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Johannes Ernst

Apparently one can pickle #zucchini. Not particularly tasty, but acceptable. One way to deal with some of the monstrosities we found after merely being away for 8 days.

Johannes Ernst

โ€œTornado alley has shifted 500 miles to the east in 30 yearsโ€ and other surprising facts you may not know (like me) about #climate change.

Johannes Ernst

The head of the #threads project says:

"Politics and hard news are inevitably going to show up on Threads - they have on Instagram as well to some extent - but we're not going to do anything to encourage those verticals."



On Threads there seemed to be some push back on this. If Threads is just another Fediverse server then how they promote or moderate content is up to them. You can choose to use that server or not.

Once it is integrated, I assume through my chosen server ( I can follow anyone I like on Threads with a Mastodon experience.

Lee ๐ŸŒ

Watch Adam become a new right-wing hate figure...

Kรฉvin โš

@J12t "... that are interested in a less angry place for conversations ..."

Ah yes, the shining light that is Facebook, who totally never once performed social experiments to make people depressed and angry by adjusting their feeds

Johannes Ernst

Who, other than me, is pondering Geoff Moore Crossing-the-Chasm-style technology adoption cycles for the #fediverse right now?

Want to compare notes? I have some thoughts and could use some feedback.

Alessio :linux:

@J12t I was thinking about that some days ago, especially when it comes to other protocols (Nostr and Bluesky). Extremely curious to read your notes


@J12t Sure, I looked a lot at Roger's stuff during grad school, and Moore came into the discussion too. I'd have to check some old conference papers, but drop me a line.

Johannes Ernst

@tchambers "a hugely accelerated time of learning" -- indeed!!

Johannes Ernst

#Instagram annual revenue per user is about $25, averaged globally.

Will #threads revenue be higher or lower than that, if we assume threads is, as stated, instagram but for text?

Twitter revenue per user was much lower at $12, with a more US-based (and thus richer) user base, in comparison.

Iโ€™m asking because some of the company spend leading to this revenue could potentially be diverted into the fediverse, and the fediverse sure could use more investment.

Johannes Ernst

One of the most useful things that #Twitter does is customer support.

Will all those companies move over to #threads? Or set up their federated AP endpoints? Why / why not?

Johannes Ernst

If we sssume that #threads will be just like #instagram once the user signups stabilize, and monetization / ads have been turned on, except for text (with picture annotations) as opposed to pics/videos โ€ฆ

What is it actually useful for? The instagram user experience is optimized for passive consumption with minimal (โ€œlike!โ€) responses. How is that useful with text?

Johannes Ernst

Are Microblogging services (Twitter, mastodon, threadsโ€ฆ) and (group) messaging services (WhatsApp, iMessage, telegramโ€ฆ) really distinct product categories?

On the protocol side: ActivityPub and Matrix?

Today they are. But why? They sure overlap in many ways.

Johannes Ernst

#threads is at 70 million accounts this morning.

At this rate, they eclipse Twitter in mere weeks, and then the network effect turns negative against Twitter. So I expect everybody on Twitter to move to Threads in the next couple of months.

Iโ€™m sure it will also suck out some #mastodon users โ€” after all, there is a promise of #activitypub.

So the #fediverse terrain has just shifted very considerably. How do we adjust and turn this to our advantage?

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@J12t I havenโ€™t seen any shift here, just some posts about joining, seeing thatโ€™s itโ€™s terrible, and being unable to back out without also leaving Instagram


@J12t IMO, someone needs to make a very beginner friendly and attractive video that:
-Explains Mastodon with the level of detail that is needed for a beginner (keep it simple but accurate)
- Introduces different schools of thought for choosing an instance
- Links viewers to the various tools that lets them see what instances exist so they can choose one.

We just need to de-mystify Mastodon and make the entry process easier. Everything else falls into place once someone's account is created.

@J12t IMO, someone needs to make a very beginner friendly and attractive video that:
-Explains Mastodon with the level of detail that is needed for a beginner (keep it simple but accurate)
- Introduces different schools of thought for choosing an instance
- Links viewers to the various tools that lets them see what instances exist so they can choose one.

Ernie Smith

@J12t why wear golden handcuffs when I can move around freely

Johannes Ernst

In 2010 the social web was described as follows:

"... still not a "first-class" citizen of the Web: Social applications currently largely evolved as silos and thus implementations and integration are inconsistent, with little guarantees of privacy and enforcement of terms-of-service."

13 years later this is just as true as it was then. But: the #fediverse, for the first time IMHO, has a some real momentum now. How can we deliver now at web scale? ("the social web" -- not just some corner)

Johannes Ernst

Reading the 2010 Social Web incubator group report of the W3C.

It defines the social web as "a set of relationships that link together people over the Web."

That's interesting. Is that still true in 2023? Still the best definition?

Mariya Delano

@J12t very curious what people have to say on here

Johannes Ernst

Status: cheering for one feudal overlord (with a very bad history) over another (with an even worse history).

When will democracy take root?

#Meta #Twitter #Zuck #Elon #thread

Johannes Ernst

So #Twitter suddenly reminds/demands #Meta not scrape public Twitter data in their lawyer's letter today.

Twitter claimed a massive data scraping operation under way a few days ago as a justification for post read limits.

And Meta launches #Threads today. Which conveniently has no post / rate limits.

Does it sound like these events are entirely unconnected?

Johannes Ernst

So #PolyPoly is no more. Insolvent. Sorry to hear that. It was an interesting experiment combining for-profit, not-for-profit, and a coop.

I would love to see a postmortem, so other efforts trying to give control over #personal #data to individuals -- like mine! -- can learn from it. #personaldata #privacy

Johannes Ernst

Why does the Apple #appstore on the Mac not show me my last 4 downloads I made on the iPhone?


@J12t of course! I've got a blog post from over a dozen years ago when I talk about him ratcheting up the exploitation.

FYI @mariyadelano per your point yesterday about no ads on #threads (yet)


@J12t so now we know the first enshitification threshold when FB will pivot away from users to favor it's business customers.

Johannes Ernst

A lot of product roadmaps are going to be tossed today.


Johannes Ernst

So how does one scale up a web app from 0 to >30 million users in less than 24 hours?

Unless you run something like Instagram already, thatโ€™s not really a feat that can be done, no?

Hrefna (DHC)

@J12t Not trivially, no. It depends a bit on their QPS, but by the time you hit that many users you are looking at needing a bunch of components that all need to scale up individually.

Even scaling up that much if you already run something like instagram is not trivial.

Johannes Ernst

About now, #metaโ€™s #threads app is surpassing the size of the #fediverse. According to mark zuckerberg, it took 7 hours since opening it up for 10 million sign-ups.

Let that sink in. 7 hours for 10 million sign-ups. It took the fediverse โ€ฆ at least 5 years since the standard, and lots of time before that?

This is significantly faster than even the most aggressive projections. At this speed, #twitter will be surpassed within weeks not months.

Will they keep their #activitypub commitment?

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Emma Builds ๐Ÿš€

@J12t believing anything Zuckerberg says is doing a lot of work here.

And the obsession with numbers is part of the problem.

Rob Gilton

@J12t will they keep their activitypub commitment? No, of course not! In the short term it makes them look good to regulators.

In the long term they'll kill it off, probably with some handwavy justification along the lines of "spam is difficult", or "monetisation" etc.

Dennis Jernberg

@J12t I heard it's now (at this writing) 50M. Of course that's easy if you make signing up trivial (if you're on Instagram, just one click puts you on Threads too).

As for their ActivityPub commitment, my Mastodon timeline's already showing instance admins declaring they've already blocked Threads...

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