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misfit loser zealot patatas


I'm curious about one thing actually, if you get a chance to respond.

This is a company that has failed so badly at content moderation that:


they're being sued for reparations over their complicity with genocide


it is currently the world's largest platform for the distribution of CSAM, and is being used for child sex trafficking


allows anti-Trans and anti-LGBT+ content along with other hate speech to run rampant


has intentionally mishandled user data


runs psychological experiments on its users...

I'm wondering how it can be possible to federate with this company and not be violating the Mastodon Server Covenant, not to mention how it wouldn't be throwing all sense of ethics completely out the window.

Thanks 👍


@smallpatatas @Mastodon to play devil's advocate, the Mastodon Server Covenant can be interpreted as saying that you have to moderate your server against hate speech, not that you have to block your server from federating with any instance that doesn't do enough to stop hate speech.

"Users must have the confidence that they are joining a safe space" seems to imply that the instance covered under the Covenant must be a safe space; it's a stretch to interpret that as saying an instance must only federate with other instances that are safe spaces

meta sucks for other reasons obviously but i don't think you can break the Covenant just by federating with them

@smallpatatas @Mastodon to play devil's advocate, the Mastodon Server Covenant can be interpreted as saying that you have to moderate your server against hate speech, not that you have to block your server from federating with any instance that doesn't do enough to stop hate speech.

"Users must have the confidence that they are joining a safe space" seems to imply that the instance covered under the Covenant must be a safe space; it's a stretch to interpret that as saying an instance must only federate...

misfit loser zealot patatas

A safe sace implies that you won't be piled on by hate groups. That means you can't federate with a server that can't or won't moderate against those things. Because, you know, you'd be part of the same immediate network. This isn't a difficult concept.


@smallpatatas @Mastodon do you know whether any server has ever been removed from the official server picker for not defederating from a hate instance? (not rhetorical, this is a genuine question, bc it seems to me that the Covenant is deliberately ambiguous in this regard)


@XenonNSMB @smallpatatas @Mastodon

There are several (many?) servers my admin won't federate with because the users are obnoxious and the admin at that site doesn't do anything about it. I thought that was one of the main advantages of a federated system.

If Threads users are obnoxious and Meta doesn't do anything about it, then defederate. Given Meta's track record, it would seem to me that it will only be a few weeks before Meta starts getting defederated.

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