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Buster | Felipe

Yeah, now they are opensource friendly because free training data for shitty AI

O. Simard-Casanova in English

@pitbuster @feditips This is a patently false statement

Their pivot toward open source date back to 2013-ish, way before they started to invest in AI

Buster | Felipe

@osc yeah, I was trolling on that one, I admit. But, they open source tools here and there, and how they actually contribute to the rest of the ecosystem? There are ton of "open source friendly" corporations that are still shit.


Buster | Felipe replied to O. Simard-Casanova in English

@osc Dude, you are the one that brought MS to the thread. Meta also had a lot of opensource contributions and it doesn't change the fact that they profit on surveillance, which is the point @feditips was making all along.

O. Simard-Casanova in English replied to Buster | Felipe

@pitbuster @feditips I literally never disputed that Meta nor Microsoft profit on surveillance lol

Reading is a skill you usually learn in primary school, what about exercising it?

Buster | Felipe replied to O. Simard-Casanova in English

@osc lol an economist bragging about reading comprehension @feditips

Jon replied to Buster | Felipe

@pitbuster Yeah really. But I've also seen a lot of techies say "Facebook has contributed React and does a lot for open source software, so let's not talk about the genocide" so it's not just economists who take this kind of position.

It's kind of like saying "Monsanto has a great Pride float, so it's just fine to take funding from them!"

@osc @feditips

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