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1,552 posts total
Jeff Sikes

@J12t It's obvious it got rushed out when they saw the mass migrations happening from the latest Twittaster. Bluesky will certainly put a ding in their growth. It might push them to get that ActivityPub integration up and running. The ding on growth will be true of Mastodon and other fediverse platforms, too.

Johannes Ernst

#meta’s new #threads app supposedly had 2 million sign-ups in the first 2 hours!!! According to Zuck on Threads.

Johannes Ernst

So I'm on #threads to check it out. So far it's surprisingly basic. Can't even find hash tags.

Matthew Miller :donor:

@J12t GIFs are also non-obvious to post too, you have to paste them into the post. Clearly they'll make stuff like that more obvious as they iterate on the UI, I'm curious to see how they expand on this.

Mariya Delano

@J12t I was quite disappointed that there are no hashtags or feed customizability options

Johannes Ernst

I’ve been complaining so much about terrible #ux from my kitchen stove and coffee grinder to various fediverse apps. But I think the ride sharing apps’ maps animated with the currently location of the approaching driver is brilliant.

Alex Voss

@J12t You mean the one where I can see that the driver has turned and is heading away from me again? ;o)

Johannes Ernst

Tuesday was even hotter than Monday, which was the globally hottest day ever recorded. I had speculated the Monday record wouldn’t stand long. I did not think it would be 24 hours.
#climate #weather

Johannes Ernst

Greetings from the airport in Phoenix, AZ, where it apparently is 110F (43C) at 8pm. Whoever thought building a major city here was a good idea…

Johannes Ernst

I was wrong. I get to greet you all not just from the airport, but from the city itself! First American takes a long time to find a part to repair the plane we were waiting in, and then they canceled the flight and took us back off that plane. Next try: tomorrow morning.
Currently waiting curbside for hotel pickup. It has cooled down to a mere 98F.


@J12t hadn't ever heard of global warming or global climate change :)

Johannes Ernst

#Meta's #Threads #Twitter competitor apparently will not be available in the #EU due to #GDPR: it collects too much personal data! What a handicap for them!
Also, many non-EU countries follow GDPR principles as the gold standard, so it's doubtful there as well.
And then we have California with the CCPA and Colorado etc that have similar provisions.
Meta -- why would you cripple your effort like this from the get-go?


@J12t wasn’t the supposed motivation to claim compliance with EU interoperability requirements? Is this a failure or a sign that they have a different motivation?


@J12t it is launching in the uk I believe


@J12t I’m tempted to be impressed with how quickly it went from rumor to expected launch, but I’m not holding my breath on either the date or the usability

Are they calling it an Instagram app rather than a Meta app because they think Instagram (by Meta) has a better reputation?

Disappointing but not surprising that the tracking footprint is basically that they’ll spy on you every way they can

Johannes Ernst

Ouch. “Such theories are compelling, but they all share a flaw, in that they presuppose both a rational actor and a plan.”

Not that I disagree with the Atlantic. #twitter

Johannes Ernst

I just realized that kids these days have no idea what “multimedia” is. It has always been that way for them.

Johannes Ernst

I was today years old to learn that “sonata” is the past participle of “to sound” as opposed to “cantata” which is that of “to sing”. #classicalmusic


@J12t pretty much one & the same, in this case

Shantell Powell

@J12t glass skyscrapers kill birds. People spraying pesticides kills birds. People cutting down trees (especially during nesting season) kills birds. Free-roaming cats kill birds. Bird flu kills birds. Warming oceans kill birds.

Mike D

I should have known it was his post since is often doing stats.

Let's see how the next week goes.


Johannes Ernst

If you didn't think that #Meta has been thinking in detail about the #EU's Digital Markets act, consider this:

"Meta is planning to let people in the EU download apps through Facebook" /
"Thanks to the EU’s Digital Markets Act, Meta sees an opening to compete with the app stores."

Johannes Ernst

Re-reading tyhe #EU Digital Services Act and Digital Markets Act ... it strikes me again, how much the stated objective is to "improve the proper functioning of the internal market".

We do not have a political objective like this one in the US. Not that I know of anyway. What would happen if we did?

James M.

@J12t consumers would be much better off, almost certainly.

Ever since Reagan, regulations of corporations and enforcement against monopolies have been gutted. This has been especially damaging in our age of quick technological advancement.

Bob Wyman

@J12t Amercian competition law was changed dramatically by a movement led by Robert Bork who taught that the law should focus only on business practices' impact on prices. Prior to Bork, antitrust had often addressed issues related to market power, concentration, barriers to entry, etc. Bork and Reagan dramatically limited the scope of antitrust enforcement.

Many hope that Biden's FTC Chair, LIna Kahn, will return the law of competition to its roots.

Johannes Ernst

ActivityPub everywhere?

That might very well be a medium-term consequence of Meta starting to implement it for their upcoming Twitter competitor.


#meta #activitypub

Bob Wyman

@J12t With "ActivityPub everywhere" innovators won't have to invest in audience building, they will instead be able to focus on delivering innovative and distinct user experiences. Rather than building the general clients needed to attract broad audiences, innovators may invest effort in addressing the needs of specific communities. Journalists, chemists, physicists, the blind, photographers, etc. all have distinct needs that could and should be addressed by specific clients or client-features.


@J12t hello I am unsure about your reading of the regulatory triggers. Interoperability measures are introduced in the DMA and not the DSA. But more importantly they concern only messaging services. While the specific services have not been named, the discussion concerns services like WhatsApp and Matrix, not Instagram and Mastodon. For this reason #ActivityPub will most probably not be the protocol at the heart of #DMA messaging interoperability. #Matrix is a good candidate

Johannes Ernst

"Our records indicate that in 2022, Equifax received a Right to Know request from you under the California Consumer Privacy Act. Due to a technology issue, which has been resolved, the Right to Know request was not processed successfully."

How convenient? At least supposedly it has been fixed. #CCPA #privacy #equifax

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