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Fedi.Tips 🎄

@bitflipped @ocdtrekkie

He said "I'm not aware of any secret deals"... that is not the direct answer you're claiming.

His attitude to funding seems to be that it is fine to take money from whoever as long as there are no direct strings attached:

That is what I am trying to ask, whether he has taken money from Meta the way he currently takes money from casinos.

Nour Agha :popos: replied to ocdtrekkie

@ocdtrekkie @feditips @bitflipped Even if we assume he's taken money from Meta, as long as there are no direct strings attached (which he apparently says), where is the problem? Meta contribute to tons of open source projects and organizations, including the Linux Foundation, Blender and many more. I hate Meta, but the narrowminded perspective of Meta = bad is wrong, because they give back and there's a lot of good work they have done and still do. Things aren't always black or white.

Cameron replied to Fedi.Tips

@feditips @ocdtrekkie agreed.

I think it's safe to say that we are all greatful for the Mastodon project, but putting the rumours to bed would help quell the unease that a lot of people are feeling right now.

ocdtrekkie replied to Cameron

@bitflipped @feditips He tried and now it's "not clear enough" because conspiracy theorists will always look for a way their wrong beliefs could still technically be true. This is an *embarrassing* thread for feditips to have propagated.

Doing a Tucker Carlson needs to be a bannable offense, imho.

Fedi.Tips 🎄 replied to ocdtrekkie

@ocdtrekkie @bitflipped

I'm concerned in the same way many have been concerned about Mozilla's relationship to Google.

Eugen himself brought up this example in the thread I linked to, did you read it?

ocdtrekkie replied to Fedi.Tips

@feditips @bitflipped And in that thread he... said anyone could donate to Patreon just like anyone else... and that conveys no authority, influence, or strings.

So unless the Patreon income has hockey-sticked way more than just "Mastodon is super popular this week", I'm not sure what you're on about, and even if they did donate, it wouldn't impact... anything?

Lonsfor replied to ocdtrekkie

@ocdtrekkie @feditips @bitflipped "you are not allowed to use the word 'concerned'"

actually deranged

Fedi.Tips 🎄 replied to ocdtrekkie

@ocdtrekkie @bitflipped

If you receive money from an organisation, you will naturally tend not to want to criticise that organisation.

That's how political lobbying works. That's why companies donate vast sums to political parties, even without any direct deals or demands. Donors make parties dependent on them, so that the parties naturally tend to not tread on donors' toes.

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