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Fedi.Tips πŸŽ„


There were rumours regarding payments from Meta to various instances, which are difficult to confirm or deny due to the NDAs.

Could you set the record straight?

Is Mastodon gGmbH receiving any funds from Meta or anyone connected to Meta?

Will Mastodon gGmbH commit to never taking funds from Meta or anyone connected to Meta?


@feditips @Mastodon why should they never commit to taking money, that they could use to directly help Mastodon? Unless there’s bad demands attached, take the monies.

Fedi.Tips πŸŽ„

@ThePlant @Mastodon

How could there NOT be strings attached? Meta isn't a charity, it's a brutal corporation.

When you become dependent on someone for money, you will want to avoid upsetting them. That could be terrible for a Fediverse project if the donor is Meta.

O. Simard-Casanova in English

@feditips @ThePlant @Mastodon I'm sorry but this is complete nonsense

Microsoft used to play dirty against open source projects, but is now financing a ton of terrific open source projects

Assuming that one day Meta changes the same way Microsoft changed, should Mastodon refuses this money like forever?

O. Simard-Casanova in English

@feditips @ThePlant @Mastodon It's one thing to exercise caution, especially with Meta

It's another to have extreme demands based on very rigid principles

Fedi.Tips πŸŽ„

@osc @ThePlant @Mastodon

Microsoft changed? What? πŸ˜†

The same Microsoft that nowadays insists on spying on your computer?

These are corporations, not charities. They do not have any genuine interest in anything except making money for their shareholders.

O. Simard-Casanova in English

@feditips @ThePlant @Mastodon Microsoft used to be extremely hostile to anything open source, something Nadella completely changed

The fact they do shitty things on other dimensions doesn't change the fact that they changed their stance on open source

Fedi.Tips πŸŽ„

@osc @ThePlant @Mastodon

"Forget about the mass surveillance programme guys, they donated to open source!"

O. Simard-Casanova in English

@feditips @ThePlant @Mastodon What about answering to the things I actually said, instead of answering to strawmen?

Fedi.Tips πŸŽ„

@osc @ThePlant

Any company that carries out mass surveillance is not to be trusted.

You can't compartmentalise that kind of behaviour away.

Fedi.Tips πŸŽ„ replied to O. Simard-Casanova in English

@osc @ThePlant

Objecting to mass surveillance is extremist? 😱

Liam replied to Fedi.Tips

@feditips @osc so you never use a single thing Microsoft have contributed time or money towards?

O. Simard-Casanova in English replied to Fedi.Tips

@feditips @ThePlant Once again, can you answer to the things I actually said, instead of answering to strawmen?


@feditips @osc @ThePlant I'm curious - what platforms do you use? Unless it's like Linux or BSD or whatever, you're using a mass surveillance platform. Apple, too, collects vast amounts of data about its users, and lets the CCP control all of Apple users' data in China.

O. Simard-Casanova in English

@feditips @ThePlant @Mastodon It's not to a literal economist that you will teach that companies aren't charities

But under the correct set of incentives, the interest of companies can somewhat align with the interest of third parties that aren't their shareholders

It's a very surprising move for Meta to support the Fediverse in the first place, which indicates that something evolved in their business calculus

Buster | Felipe

Yeah, now they are opensource friendly because free training data for shitty AI

O. Simard-Casanova in English

@pitbuster @feditips This is a patently false statement

Their pivot toward open source date back to 2013-ish, way before they started to invest in AI

Buster | Felipe

@osc yeah, I was trolling on that one, I admit. But, they open source tools here and there, and how they actually contribute to the rest of the ecosystem? There are ton of "open source friendly" corporations that are still shit.


David Plisken πŸ³οΈβ€βš§οΈ BLM!

@feditips @osc @ThePlant @Mastodon Microsoft is currently under the antitrust microscope.
They may have changed the perception slightly by doing some good stuff but it doesn't obviate their coercive power dynamics.


@feditips @Mastodon nothing wrong with a cautious approach but making weird demands and acting entitled about their funding is just weird. Lots of companies including Meta fund and produce a lot of open source work


@feditips @ThePlant @Mastodon

If Meta donated to Mastodon the same way anyone else does, it's not clear to me how it would even be possible for them to attach strings, given my general understanding of how non-profits work.

Would it even be possible for Mastodon to receive funding from Meta through some mechanism other than a standard donation?

Antifa Warlord

@ThePlant @feditips @Mastodon Even without an explicit agreement, Mastodon could be reluctant to do anything to hurt Meta out of fear of losing the revenue stream - and that implicit threat can be useful to Meta if Mastodon starts to depend on that money. Lobbyists don't always make explicit demands to lawmakers, but it still influences politics. There doesn't need to be demands, just the thought that the money might disappear if they aren't friendly.

AraΓ±a Grande

@ThePlant @feditips @Mastodon My dude, there is no way financial support from Meta would be free of strings and obligations


@ApNudd @feditips @Mastodon my dude, wait and see, we have no idea and I’m saying if the terms are agreeable then take it

AraΓ±a Grande

@ThePlant @feditips @Mastodon Yes, perhaps the devil will offer a favourable bargain this time around

Wyatt H Knott

@feditips @Mastodon

They're going to take funds to pay for the massive number of requests and commensurate bandwidth requirements imposed by federating with meta. If they don't, meta will simply send so many requests that the various instances will not be able to afford their bandwidth charges.

It's block meta or death, the admins just think they're smart, so they can play with fire.

Fedi.Tips πŸŽ„


There is such a thing as genuine concern about something important.


@feditips by implying Eugen is being bought off???

Fedi.Tips πŸŽ„


I'm not implying anything. I am curious why Mastodon's stance has changed so much in the past few years. I would like them to rule out that there's any financial connection.

They used to have a very anti-corporate animation in 2018 which ended with a parody of Facebook and Twitter (

This press statement doesn't feel like it fits in with that old Mastodon.


@feditips I know you are acting in good faith and you care.


@feditips @alexpostfacto @catalyst You expect something substantive about... nothing existing? Nothing exists. He has told you.

Fedi.Tips πŸŽ„

@ocdtrekkie @alexpostfacto @catalyst

I mean it's not a substantive answer, because it wasn't really answering the question asked. It didn't deny meeting Meta.

And "there is little to comment on until Meta's platform launches" is almost word for word what someone would say who has signed an NDA on an unreleased product. NDAs generally forbid commentary on upcoming products until after their launch.

That's why I'm asking a direct question, in the hope of direct answers.


@feditips @alexpostfacto @catalyst Why wouldn't someone meet with Meta? It would be stupid not to, because information is power. That doesn't mean there are any agreements, especially when he has said there are no agreements.



I would imagine they, if they had nefarious plans, would be to encourage admins to move their instances to FB hosted servers, presumably running modified software, for a slice of ad revenue. Then start to be a bit picky about who they federate with, FB determining which instances get blocked for those in their pockets?

Or maybe, and it is possible, they just want to give twitter a kicking?


@feditips Can you stop using your huge platform to spread crazy misinformation? Like, nothing like this has ever been even close to substantiated, and these sorts of bull---- rumors are regularly scaring newer users who aren't versed in the latest fedi dramas enough to know the authors are making it up.

Fedi.Tips πŸŽ„


This isn't misinformation, this is a request for information.

Mastodon used to be emphatically anti-Facebook, now they're suddenly "this is no big deal".

It would be nice if they could confirm this isn't due to any kind of payment.


@feditips Okay, Tucker Carlson. Just asking questions, got it.

Like seriously please step back and look at your behavior in light of your popularity here amongst newcomers. Take your conspiracies elsewhere.


@ocdtrekkie @feditips asking if something is true or false only after it's been proven true or false seems somewhat redundant...


@bitflipped @feditips Eugen has already said it's false, see the link elsewhere in the thread.


@ocdtrekkie @feditips he's said he isn't aware of secret deals, it's not the same thing.


@bitflipped @feditips If there's no secret deals, and there are no non-secret deals... there are... no deals.


@ocdtrekkie @feditips ok good, we have established that there are no deals. Now I'd like an answer to the question that @feditips asked.


@bitflipped @feditips ...It's been answered already. The dude is running a company and writing the software and dealing with running like two servers under massive load. I imagine Eugen has better things to do than dance every time someone invents some conspiracy nonsense.

Cameron replied to ocdtrekkie

@ocdtrekkie @feditips companies tend to need to deal with PR issues on occasion...

Fedi.Tips πŸŽ„

@bitflipped @ocdtrekkie

He said "I'm not aware of any secret deals"... that is not the direct answer you're claiming.

His attitude to funding seems to be that it is fine to take money from whoever as long as there are no direct strings attached:

That is what I am trying to ask, whether he has taken money from Meta the way he currently takes money from casinos.

Cameron replied to Fedi.Tips

@feditips @ocdtrekkie agreed.

I think it's safe to say that we are all greatful for the Mastodon project, but putting the rumours to bed would help quell the unease that a lot of people are feeling right now.

Alexis :verifiedtransbian:

@feditips @Mastodon This! I want to know if there was any form of incentives brought in such as payment or gifts! Also, I want to make why it took until after threads was released to the public for this post to be available!

Emelia πŸ‘ΈπŸ»

@feditips @Mastodon if you read to the end of that post, there's a big bold section calling for donations to Mastodon. Do you really think if (your conspiracy theory which has no basis in reality) Meta had sent monies anywhere that Mastodon would have included a "please!we need money so we can hire more people" call?

This comment does nothing but soread fear, uncertainty and doubt; it's almost like you're working against the platforms you claim to be providing tips for.


@thisismissem @feditips @Mastodon I'm not familiar with any registered non-profit orgs that say "Nah, we've got enough donations now, let's not ask for any more money"

Emelia πŸ‘ΈπŸ»

@bitflipped @feditips @Mastodon okay, but if they had received a huge sum of money, wouldn't you expect to see that money at work by hiring more people?

You'd see them doing stuff with the money because they desperately needed money to continue to grow & maintain the software.

bazkie bumpercar

@feditips @Mastodon so much naivety in the comments.

The only goal for a public company is to extract value from something, and siphon it to its shareholders. That's it. That's the only goal. By law, no less!

We need to kill it with fire. Defederate instantly.

Dale Price

@feditips I’ve heard rumors regarding payments from Musk to various fediverse tip accounts to spread FUD about mastodon, which are difficult to confirm or deny.

Could you set the record straight?

Rafael - Yakultjapa


Understandable the worrying and question, more when we know that Big Corp doesn't become big by been good, maybe Lawful Neutral, but mostly been Lawful Evil in D&D and meme language.

I feel uncomfortable, on one side, without a big corp involve give a more transparency that will be really for the people, since money is not a focus so all the exploit capitalism become a optional for the person.

On the other side, without a big corp to bring and push money to this open-source project, the probably to grow will be limit, since in the world we are oblige to have money to eat, and this limit can make impossible to become more accessible and popular.

Can be paranoid of my part, but I am worrying that Zuckberg and investors will want to take and make a patent of something like ActivePub.

The best option, for now, starting in creating a other protocol or accept that capitalism suck and eventually everything will be monetize.


Understandable the worrying and question, more when we know that Big Corp doesn't become big by been good, maybe Lawful Neutral, but mostly been Lawful Evil in D&D and meme language.

I feel uncomfortable, on one side, without a big corp involve give a more transparency that will be really for the people, since money is not a focus so all the exploit capitalism become a optional for the person.


@feditips Why should they commit to anything?

jan 🦣

To constantly bring up unconfirmed rumors, stir up fears and make pseudo-representative claims publicly via a differently labeled info account, without providing any information about trustworthy sources or editorial standards, is questionable.

Johan Silkens

@feditips @Mastodon

Well @Mastodon and its founder @Gargron have
turned down several private investments in the past. I'm somewhat confident that they've turned down Meta's financially support too if that was the case. Can't tell for sure for other (large) instances that are not managed by Mastodon gGmbH.

@feditips @Mastodon

Well @Mastodon and its founder @Gargron have
turned down several private investments in the past. I'm somewhat confident that they've turned down Meta's financially support too if that was the case. Can't tell for sure for other (large) instances that are not managed by Mastodon gGmbH.

Chris Godwin

@feditips @Mastodon wow, reading the comments here reminds me of being on twitter!

Valid concern, good to ask the question.

Ignore the ostriches critical of you for being concerned.

"Charitable funding" and "bribing" are often the same thing with large corporations such as Meta.

The recent news about the Lobbyists in the USA should remind us to always follow a money trail.

Might be nothing at all of course, that would be the best outcome but a clear statement would be nice.

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