Mastodon Microsoft is currently under the antitrust microscope.
They may have changed the perception slightly by doing some good stuff but it doesn't obviate their coercive power dynamics.


@feditips @Mastodon nothing wrong with a cautious approach but making weird demands and acting entitled about their funding is just weird. Lots of companies including Meta fund and produce a lot of open source work


@feditips @ThePlant @Mastodon

If Meta donated to Mastodon the same way anyone else does, it's not clear to me how it would even be possible for them to attach strings, given my general understanding of how non-profits work.

Would it even be possible for Mastodon to receive funding from Meta through some mechanism other than a standard donation?

Antifa Warlord

@ThePlant @feditips @Mastodon Even without an explicit agreement, Mastodon could be reluctant to do anything to hurt Meta out of fear of losing the revenue stream - and that implicit threat can be useful to Meta if Mastodon starts to depend on that money. Lobbyists don't always make explicit demands to lawmakers, but it still influences politics. There doesn't need to be demands, just the thought that the money might disappear if they aren't friendly.

Araña Grande

@ThePlant @feditips @Mastodon My dude, there is no way financial support from Meta would be free of strings and obligations


@ApNudd @feditips @Mastodon my dude, wait and see, we have no idea and I’m saying if the terms are agreeable then take it

Araña Grande

@ThePlant @feditips @Mastodon Yes, perhaps the devil will offer a favourable bargain this time around

Wyatt H Knott

@feditips @Mastodon

They're going to take funds to pay for the massive number of requests and commensurate bandwidth requirements imposed by federating with meta. If they don't, meta will simply send so many requests that the various instances will not be able to afford their bandwidth charges.

It's block meta or death, the admins just think they're smart, so they can play with fire.

Fedi.Tips 🎄


There is such a thing as genuine concern about something important.


@feditips by implying Eugen is being bought off???

Fedi.Tips 🎄


I'm not implying anything. I am curious why Mastodon's stance has changed so much in the past few years. I would like them to rule out that there's any financial connection.

They used to have a very anti-corporate animation in 2018 which ended with a parody of Facebook and Twitter (

This press statement doesn't feel like it fits in with that old Mastodon.


@feditips I know you are acting in good faith and you care.

Fedi.Tips 🎄

@alexpostfacto @catalyst

That statement doesn't say anything substantive.


@feditips @alexpostfacto @catalyst You expect something substantive about... nothing existing? Nothing exists. He has told you.

Fedi.Tips 🎄

@ocdtrekkie @alexpostfacto @catalyst

I mean it's not a substantive answer, because it wasn't really answering the question asked. It didn't deny meeting Meta.

And "there is little to comment on until Meta's platform launches" is almost word for word what someone would say who has signed an NDA on an unreleased product. NDAs generally forbid commentary on upcoming products until after their launch.

That's why I'm asking a direct question, in the hope of direct answers.


@feditips Can you stop using your huge platform to spread crazy misinformation? Like, nothing like this has ever been even close to substantiated, and these sorts of bull---- rumors are regularly scaring newer users who aren't versed in the latest fedi dramas enough to know the authors are making it up.

Fedi.Tips 🎄


This isn't misinformation, this is a request for information.

Mastodon used to be emphatically anti-Facebook, now they're suddenly "this is no big deal".

It would be nice if they could confirm this isn't due to any kind of payment.


@feditips Okay, Tucker Carlson. Just asking questions, got it.

Like seriously please step back and look at your behavior in light of your popularity here amongst newcomers. Take your conspiracies elsewhere.


@ocdtrekkie @feditips asking if something is true or false only after it's been proven true or false seems somewhat redundant...


@bitflipped @feditips Eugen has already said it's false, see the link elsewhere in the thread.


@ocdtrekkie @feditips he's said he isn't aware of secret deals, it's not the same thing.

Alexis :verifiedtransbian:

@feditips @Mastodon This! I want to know if there was any form of incentives brought in such as payment or gifts! Also, I want to make why it took until after threads was released to the public for this post to be available!

Emelia 👸🏻

@feditips @Mastodon if you read to the end of that post, there's a big bold section calling for donations to Mastodon. Do you really think if (your conspiracy theory which has no basis in reality) Meta had sent monies anywhere that Mastodon would have included a "please!we need money so we can hire more people" call?

This comment does nothing but soread fear, uncertainty and doubt; it's almost like you're working against the platforms you claim to be providing tips for.


@Mastodon concise and informative!!! thanks so much 🙏

Flit 🦊 🔥

@Mastodon Thank you for (finally) making an official statement on Threads! This has, at least for me, cleared up a lot of uncertainty and misinformation surrounding the platform. ^^

EdenDestroyer (He/Him)

@Mastodon this is still a mastodon-obsessed post, especially the EEE section.

Heidi Li Feldman

@Mastodon This is very helpful. Thanks for compiling and sharing the information.

Steph 🌈

@Mastodon This is interesting, thanks. So no change for Mastodon users initially. This article just came out about it too:

Instagram launches new Threads platform in direct competition with Twitter

@Mastodon I largely agree with it being a victory but I have mixed feelings about one behemoth instance coming in. I can imagine a situation where Meta decides to make their instance read-only from a federation standpoint possibly justifying it in terms of easier moderation. Then content creators will be incentivized to make their accounts only on Threads so they can reach a full (Threads & other) audience, while those remaining on non-Threads instances will have a smaller audience and experience a degraded experience where their replies aren't seen by Threads users, etc.

I'm not sure what the ideal outcome is - many of the people who will use Threads probably weren't going to use a smaller instance, but I hope that people think long and hard about what instance they want to use to join the fediverse.
@Mastodon I largely agree with it being a victory but I have mixed feelings about one behemoth instance coming in. I can imagine a situation where Meta decides to make their instance read-only from a federation standpoint possibly justifying it in terms of easier moderation. Then content creators will be incentivized to make their accounts only on Threads so they can reach a full (Threads & other) audience, while those remaining on non-Threads instances will have a smaller audience and experience...

@Mastodon Thank you. I found this very clarifying.


@Mastodon That's very informative! Thank you, John!

Doodle 🍩


It might just be another social media platform, but the fact that Threads is saying it plans to integrate ActivityPub is encouraging. That sets it apart from others which are just another walled garden.

Assuming they implement it in such a way that allows it to communicate with the fediverse, of course. I'm cautiously optimistic though. If they put a big dent in Twitter, it might even force them to also integrate with the rest of the social internet.


@Mastodon Thank you for the information. I have been wondering if and how Threads would or could affect other Activity Pub servers. This answered many questions.


@Mastodon A) it wasn't me nor anyone I know speculating how these apps work. B) any instances that intentionally connect to Facebook(it isn't Threads, it's Facebook. Stop saying that) in any way will be actively blocked, etc. The entirety of this conversation is dystopic and ridiculous.

How is this even a question? Who actually wants to know how to switch BACK to the networks we left to build this one?

Brandon Butler

@Mastodon I had no idea Threads was using ActivityPub! Twitter is going to die unless they follow suit.


@Mastodon it is not analogous to GoogleTalk and FB Messenger embracing XMPP then ditching it when they get enough traction.

It is more akin to Microsoft and Google offering email services and gaining such a dominant marketshare that they have rendered deliverability of email from small independent providers extremely difficult, to the point that even seasoned IT professionals are giving up and using Microsoft or Google platforms because managing your own server has become too difficult.

Yes, we all use the same SMTP protocol, but some SMTP servers are more equal than others, no matter how careful you are in picking a clean IP, setting up SPF records, DKIM signing and DMARC policies.

A handful of big players are taking control of the e-maik federation.

l sure hope ActivityPub does not suffer a similar fate.

With Meta "embracing" (first E in the proverbial EEE strategy) the Fediverse, the most obvious targets are microblogging (Pleroma, Mastodon, Calc/Misskey) and image sharing (PixelFed).

The concern of concentration already existed with larger instances like, but Meta entering the chat is a whole nother level.

@Mastodon it is not analogous to GoogleTalk and FB Messenger embracing XMPP then ditching it when they get enough traction.

It is more akin to Microsoft and Google offering email services and gaining such a dominant marketshare that they have rendered deliverability of email from small independent providers extremely difficult, to the point that even seasoned IT professionals are giving up and using Microsoft or Google platforms because managing your own server has become too difficult.

Mattis 🐘 🇩🇪 🤝 🇺🇦

@Mastodon I believe the most disappointed fact, is that Thread is not available in Europe

misfit loser zealot patatas


I'm curious about one thing actually, if you get a chance to respond.

This is a company that has failed so badly at content moderation that:


they're being sued for reparations over their complicity with genocide


it is currently the world's largest platform for the distribution of CSAM, and is being used for child sex trafficking


allows anti-Trans and anti-LGBT+ content along with other hate speech to run rampant


has intentionally mishandled user data


runs psychological experiments on its users...

I'm wondering how it can be possible to federate with this company and not be violating the Mastodon Server Covenant, not to mention how it wouldn't be throwing all sense of ethics completely out the window.

Thanks 👍


I'm curious about one thing actually, if you get a chance to respond.

This is a company that has failed so badly at content moderation that:


they're being sued for reparations over their complicity with genocide


it is currently the world's largest platform for the distribution of CSAM, and is being used for child sex trafficking


@Mastodon I think it's actually a good thing because it brings tremendous visibility to the fediverse. If people like it, they'll stay. Simple as

Evelyn fra denne andre øya Did Facebook write this themselves? This is so disingenous it's funny. What happened in Eugen's NDAed meeting with Facebook? Write about that, until then, hold your bloody wheesht.


@Mastodon will servers be encouraged to have definitive policies on how data from their server can be used that are clear and understandable? I'd like to know that a friend boosting my post, making it visible to a Threads user, and they like it, does not give Meta permission to scrape and reuse my data.

Having such policies as part of running a server would be incredibly welcome if it's not already there.


@Mastodon is it a knitting app? My grandma will love it!


@Mastodon Tradıng hasn't been easy due to the fluntuatıon of the sıgnals lately and wıthout an expert or professıonal who's understand or have an experıence on tradıng۔ You eventually encounter losses whıle tradıng۔ Wıth the help of 𝐍𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐉𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐬 𝐟𝐱 on 𝐈𝐧𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐦 l could secure my trade and earn more profıt۔Am forever grateful to you, Send a direct message on 𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭𝐬𝐀𝐩𝐩 +447496538356 for adequate process in cryptocurrency trading.

★ Amy Star ★ :verified:​


Meta is a brutal billion-dollar corporation that thrives on expanding and destroying everything in its path. It won't rest until it has extracted every last user and dollar out of the Fediverse.

By refusing to defederate Threads, you have committed to a path that will end with the destruction of your life's work, and the social connections that people rely on to survive, due to pure naivety.

ActivityPub is the new XMPP. Thanks for nothing.



If Facebook aka Meta follows the guidelines as described, how will it use the metaverse to make money?

Deadly Headshot

Given #Meta have a habit of building up tracking profiles on non-users, it's a bit disingenuous to say that #Mastodon users who federate with them won't face privacy issues...

林雅仪Aliya Lin🇺🇦🏳️‍⚧️🇭🇰

@Mastodon I remain skeptical, but will continue to see what will happen when Threads connect with the fediverse.


Oh no, and I thought this would link to a tutorial about how to easily create a thread on Mastodon without risking an interruption by another tooter tooting in between.

Or to learn about how to extract and merging into an article a Mastodon thread.

Oh well. 🙄 🤷‍♂️ 😂


@Mastodon great read! Glad to hear you and the team are open to Threads interpolating with Mastadon. The fediverse needs a main stream app to help drive adoption!



So...on the topic of EEE, he says here that if it happens we're basically back where we started. I'm not expert, but it feels like he's overlooking the social aspect of this.

If a huge chunk of our friends are on Threads, and then Meta yanks back support of it, won't mastodon users just switch to Meta to keep their old friendships going?

I think the social capital is the essence of EEE, is it not? For me the lack of adds and freedom is great but I suspect that's not the norm.

Nemo_bis 🌈

@Mastodon Underwhelming.

«It is also not possible for any third party server to insert ad-like posts into your home feed.»

Unless they deliver ads through "normal" posts.

«A server you are not signed up with and logged into cannot get your private data or track you across the web.»

Meaningless sentence as "private data" is not defined; does not seem to speak about "personal data" as in #GDPR sense.

#Instagram, #Facebook can and will track you across the web by linking different identifiers.



I think it would be useful to include a simple example of how to initiate and participate in threaded posts fellow citizen Mastodon.

As so many others and I are confused.

millionsofplayers :troll:​

@Mastodon will there be a way to merge my threads account with my mastodon account once integration happens? I already made a threads account because a lot of people I follow on twt are making accounts on there and I want those people I follow to be able to be transferred over to this account once threads federates.



My own (probably unqualified) 2 cents: ActivityPub protocol is open-source, so we can't stop them from using it and asking to federate with other instances. And blocking Meta is, by design, something done on an instance by instance basis. Even if Threads does become the largest AP protocol-based platform - how is that really different from now? If they try to Extend, then they just break connection to the rest of the Fediverse and it's back to being the silo everyone wants to escape.


@Mastodon The death watch for Mastodon begins now, I guess. Was nice while it lasted.


@Mastodon muy válida la aclaración, y muy necesaria ante tanta incertidumbre. Gracias.

Dedy Silveria - デディー ・ シルベリア🌐™

@Mastodon and it's available only on Android 9.0.
Which my device won't support that.
Good things mastodon still support my device.



So if I parsed the blog post right:
- Meta can only get my public profile and posts
- No ads, unless my server implements them (they shouldn't)
- The danger of embrace/extend/extinguish is essentially nil
- Meta isn't going to gain undue influence over the rest of the Fediverse due to Threads, even after (if) they federate

I would say I'm okay with this. I might still block the domain, but I'm not going to worry about that too much at the moment.


So if I parsed the blog post right:
- Meta can only get my public profile and posts
- No ads, unless my server implements them (they shouldn't)
- The danger of embrace/extend/extinguish is essentially nil
- Meta isn't going to gain undue influence over the rest of the Fediverse due to Threads, even after (if) they federate

Telegram sigue siendo mejor.

@Mastodon I think this is awesome.

Looks like you are smart I apreciate that. A lot.

Diamond Joy

@Mastodon All the important reasons. How does a sane mind say 'oh, goody' to this?


@Mastodon “Our software is built on the reasonable assumption that third party servers cannot be trusted. For example, we cache and reprocess images and videos for you to view, so that the originating server cannot get your IP address, browser name, or time of access.” ohhhh so that's why it's set up like that

Randy Lea

@Mastodon What personal information of mine does Meta have access to from my Mastodon account?

Shubham Ramdeo

@Mastodon I left Instagram and went to Twitter because it's evil. Now twitter is getting mad. I tried threads. Threads have both. Madness of twitter with the evil of Meta.

I am happy with Mastodon.

Lee 🌏

This is great and pretty much answers all my questions. 👏👍

Multi ⚡️Streaming

@Mastodon although separate from IG platform, there is an automatic onboarding of your EXISTING IG following profiles once they join Threads.

Lee 🌏

I just don't see Threads not falling foul of basic moderation standards on my instance.
Given Meta's poor track record in dealing with hate speech and misinformation, will it really be different?


@Mastodon Threads needs a *lot* of work. I have to say that I'm tired of newer social media platforms not natively supporting threads. Both threads and hashtags emerged from user demands (and their own workarounds), and both are extraordinarily useful for discovery and interaction.

Eric Hill

@Mastodon It seems like everyone believes that Threads will be a success. Some people thought that the metaverse was the next big thing not too long ago. We all know how that ended up.




This means Threads’ user base will be separate from their existing platforms. Instagram users however can sign-in using their Instagram accounts.

Uhh, if they can sign in with the same accounts, it's the same userbase




That means even if there is a server with millions of people in the network, unless you follow millions of people, you will not be receiving updates for millions of people.

…and what happens to your instance when somebody follows you from a server with millions of people and starts boosting your posts and millions of people suddenly start interacting with your posts?


@Mastodon "It will not be available in the EU and will not support federation at launch."

That sounds very suspicious. Will it not be in the EU because it doesn't comply with GDPR? If so, big red flag


⬆️ I'm pretty unimpressed with this post, tbh


@Mastodon cannot stop myself from reading “Threats” everywhere

Evan Prodromou

@Mastodon "This is a clear victory for our cause, hopefully one of many to come." 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼

Tero Hänninen

@Mastodon "XMPP did not exist on its own outside of nerd circles, while ActivityPub enjoys the support and brand recognition of Mastodon."

I hope that is delicious self-irony and no one actually seriously thinks Mastodon is anything but a nerd circle.


@Mastodon I think it's like the WTO's relationship with China, welcoming it in while reserving all possibilities for sanctions and deciding how to treat it based on its performance.


@Mastodon tried to sign up to threads "your account is suspended" right afterwards and they want my mobile number to appeal it. Screw that.

Parigot-Manchot φ

@Mastodon @David une explication claire sur ce que peut donner Threads du point de vue de Mastodon...
Mais ça n'empêche pas la panique...

Mr. Topsy Turvy

@Mastodon Spin it any way you like, Rocko sold you all out.


@Mastodon Nice article!

FYI there's a small typo in
"However, it is up to the operator of the Mastodon server ***you’re are*** using to decide whether to allow communication with Threads or not."


@Mastodon and ironically despite the long explanations, Thread which is just launched, is already more popular than Mastodon

Kim Spence-Jones 🇬🇧😷

@Mastodon The fact that Threads is not available in EU at launch causes me to worry. EU is generally stronger on consumer protection than most other regulators. What EU requirement are they failing to meet?

Dorothy Bishop

@Mastodon well, it’s a lot more complicated than i realised.
thanks for the info


@Mastodon If you will federate with Meta I will move to another Instance


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Fish Id Wardrobe


> Threads is a separate app from Facebook, WhatsApp, and Instagram. This means Threads’ user base will be separate from their existing platforms. Instagram users however can sign-in using their Instagram accounts.

So, not separate, then. Same user base.

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